1dpo/Testing 2/22 ish?

Omg I'm so sorry to hear that ... Thoughts are with you guys xx I was wondering where you were ...
1dpo- I plan to start testing around the 26th. I get a little antsy thought. This was my first cycle with clomid, soooo..fingers crossed.
I def did miss you ladies though. Just want this to be over with :(
Wanna omg I'm so sorry! Prayers for him!! Maybe a lil break will do y'all good though?
Lucky-it is nice having the same gals around...getting to know them, feeling more comfortable to talk about anything other than ttc. Great feeling :)

Wanna-I have missed you and been thinking of you....so sorry about df! Thank goodness he is ok! Hope he gets better soon! xx

Grow-FX and good luck to you!
Thank you guys I really appreciate it he seems to be doing good today physical therapy is walking him so I'm hopeful he will be home soon
OMG Wanna, I'm sorry to year about this! Glad he's doing ok and up and walking about.

Why is that men when sick they are useless? My OH has a sinus headach (yeah painful, but take somethign for it) and a low-grade fever of 100 (100!!!), and he's curled up in bed moaning and groaning about how he doesnt feel good. I had that earlier this week (headach still acutally) and I still went to work, cooked dinner, cleaned the house, did laundry, AND took care of a crabby 2 year old (and a very stupd, but very cute and loveable 1 year old chorkie).

So other than headachs all week long, no symptoms...still.

Oh and a funny kid story. I was having a glass of wine the other night, OH comes home from work and Jaxon yells out "DADDY, MOMMY WINO!"

Oh the stuff kids say!
Thanks bartness, I know what you mean about men df can be a whiner at least this time he really does have something to whine about, and also know what you mean about no symptoms I have nothing and I mean nothing my body couldn't feel more boring!!! Oh well in a few months we will try again I guess
wanna your not out until the witch sings.

With my son, I had no idea I was pregnant until probably week 5, my period was late, and the smell of coffee was making me sick...by the end of week 6 I had dibilitating migranes and was getting nauses every time I walked into the kitchen...I finally tested when I was 7 wks! i was positive I wasnt pregnant! LOL. totally wrong. But its teh best thing to be wrong about LOL!
Your telling me, my cycle last month was so weird I have no idea when af is due I tested yesterday bfn just gonna test every 2 or 3 days from here on out till bfp or af just don't know if being pregnant right now is a ood thing or not with everything else going on but I do really want it
Hi ladies its nice to see you all again. I'm so sorry tlk that is horrible to hear you are having to go through that. In my next of the woods there is more bad news my df and a friend were working on there guns and his friend didn't check his 22 good and it went off hitting my df in the side he had surgery and just got out of ICU he will be fine but its gonnna put a hold on out TTC unless I get lucky this month it will be a few before we can try again but gl babydust
That's horrible, so sorry, take good care of your df that's all what matters now. Bfp will come for sure.
Well its not a lucky month is it! Wanna I am so sorry to hear that. :-( thought I'll jump in and tell you all a story.. my story. Tonight I couldn't stop my 'hubby' from going to the woman that he has been cheating on me with. Ha funny? I only found out tonight and he carried on denying it. He walked outside trying to get into his car. It has got to the point of me sitting in his car, refusing to get out! The worst part was we had all of our friends around us at this time! I couldn't explain to any of them why I was acting as crazy as I did . I am so ashamed, disappointed, sad, heartbroken. The woman has a little baby and a boyfriend!!!! Officially ttc month 4! After been praying for months for a baby, I am officially out ladies. If this happens to be my lucky month, it will just be very unlucky :-(
Good luck to all of you! X
Well its not a lucky month is it! Wanna I am so sorry to hear that. :-( thought I'll jump in and tell you all a story.. my story. Tonight I couldn't stop my 'hubby' from going to the woman that he has been cheating on me with. Ha funny? I only found out tonight and he carried on denying it. He walked outside trying to get into his car. It has got to the point of me sitting in his car, refusing to get out! The worst part was we had all of our friends around us at this time! I couldn't explain to any of them why I was acting as crazy as I did . I am so ashamed, disappointed, sad, heartbroken. The woman has a little baby and a boyfriend!!!! Officially ttc month 4! After been praying for months for a baby, I am officially out ladies. If this happens to be my lucky month, it will just be very unlucky :-(
Good luck to all of you! X

