18-25's!!...young yummy mummies xx

ok girlies...for some bizzare reason i decided to do an opk today...and got THIS?! Duno what came over me but i duno what to make of it? The two lines r pretty much the same darkness...what do u ladies think to it? Your opinions would be fab!! xxhttps://i674.photobucket.com/albums/vv103/twiggy56/IMG_0482.jpg https://i674.photobucket.com/albums/vv103/twiggy56/IMG_0484.jpg
Hey chick I'd say that looks like you're just about to ov! Mine NEVER have the test line darker than the control line, it's only ever been as dark on one test this month....so i say happy :sex: Any news yet from the doctors, sorry I've not been on here for a bit
Thanks WinterKage huni, really appreciate ur help- im completely miffed!...howd ur job interview go?! xxx
I am 8 days late (CD42) and am once again sad to say, :bfn:
:cry::cry::cry: So upset, and don't know what to do, it is the second :bfn: I got this cycle.
Aw sarah huni, keep your chin up...wat day was ov? do u no?

Il keep my fx'd that its a sneaky late :bfp: for you...if not sweetie, then you can only wait until the wicked :witch: arrives...:( I reeeeeally hope its the 1st xxxxx
ok so i was kinda excited for a minute wen i got that (or what i thought was a +ive opk) ouuta nowhere...when did another one today...same time...SMU...and this is what i got..!!!!!!!! https://i674.photobucket.com/albums/vv103/twiggy56/28May1300.jpg

gotta be a freak +ive...?! hmmmf, im BD'ing my ass off tonight anyway- just incase :winkwink:

Evening Ladies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I Havent been on in ages! :( Not been too well this week! I hate colds!!

Anyways, i went out & brought the clearblue ovulation kit, just wanted to know your thoughts about it? has anyone tried it? is it accurate? Thoughts would be fab! :)

Hows everyone on this sunny, sunny evening??
Hey gals

Twiggy - I cant wait to graduate either!! When in July?? Im graduating on the 16th and got my gown today!!! :D:D WOOP WOOP! Which uni u at hun?
Also CONGRATS on the OPK!!! Mine is looking like your first one today!! I get soooo excited on getting pos opk, i dread to think what im gonna be like when i get a :bfp:!! :rofl: Looking good though hun, :sex: as much as you can and hopefully it will grant you your :bfp:!!!! Good luck.xxx

Sarah1989 - Sorry your late hun. I was 5 days late 2 months ago and it did my head in coz of :bfn:!! You might have ov'd late this month??? Have you been tracking Ov?

claire_love - I havent used a clear blue ovulation thing before, but heard that they are very very good for most people. I use the IC OPK's as they always work fine for me but I know that they dont work with others. Good luck hun, and hope you get over your cold soon.

As for me I am so happy. Cant wait to graduate uni. Been applying for jobs today... WOOP WOOP!! Got a nearly positive OPK today so I think am going to try out my preseed tonight. I should get a positive tomorrow if my cycle is like it was last month so fx'd for me!!!

:hug: everyone.xxx
Twiggy - I cant wait to graduate either!! When in July?? Im graduating on the 16th and got my gown today!!! :D:D WOOP WOOP! Which uni u at hun?
Also CONGRATS on the OPK!!! Mine is looking like your first one today!! I get soooo excited on getting pos opk, i dread to think what im gonna be like when i get a :bfp:!! :rofl: Looking good though hun, :sex: as much as you can and hopefully it will grant you your :bfp:!!!! Good luck.xxx

Oooh you got ur gown already?! I duno where to get them :rofl: Iv had no communication from my uni about it...only about the photographer?! Im graduating on the 9th July..im at Dundee Uni!

:D being a bit sceptical about the opk...although i did ANOTHER opk at 16:00 today incase the earlier one was a fluke...and there it was- a lovely deep pink test line and a lighter pink control line!!! So we BD'd yesterday and today (and cracked out the ole' preseed!!) when darling fiancè got in from work :rofl: haha...nearly screamed at him "Iv got a positive opk, IV GOT A POSITIVE OPK!!...haha this ttc business turns us into crazy people. I know what u mean tho...hell know's what im like wen i get a positive pg test!!!!! Dear lord il be uncontrolable!! xxxxx
twiggy56 said:
Aw sarah huni, keep your chin up...wat day was ov? do u no?
Il keep my fx'd that its a sneaky late :bfp: for you...if not sweetie, then you can only wait until the wicked :witch: arrives... I reeeeeally hope its the 1st xxxxx

I am not entirely 100% sure the date I o'ved however I had ewcm on the 4th and 5th of May, which I am told is a sign of ovulation :) I really hope I get a :bfp: soon!!

charlz87 said:
Sarah1989 - Sorry your late hun. I was 5 days late 2 months ago and it did my head in coz of !! You might have ov'd late this month??? Have you been tracking Ov?

I have only been tracking ovulation through cm, as I work shift work and cannot temp :( I hope all it is, is late ovulation and I will get a :bfp:

Congratulations to those of you have gotten their :bfp: this month, and would like to wish all the other best of luck!!!

