1 DPO today, Jan 9th. Anyone else just entering the 2ww??Buddies wanted-5 BFPs so far

Well 11 dpo today and no symptoms :( Not even sore boobs which i usually have by now as pms symptom.Just an odd pain in my boobs every now n again. Cramps in abdomen have more or less subsided and what i am feeling is more like the :witch: preparing to make her grand enterance. Feeling very doubtful for this month. Feeling really low n so fed up with hearing ppl have either just had babies or have found out they are goin to have one. 4 of my friends have had babies over xmas n now 2 friends having babies. 1 friend told me today n i do feel extremely happy for her and just keep wondering y is it not me :(. Ah well if its meant to b, its meant to b....just need to hope it happens soon as the OH told me that if it dont happen soon hes goin for a vasectomy :( as hes not really pushed on another one coz our (baby) is now 4. :( :(

Sorry for the vent girls but i needed it........
Leanne those stinking evap line really really suck. I've had so many on just about every kind of test ( except FRER unless I took the test apart) its not funny, they get your hopes up but that's all they are most of the time if it after the time limit. I've even had some that looked like they had color but they were still after the time limit and still just evaps.

Well I think I had some early symptoms last night but not real sure. I had a mild headache that did get worse by this morning but I did forget to take some med for it bc I fell asleep. I had OMG severe lower back pain last night, and I had this weird felling in my lower abdomen that I don't ever remember having before even with all my other kids. I want to say it felt like cramping but it didn't really feel like that it felt more like a stretching feeling, am I crazy or does that really happen. Like I said I've never had that sensation before so its weird. Plus I would only 5 dpo based on my cm, But 9 dpo based on my calendar. This not knowing where I'm at is just driving me crazy.

the limbo land drives us ALL :wacko:

Well 11 dpo today and no symptoms :( Not even sore boobs which i usually have by now as pms symptom.Just an odd pain in my boobs every now n again. Cramps in abdomen have more or less subsided and what i am feeling is more like the :witch: preparing to make her grand enterance. Feeling very doubtful for this month. Feeling really low n so fed up with hearing ppl have either just had babies or have found out they are goin to have one. 4 of my friends have had babies over xmas n now 2 friends having babies. 1 friend told me today n i do feel extremely happy for her and just keep wondering y is it not me :(. Ah well if its meant to b, its meant to b....just need to hope it happens soon as the OH told me that if it dont happen soon hes goin for a vasectomy :( as hes not really pushed on another one coz our (baby) is now 4. :( :(

Sorry for the vent girls but i needed it........

I thnk we have all been there and felt that. It will be your turn soon! Whenever I get down...I just remember how lucky I am to have my beautiful DD and give her a nice squeeze. :flower:
Karkey, no no by all means vent away that what were here for, each other. I know first hand that its hard to start all over again when you have one that's four. My girls were 5 and 6 when we started over and now we have a total of 5 the youngest being almost 2. Although it was hard starting over with a new baby when my girls just started school I still managed to room mom for both of my girls classes and my son loved to wait in the car to pick them up from school. We had some really good memories. Plus having my girls around at that age was helpful as well. If I for got to grab something for his bath it's not like I could leave him to go get it and they were always there and they Loved to help. If I needed to cook supper you know a lot of the times the baby doesn't like to be left behind but my girls would stay with him and entertain him with toys, funny faces, or what ever they came up with so they were really a blessing. I wish you luck and lots of baby dust, stay positive, try not to stress, and remember your not out until the witch shows her ugly face. Lol
And definitely feel free to vent away.

AFM, I am just exhausted. Need some coffee. Bad night last with DD sleeping. Think had tummy hurt. Also worked out last night and this morning. Just Want to sleep. :sleep: had some Green tea but may need some coffee.
Thanks girls for lending ur ears n kind words. its not easy went OH doesnt really want another n ur maternal spider senses are in overdrive n every month is a :bfn: I do look at my kids n b thankful every day dat i have them. I just feel sorry for my DD as i was an only girl in a house of boys n a sister was something i always prayed hard for but unfortunately didn't get. and even in adult life i feel that my brothers n mama expect too much of me being an only girl n always wish i had a sister to help lighten the load. I know she wouldn't feel lonely with 3 brothers but wud just b nice for her to have a sister to share life with. Guess i just don't want her to feel like i do which is probably selfish of me.
I'm 8dpo, very tender bbs.

