Exactly!! I've been reading that implantation can commonly occur at 10+ days dpo and it does depend on your cycle!!
Had a BFN on tuesday lol, but would have been only 5dpo! We should all have a pact - no testing until at least 12 days dpo!!!
I think I'll try to wait till 14dpo..of course thats only till monday for me!
I should practise what I preach - I just used up my last FR for a BFN on 9dpo

Monday will be 11dpo for me, so maybe I'll get some more over the weekend and do one then too? Otherwise it will be thursday (14dpo) which is a long wait but I have next week off so should be able to pop on here every now and again and hopefully keep myself busy being out and about!!
I dunno, I do feel like I could be pregnant. Last time it was first cycle but I know I can't expect the same this time as I'm 30yrs old now, not 21.....