Sarah - Hopefully you will ovulate soon hun! :)

As for me, my ovulation has gone all over the place!!! :witch: visited me 13th may until last wednesday. Then yesterday BOOM :witch: came again.!

So im not sure if i will ovulate when i planned it to be? OH keeps bothering me to say hello to you all, so, Hello from OH! :)
hey :D not posted here in a while ...

done a pg test today 8PO... and got a very faint line !!
dont want to get my hopes up... but DH is bringing a clear blue digi in for me when hes finishd work !...

its stil early days... but im sitting here and my arse is making buttons coz i cant content myself til DH is home.... DD is sleeping just now ! so i thought id BnB it up !

Twiggy Yup, I got my gown already! Arent I organized?? lol. Just been for a job interview today, was sooo nervous, but I hope I did ok.... fingers crossed. Good luck with the :sex:!!! Hope it works for you. Your lines are good and strong so hopefully it will be your month, or you might at least get :witch: then you know whats going on and you can start from scratch. lol
Sarah1989 I dont temp either, too much faffing around for my liking. Ive just been using OPK's when I get the chance to take one, and they seem to be working. I ovulated late 2 months ago, making my AF 5 days late. Hopefully this is the case for you but instead you will get your :bfp:
claire_loveSay hello to your OH from me! hehe! Hope :witch: goes away soon....
sambamOMG OMG OMG!!! Sounds really good hun. 8dpo, WOW! Please please please let us know what happens on your CB digi test!! When does he get home? I wanna know now............. :rofl: Good luck!!!

I am so happy, just done another OPK today and the test line is twice the darkness of the control line so I ve got a definite positive on CD15!!! Used preseed last night for the first time, but OH wasnt too keen. he said that it felt too silky... whatever that means. haha! But I told him he'll have to deal with it for a couple of nights a month so TOUGH!! lol

Hope everyone else is ok, its sooooo hot where I live today, I cant believe it!!

Sammi - WOTS THE NEEEEEWS?!!! How'd the digi go?! Im DYING to know!!! Haha told OH 'omg i think sammi's got her bfp today!!' :rofl:!!!!

Is anyone else thinkin about MaybeBaby testing today?! Gawd its so exciting...wonder if shes got her bfp?! (Maybe, wen ur reading this i hope you're smiling with a massive 'iv got a bfp' grin!!)

Haha claire_love- get the OH telt!!! Its preseed for the ov'ing bd'ing!!! Me and OH used it last 2 nights and think it went down ok!

Hope all you girlies r enjoying your friday nights! I'm stuck inside with a stinking cold with cups o'tea and Britain's Got Talent! LOL! xxx
Still waiting for her to show, and now no signs at all, no symptoms either. I am just going to wait it out and if in a week or so she hasnt shown I will goto clinic for a blood test.

Best of Luck Ladies!
hey girls !! hows everyone :D?
got bfn with the digi... some of the ladies said its too early to test with a digi .. but me being a doosh bag wasted a tenner !
gonna wait a few more days... if i can.. probs thurs or fri !!.. dont want to keep buying tests like theres a money tree out my back garden..! they are so expensive as im not getting them off the net in bulk like i know some of u do.

im stil staying positive ... getting cramps today... but im not jumping the gun incase i set myself up for a fall... so im really chilled out about it !! :D plus the weathers smashing :D... so been out a lot with my lil bailey buttons :D! its easy when shes awake to forget about ttc as im so busy.. but the min shes in bed im like hmmmmm... i wonder if im pregnant ? lol

how are all of you doing ??? hope all is well :D
hi im 20 and i had a baby girl freya-poppy (angel) and im pregnant with a baby boy but in slow labour at 19 wks ... :(
hey! I'm Gemma. 20 from Bham UK. Have been with my fiancé 3 years and we are TTC baby number one.

Hoping for my BFP this year!
welcome to the YYM's Missing You and sparkle_smile!!!!

There is plenty room for a couple more of you lovely ladies!! Missing You, congrats on the pregnancy sweetie...have you bee to the doctors about your early labour? I'd get round there right away if you're getting unusual pains hun! (you'll have to forgive us YYM's for the lack of pg knowledge...most of us havnt been through pregnancy yet and are first-timer ttc'ers!) make sure u take care of ur wee lad in there!!

Hi Gemma! Nice to have u m'dear! Im also 20, ttc #1 and been with my fiancè for 3 yrs!! :haha: snap! Hope we get matching bfp's as well soon!!!

Hows all my other yym's today?! Sammi if u dont tell us about testing im going to explode!!! Been checking for updates!!!

sarah1989 - AF reared her uglyt head yet? If not hun id defo get down the docs to check whats up...

charlz -chick uv made me realised im super unorganised with this graduation business!! Hun did u get ur surge? You got ur -ive opk's yet?! Coz that mean you're in your 2ww...and we love having 2ww'ers!! :)


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