I'm envious of all of you, as you have dear children already....we are ttc even one at this point.

Appt w/GYN set up for February.

Not feeling positive this month, but won't know until next Tuesday if AF arrives or if a bfp is in my future.

Been a rough road.
Very tender boobs are a good sign! Hope u get ur bb soon hun.
I'm 8dpo, very tender bbs.

I'm envious of all of you, as you have dear children already....we are ttc even one at this point.

Appt w/GYN set up for February.

Not feeling positive this month, but won't know until next Tuesday if AF arrives or if a bfp is in my future.

Been a rough road.

Big hugs, it is hard. I remember all too well how hard it was ttc #1 and watching everyone else get pregnant and have babies. Fingers, toes, eyes crossed for you this month!!
Hope everyone is doing okay!! This is always the hardest part of the month, isn't it? Trying to figure out if every possible symptom means something! Jealous of everyone testing, but I am still trying to hold out for another week if I can.

Just to provide some hope - I didn't have any symptoms when pregnant with my daughter (or with the two early m/c I've had) until well after the BFP. I know everyone is different, but you're not out of the game just because you haven't noticed anything different yet!

Most of us halfway done the tww now, we can do it, ladies!! :thumbup:

I live in Wilmslow now but did all my studying in Manchester.



I did my PhD in Manchester, too! I was in the School of Nursing at the University of Manchester. I hear you guys had some snow recently? To be honest I don't have a lot of sympathy - we had almost a foot a few days ago! lol!! Hope your tww is going okay!!

Thanks girls for lending ur ears n kind words. its not easy went OH doesnt really want another n ur maternal spider senses are in overdrive n every month is a :bfn: I do look at my kids n b thankful every day dat i have them. I just feel sorry for my DD as i was an only girl in a house of boys n a sister was something i always prayed hard for but unfortunately didn't get. and even in adult life i feel that my brothers n mama expect too much of me being an only girl n always wish i had a sister to help lighten the load. I know she wouldn't feel lonely with 3 brothers but wud just b nice for her to have a sister to share life with. Guess i just don't want her to feel like i do which is probably selfish of me.

I have 3 brothers and a sister...I am super close with my sister, but I love my brothers too! I am sure you will be pg soon, hopefully with a girl, but either way, you can always treat her differently then your family treated you! :thumbup:

I'm 8dpo, very tender bbs.

I'm envious of all of you, as you have dear children already....we are ttc even one at this point.

Appt w/GYN set up for February.

Not feeling positive this month, but won't know until next Tuesday if AF arrives or if a bfp is in my future.

Been a rough road.

fx'ed hunny...sorry its been a long, rough road. :hugs:

Very tender boobs are a good sign! Hope u get ur bb soon hun.

very true!

I'm 8dpo, very tender bbs.

I'm envious of all of you, as you have dear children already....we are ttc even one at this point.

Appt w/GYN set up for February.

Not feeling positive this month, but won't know until next Tuesday if AF arrives or if a bfp is in my future.

Been a rough road.

Big hugs, it is hard. I remember all too well how hard it was ttc #1 and watching everyone else get pregnant and have babies. Fingers, toes, eyes crossed for you this month!!

It still is hard, when I see people sometimes who have babies younger then me, but I know my time will come. In one way or another you will get your baby hun! I just know it!!

Hope everyone is doing okay!! This is always the hardest part of the month, isn't it? Trying to figure out if every possible symptom means something! Jealous of everyone testing, but I am still trying to hold out for another week if I can.

Just to provide some hope - I didn't have any symptoms when pregnant with my daughter (or with the two early m/c I've had) until well after the BFP. I know everyone is different, but you're not out of the game just because you haven't noticed anything different yet!

Most of us halfway done the tww now, we can do it, ladies!! :thumbup:

this week is the worst! I need to stop testing...going :wacko:

I didnt; have many symptoms either with DD early on...just sore boobs, bleeding gums and metallic taste.
this week is the worst! I need to stop testing...going :wacko:

I didnt; have many symptoms either with DD early on...just sore boobs, bleeding gums and metallic taste.

