Thank u ladies.
The bleeding started yesterday and is very heavy today with clots.
I'm ok but I'm still really heartbroken.

I have spoken with a doctor and I am being referred to the recurring miscarriage unit at the hospital.
We can still try while we wait for the appointment.
Will probably not try this cycle though I just don't feel ready right now and I want to give my body a break for a month b4 trying again as that's what's recommended after a chemical.
I'm going to start taking macca root and folate.
My doctor said the hospital may put me on medication and may do a scan to rule out fibroids or anything else.
She said all my bloods are normal so its not hormone related.
I really hope I can get to the bottom of why this keeps on happening, and I really hope it can be fixed with meds.

I'm very anxious about TTC now, its just not fun anymore its scary.
I pray that I never have to go through this again and the next time I fall pregnant its healthy and extra sticky.
I won't be testing really early anymore as that's only led to heartbreak. Unless I have crazy ass symptoms like I did with my son. Then I may test around 13dpo when I know the lines shud be blazing
I was still getting lines on tests on the day my period was due but they were alot fainter.
Then the bleeding started 1 day late.
Thank you for all ure comments.
I don't know if I'm ever gonna get my rainbow but I'm going to keep trying.
I have been praying for guidance on this whole thing and that's another reason why I don't want to try this cycle.
Will probably be back to trying in December.
Wudnt it be grand to get a Christmas BFP