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(134) March 2012 Testers! 41 BFPs! Find your TTC/Bump Buddy Here!

Good Morning Ladies,

I went for my follicle check last night and had a total of 6!!! One of them were too small though so I have 5 good ones. I got my trigger shot last night and my doctor suggested we do a double IUI so I have my first IUI tonight and my second tomorrow. Wish me luck!!!!

And what does WTT mean???
Good Morning Ladies,

I went for my follicle check last night and had a total of 6!!! One of them were too small though so I have 5 good ones. I got my trigger shot last night and my doctor suggested we do a double IUI so I have my first IUI tonight and my second tomorrow. Wish me luck!!!!

And what does WTT mean???

Good luck!! That sounds really promising! :)

And WTT = Wait to try
Helloooo MARCH Maddness!!!!

Sending a warm welcome to all the new joiners BBEAR690 and MANNY82 hoping this is OUR month! I am so sorry that some of you are here from January/February thread!! GL FXD!:dust:

ILIKECAKE sometimes I do the AM OPKs, however, most I have say between 2-8pm. So I usually do them then and only once until about 5 days before suspected OV. As for OH, I hope that you are having PG paranoid feelings, as it is a horrible feeling to be cheated on, GL FXD!:dust:

ABBY75 BD!!!!!! GL FXD!:dust:

CRYSTAL5483 Thanks Hun! They are such a helpful tool I developed to get me through my loss and continuous TTC.... Check the 1st page, April thread is POSTED!!!:dust:

For Me Ladies, this is cycle 30+, hang in there!

>>>On 8DPO end your post with a little SS (symptom spotting) to help everyone here as we all go through the TWW...

AFM... CD28/13DPO: Well, I tested today, in honor of our Angel. BFN. I took my temp as well, it is still about 98.64, but.... I am feeling AF symptoms, including the achy bbs. I am not as hopeful but will continue to track symptoms until AF arrives. AF is due on Saturday..... today has started off hard, as I knew it would. I am now working towards a new TTC focus. Sad day for me today, so I apologize if I am not on as much as you all may have gotten accustomed to. I hope you all enjoyed your Valentine's Day!:dust:

*First Page Updated*
Ugh I totally quoted the wrong thing when I posted. This is what happens when I'm using my phone at work and don't want to get caught LOL

Im sorry ilikecake. We are all here for you!
Helloooo MARCH Maddness!!!!

Sending a warm welcome to all the new joiners BBEAR690 and MANNY82 hoping this is OUR month! I am so sorry that some of you are here from January/February thread!! GL FXD!:dust:

ILIKECAKE sometimes I do the AM OPKs, however, most I have say between 2-8pm. So I usually do them then and only once until about 5 days before suspected OV. As for OH, I hope that you are having PG paranoid feelings, as it is a horrible feeling to be cheated on, GL FXD!:dust:

ABBY75 BD!!!!!! GL FXD!:dust:

CRYSTAL5483 Thanks Hun! They are such a helpful tool I developed to get me through my loss and continuous TTC.... Check the 1st page, April thread is POSTED!!!:dust:

For Me Ladies, this is cycle 30+, hang in there!

>>>On 8DPO end your post with a little SS (symptom spotting) to help everyone here as we all go through the TWW...

AFM... CD28/13DPO: Well, I tested today, in honor of our Angel. BFN. I took my temp as well, it is still about 98.64, but.... I am feeling AF symptoms, including the achy bbs. I am not as hopeful but will continue to track symptoms until AF arrives. AF is due on Saturday..... today has started off hard, as I knew it would. I am now working towards a new TTC focus. Sad day for me today, so I apologize if I am not on as much as you all may have gotten accustomed to. I hope you all enjoyed your Valentine's Day!:dust:

*First Page Updated*

I hid for a while but then realized how much I needed the support of people outside DH. I'm excited for the April thread! Means my three month wait is almost over!!!
MrsMM24 - thinking of you and DW today - must be really hard. 13dpo is still early for some though so I am not uncrossing my fingers for you yet!

I am dreading what should have been my due date in April. If it hadn't implanted in my tube I would be winding down at work to finish in another 5-6weeks and then off work until Sept. It looks like I am may still be unpregnant by Sept!
Good Morning Ladies,

I went for my follicle check last night and had a total of 6!!! One of them were too small though so I have 5 good ones. I got my trigger shot last night and my doctor suggested we do a double IUI so I have my first IUI tonight and my second tomorrow. Wish me luck!!!!

And what does WTT mean???

Good luck!! That sounds really promising! :)

And WTT = Wait to try

I hope so!! What CD are you on?
ginny83 - I don't know what's going on with your OPKs! The only advice I can give is to :sex: just in case! Especially with the EWCM.