Ha! Now you have me SS - my gums bled a bit when I was brushing my teeth this morning! I am soooo tempted to test but only have cheap tests from the $ store and I don't think they're super sensitive. I have a huge stash of opk's though - maybe I'll break those out just for a laugh...
I got twitchy today. I felt dizzy and faint, which was my first definite sign with my DD.

This is the first thing I told hubby about and he thought I might well be "sounds familiar!" he said.

I did my PhD in the School of Pharmacy, which used to be in the same building as the Nursing School.

I got twitchy today. I felt dizzy and faint, which was my first definite sign with my DD.

This is the first thing I told hubby about and he thought I might well be "sounds familiar!" he said.

I did my PhD in the School of Pharmacy, which used to be in the same building as the Nursing School.


Dizziness is promising! That was one of my first signs, too! Fingers crossed!

I was in that building - Coupland! I was up on the 4th floor 'attic' when I worked there as an RA before doing my PhD. lol! Small world!

love all the PhDs we have in here! I will hopefully get mine next spring...in neuroscience.

the fatigue is REALLY bad!! I just want to sleep...and I am NOT the napping type...

my rational self is telling me that...your just tired because of the workouts or because of the increased progesterone...my baby crazy self is saying its because your eggo is preggo. :haha:
"Eggo is preggo" made me laugh out loud at work :) Lets hope that's the case!!

I'm exhausted today too but could just be long days...
That made me laugh, too! It's funny how fast two weeks can go by when not ttc but how slllllow they can by in the tww. Sigh...
seriously! SO slow...:sleep:

I am getting some answer tests tonight...I might be tempted to test tomorrow with FMU...:haha:

more crampy....

feel less sleepy after some :coffee: I dunno how I am going to get through a pregnancy with a baby who won't let me sleep and my job the way it is without some :coffee:

do you ladies not drink caffeine/alcohol during the tww??? I cut out the alcohol after sat, but I need alittle :coffee: to keep me afloat. In a dark room on a microscope....:sleep:
The thought of a toddler and a newborn does terrify me a little, I'll admit. As far as my thoughts on caffeine/alcohol...

When pregnant I stay below the recommended levels of caffeine (but don't cut it out completely) and don't drink any alcohol.

When ttc I try to cut down on both (not a big drinker anyway so that's not a huge deal, I frequently go weeks if not months without a drink). I'll maybe have a decaf coffee in place of a regular one here and there. When we were ttc #1 I never drank at all during the tww. Then: one month turned into two months, turned into 6 months, turned into a year, turned into a m/c, etc etc. We conceived DD the cycle right after a m/c - I didn't think there was any chance of conceiving right away so I didn't use opks, track cm, or bother watching what I was drinking (it was December and we were moving back to Canada from the UK so a bit of a crazy time with Christmas and goodbye parties, etc). I try to have a much more relaxed take on the whole thing now.

So while I do try to watch what I'm eating and drinking in the tww, I figure you have no idea how long it will take and life won't go on hold for you. :shrug:
The thought of a toddler and a newborn does terrify me a little, I'll admit. As far as my thoughts on caffeine/alcohol...

When pregnant I stay below the recommended levels of caffeine (but don't cut it out completely) and don't drink any alcohol.

When ttc I try to cut down on both (not a big drinker anyway so that's not a huge deal, I frequently go weeks if not months without a drink). I'll maybe have a decaf coffee in place of a regular one here and there. When we were ttc #1 I never drank at all during the tww. Then: one month turned into two months, turned into 6 months, turned into a year, turned into a m/c, etc etc. We conceived DD the cycle right after a m/c - I didn't think there was any chance of conceiving right away so I didn't use opks, track cm, or bother watching what I was drinking (it was December and we were moving back to Canada from the UK so a bit of a crazy time with Christmas and goodbye parties, etc). I try to have a much more relaxed take on the whole thing now.

So while I do try to watch what I'm eating and drinking in the tww, I figure you have no idea how long it will take and life won't go on hold for you. :shrug:

thats a good attitude and I totally agree...not to put life on hold...but not to go binge drinking either during the tww...I never drank while pregnant, I did have green tea and some soda....no coffee...my caffeine intake now I am pretty sure is above what it should be...going to be a tough adjustment, if and when I am up the duff again.

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