18-25's!!...young yummy mummies xx

Welcome Naaxi :) x
Welcome hope&faith, im good thanks just realli worried atm as waiting for some results to come through and you? x
Sambam- How are you doing hun? x
Twiggy- Well done hun ! :) What profession are you now looking to go into? x
well i thought this month might be my month but with 10 days still to go i am feeling very heavy down there and quite nasueus .... not sure what this is and really feel like :witch: is going to come.

But im not sure what is causing me to feel like this today?

Any help?
Twiggy- Well done hun ! :) What profession are you now looking to go into? x

:D thanks luv! Im in media so hopefully be going into Public Relations, journalism or tv! Hows u doin hun? Wots been happnin?!

Hi Hope&Faith! Welcome to the YYM's btw! :happydance: shame bout u feelin low..maybe it could be preggers hormones?!! Do u usually get this kind of feeling b4 AF or is this a new kind of 'groggyness'? That could help u figure it out...

Hope&faith not sure hun- maybe ask in the ttc sec ? xx
Twiggy- Aww thats brill hun :) Well done xx Im ok hun and you? Ive had a checkup for std's so wont know results till 2 wks time :( x
i dont normally feel anything at this point in my cycle ... will see how i feel tommorrow
sarah1989 - have u tested today?! The other night u described didnt sound like fun..i woulda told OH to get his butt home- OR ELSE! lol

lol trust me I wanted to say that, but he doesnt get out often, so I let it slide. I just sent DH out to get me a test and I am scared outta my mind to take it! But at same time hope he is home soon!! Wish me Luck with a :BFP:!!!!
moomin_troll - welcome hun! :) nice to have another new addition to the YYM's!!

claire_love - how was the ultrasound hun?

sarah1989 - have u tested today?! The other night u described didnt sound like fun..i woulda told OH to get his butt home- OR ELSE! lol

Naaxi - welcome to the YYM's hunni! Wow so ur a ttc'er with a difference...i dont really know much about the in's and out's of sperm donation...what are the steps you are taking?! Is is like...*scuse my ignorance* a catalogue type thing where u choose by character types of the donor? Sorry, i dont know much about it...must be a pretty difficult process though!

Well ladies, had my very last exam EVER today!! Im now the proud owner of a university degree :) woo hoo! Now thats out the way...bring on the babies!! lol xxxxx

Hey Twiggy - Im fine, it went okie, had to have an internal scan but put it this way... I have never seen such a looooong condom in all my life!!!!!! :O it was huge!!!!! Lol

The Scanner found my right overy, which she was cheery about, but then she couldnt find my left one and when she did, spent 20mins on that overy... so my feelings are that somethings wrong with the overy on the left!(Stupid thing!!)

Just trying to concertrate on passing my theroy test tomorrow!!! I cant seem to get over 40 points (& you need 43!!) So i'm hoping someones looking out for me in the sky!! :)

Hope all the YYM are okie and having lots of :sex: !!!
Ladies i am so sorry,
it has been so hectic with me this week, me and oh have been so busy with days out...i am testing sunday..24th then again on the 29th (oh's bday) so i will have to let u know abt 29th after my holiday
so much has happened...how are you all?! sorry to be so out of touch xx :hug: :dust:
I just don't know what we are doing wrong... it has been 14months now and not even a glimmer of hope. This time I really thought we had it, as I have been cramping all week, and really thought that this would be a good thing... and then :witch: never showed on Tuesday and it made me even more hopeful, but then I chose today to test, our anniversary... and now it has made my day horrible, and I feel awful.

I come here day after day and see more and more people getting their bfp's (not that I am not happy for them, I am) but people who were here when I joined are now parents... and it is just so upsetting. Why can't this happen for us???
Sarah1989 - :hugs: Dont get yourself down about it, i know its hard!!! Enjoy your anniversary and relax... you never know if you relax and try not to think about it.. it may just happen.. :)

LOTS of baby dust for you lovely!! :)

Maybe baby- Thought you fell off the earth!! Lol, Good luck for testing on Sunday!!!
no no ladies i am back back back and been catching up with u all...glad we are all progressing...i am sorry to be so lousy...testing sunday...negative feelin for this month some how but who knows...there will always be next month :) 2nd test day will be in africa...thats 2 days after witch due so will have to let u know after hols...
how are u all?! whats new?! im so sorry :( forgive me?
Maybe Baby - I forgive you :)
I would love to go to africa - were going to Cuba for three weeks for our honeymoon in 2012!!! :) so that needs to hurry itself along! Off to spain in July - trouble is.. i hate flying! So it's gonna be fun going to Cuba!! :)
Hey, I'm with u on that one, I hate flying too! I'm off to spain in 5 weeks, so if this isn't my month I'm gonna have a ttc break and make the most of the free bar :rofl:
Hope everyone is well! Enjoy the bank holiday weekend!!! :happydance:
hey everyone !! i feel stressed out my mind !!.. ive alredy posted a thread about it... but in here its more like my wee private rant to yous girls... basically DH's dads girlfriend came up last nite ans caused a big row and tried to lash out at me - but DHs dad held her back... im furious ! Bailey was in the nxt room sleeping ! They dont know we are ttc... mayebe even could b preg just now... and she is acting like tht !! she is 60 and a school teacher !! ohhh im just sooo mad now !!

How is everyone else... ???
Really sorry sarah...:hugs: i really hope things work out for u hun, :hug:
Maybe baby - there is life out there after all !! j.k
Im testing 4th june...seems miles away just now !!
MaybeBaby goin to Africa (pretty hard to top), Beee goin to Spain, Claire_love off to bloody Cuba (omg ur tan is guna be awsum) =everyone's going on holiday....except me! :rofl: damit. Think i might get OH on the case for a cheeky wee break sumwhere hot!! All these holidays r guna end up with :bfp:'s!!

Sammi- wats with the crazy OH's dad gf?! Why'd she start on you?! Id have told her to get the hell outta my house- cheeky b**ch!! At 60 years old she should know better!! And hey, dont say 4th June is ages away- thats wen im getting my 2nd round of bloods done damit! lol...the wait is already killing me..duno bout u, im goin crackers knowin i have to wait til then to get blood sucked outta me with a needle...never mind to test!!! :dohh:

Update on meee- well in the words of George Michael..FREEEDOOM!!! Iv finished uni and have NO MORE EXAMS!!!....and just had a whole day of trying on wedding dresses and spending time with my friends gorgeous baby girl :) good day in the twiggy camp :D xxxx
Hi girls!:hi::happydance: I am 21 and I'm from Alabama! Me and my husband are TTC Baby#1! My name is ashley simmons! I would love to be a part of ttc buddies!!!:happydance:
Hey Everyone :happydance::happydance:

Twiggy - Feck knows whats up with Dh's dads gf !! Shes a psycho... i told her to get out my house ! its all just a big mess ! stressed out my head :hissy: Everyone seems to b going on holiday except me and u haha !! Looks like its shit weather here in scotland .. so much for summer ! Good luck with the bloods twiggy... :hugs:

Hey ashley... welcome to the group huni ! :happydance: How long u been TTC for ? When did u get married :D ur lil avatar pic is lovely !

Hows everyone else ?? I feel like doing something on this thread to jazz it up a bit lol !.. everyone seems to have faded away ! any ideas for a game we could play on here ??


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