Ilikecake - Oh I so hope you're wrong hun. Have you confronted him yet? :hugs:

lizlovelust - Sorry to hear that hun. Is it because of your rough cycle? :hugs:

haj624 - I already wished you luck on the other thread but I guess you can't have enough so I'm wishing you more luck! :flower:

MrsMM24 - I am so sorry you didn't get your BFP on the date you wanted. I know how much you wanted it. I hope you'll still get it this cycle xx

AFM - CD11 & 26 days left until testing. I should be ov next week & I can't wait! Looking forward to being back in the TWW. I am so relaxed & positive this cycle - let's hope it continues!
I'm CD12 today. :) Still waiting on ov, but it could happen in the next few days. I'm wavering between working DH for all he's worth until ov happens :haha: or going every other day and hoping for the best. But I'm trying not to stress out about it. Easier said than done, I suppose. :)
MrsMM24 it's not over till the :witch: flies :dust:

Ilikecake sorry to hear about your struggles, we are all here for you :hugs:

Haj624 GL FX'd :dust:
Well I have alot of brown blood in my discharge today, my body is all over the place

Before coil removal my periods where around the 27th of each month lovely 28 day cycle

After coil removed massive bleed for 5 days starting the 17th jan
Af arrive 7th feb?.( think it was Af heavy bleeding for 4 days)

Now bloody discharge 15th?

Don't know if I am Oving, Says I'm not on the test
I'm CD12 today. :) Still waiting on ov, but it could happen in the next few days. I'm wavering between working DH for all he's worth until ov happens :haha: or going every other day and hoping for the best. But I'm trying not to stress out about it. Easier said than done, I suppose. :)

Be careful!! I wore DH out last month so we're sticking with every second day for now & next week (when ov is due) we'll do it as much as possible. Last month he was worn out we couldn't do it as much as we'd have liked around ov.
ginny83 - I don't know what's going on with your OPKs! The only advice I can give is to :sex: just in case! Especially with the EWCM.

Ilikecake - Oh I so hope you're wrong hun. Have you confronted him yet? :hugs:

lizlovelust - Sorry to hear that hun. Is it because of your rough cycle? :hugs:

haj624 - I already wished you luck on the other thread but I guess you can't have enough so I'm wishing you more luck! :flower:

MrsMM24 - I am so sorry you didn't get your BFP on the date you wanted. I know how much you wanted it. I hope you'll still get it this cycle xx

AFM - CD11 & 26 days left until testing. I should be ov next week & I can't wait! Looking forward to being back in the TWW. I am so relaxed & positive this cycle - let's hope it continues!

I'll take all the luck i can get :thumbup:

MrsMM24 it's not over till the :witch: flies :dust:

Ilikecake sorry to hear about your struggles, we are all here for you :hugs:

Haj624 GL FX'd :dust:

Thanks Abby!!
My OPK is so dark still


And i took another photo of the FRER i did a few days ago and i swear i see something


My OPK is so dark still


And i took another photo of the FRER i did a few days ago and i swear i see something



Have you taken another test? Might be worth it if nothing else to put your mind at rest. If that was a couple of days ago you would def know if you took one now. Good luck!
Helloooo MARCH Maddness!!!!

Sending a warm welcome to all the new joiners BBEAR690 and MANNY82 hoping this is OUR month! I am so sorry that some of you are here from January/February thread!! GL FXD!:dust:

ILIKECAKE sometimes I do the AM OPKs, however, most I have say between 2-8pm. So I usually do them then and only once until about 5 days before suspected OV. As for OH, I hope that you are having PG paranoid feelings, as it is a horrible feeling to be cheated on, GL FXD!:dust:

ABBY75 BD!!!!!! GL FXD!:dust:

CRYSTAL5483 Thanks Hun! They are such a helpful tool I developed to
get me through my loss and continuous TTC.... Check the 1st page, April thread is POSTED!!!:dust:

For Me Ladies, this is cycle 30+, hang in there!

>>>On 8DPO end your post with a little SS (symptom spotting) to help everyone here as we all go through the TWW...

AFM... CD28/13DPO: Well, I tested today, in honor of our Angel. BFN.
I took my temp as well, it is still about 98.64, but.... I am feeling AF symptoms, including the achy bbs. I am not as hopeful but will continue to track symptoms until AF arrives. AF is due on Saturday..... today has started off hard, as I knew it would. I am now working towards a new TTC focus. Sad day for me today, so I apologize if I am not on as much as you all may have gotten accustomed to. I hope you all enjoyed your Valentine's Day!:dust:

*First Page Updated*

I'm so sorry! We know our badly you wanted it this cycle. We are all here for you, like you are for us every month! big hugs x
My OPK is so dark still


And i took another photo of the FRER i did a few days ago and i swear i see something



I definitely think you should retest. But beware. I had a line on my FRER 24 hours after a straight negative. And that time I wasn't pregnant.
OK - so I'm getting negative OPKs now, so i'm guessing my surge has finished!

My temps have gone up a little bit over the past couple of days, but still no spike or crosshairs. Is this normal for temps to rise slowly after O? This is my first cycle temping so I'm not sure what to expect
Hi everyone! I have been stalking this site for many months, And just worked up enough courage to join myself! My husband and I have been trying for 9 cycles, I'm on CD 2 today so I guess we're onto cycle #10. Anyway, I plan to test on March 16th. I hope we all get our BFPs!!!!

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