Oh my dear, it must be horrible to go through this, I am so sorry and praying for u. You should not feel ashamed, you did what u think you should do at that time. I went through the same, I had all the reasons of the world to think that my husband was cheating on me, He keeps denying it and make me look crazy. Till the day I decided to spy on him, I rented a car, got black long hair, hat and glasses and I followed him everyday for a week. I checked his mobile, all his mail accounts...
I am happy I did 'cause I found out that he cheat only by sending sms and emails, not sexually but still cheating is cheating.
I decided to leave him and I did and he went crazy. He really regret it and He didn't left anything he didn't do to get us back (me and his daughter), he even tried to suicide.
Well we're back with new rules and limits he shouldn't cross and he is being wonderful since.
I am sorry if this is too long but just wanted u to know that you have the right to do whatever it takes to help yourself.
Keep faith and god will lighten your way, I am here if u need to vent, hugs.
I thought I was going crazy! Even my own friends told me I was acting psycho but none of them knew the reason! At first I admit, it was my instinct. I knew he was going to her! But then the fact he got all my friends to come to the car one by one to talk to me to convince me to let him go... I realised thats when I completely lost and when he came to talk to me himself, I snatched his phone off him to see the texts 'be there in 10 mins babe'.. thankyou! At least I dont feel alone :) I am ashamed for making a great big scene. But I will not apologise to anyone. I'm so glad everything worked out for you!
Its scary how a woman's instincts are so strong. I cant even talk to my own friends today.
Its gonna take a lot to get over it. But I cant even believe I was going to and still might have this man's baby! He is such an idiot!
oh Alicia I am so sorry! I have a little story of my own too. But first I want to say, we all do things we feel right at the time. Don't feel ashamed, please. This is his loss not yours. There is someone else out there and you will have a baby someday with that man that won't do something so horrible to you. You are NOT more of an idiot than he his. Once a cheater always a cheater....he will get revenge hun...KARMA is a biotch! Chin up and live life day by day and do your best to not think about what happened. You will realize you weren't the idiot after all.

Anyways...like 5 years ago my dh made a profile on adultfriendfiner.com. He did not tell me, I found out by on my computer, when I went to type in to sign into my email, another email popped up that you could log in under. I figured out the password from the question it gave....i was devastated....he did get replies but i don't think he replied to them. Anyways, he was denying it at first, but then he admitted it cuz he was looking like a fool. He said he only did it as a game or to see what replies he'd get? I don't quite remember, but i stayed with him, since he didn't actually cheat and he felt really bad about it and i changed the password to log in on my computer so he could not get on it without my supervision, HAHA! Everything has been fine and great since. Us woman do not deserve to be hurt like that EVER!! If I was in your shoes, I wouldve done the same thing. I wouldn't want him to go and keep him from going thinking maybe he will realize how much I actually love him and stay and not go to her. Is this how you felt? :hugs: Hope things get better for you.
I am soo sorry to hear about your husband, I will be thinking of you, and hoping you get the outcome this month that you want. :hugs:

My Brother had an affair, and my beautiful wonderful 4 year old niece, is his love child from it. His wife forgave him (No idea why) and is now raising my niece as her own, and loves 'her' little girl so so much (but not as much as her biological son, and my nephew). She is very strong women, I never would have forgiven my brother for that if I was her. However, now I have forgive my brother for hurting my sister in law, and I love LOVE LOVE LOVE my neice, she is such a joy, and a total cutie pie!

Last night OH and I watched the "hobbit" now I cannot wait for the second half to come out, I think its better than the lord of the rings trilogy!
And im more of an idiot than him.

You're not, he is the idiot,
He is loosing the woman who loves him, you wouldn't act like that unless u really love him.
Men never appreciate what they have, till they loose it, like kids they want a toy and the second u buy it for them they loose interest and want a new one.
I know there are some good men out there.
Take care and definetly take a break from him and time will help u to get over him.
oh Alicia I am so sorry! I have a little story of my own too. But first I want to say, we all do things we feel right at the time. Don't feel ashamed, please. This is his loss not yours. There is someone else out there and you will have a baby someday with that man that won't do something so horrible to you. You are NOT more of an idiot than he his. Once a cheater always a cheater....he will get revenge hun...KARMA is a biotch! Chin up and live life day by day and do your best to not think about what happened. You will realize you weren't the idiot after all.

Anyways...like 5 years ago my dh made a profile on adultfriendfiner.com. He did not tell me, I found out by on my computer, when I went to type in to sign into my email, another email popped up that you could log in under. I figured out the password from the question it gave....i was devastated....he did get replies but i don't think he replied to them. Anyways, he was denying it at first, but then he admitted it cuz he was looking like a fool. He said he only did it as a game or to see what replies he'd get? I don't quite remember, but i stayed with him, since he didn't actually cheat and he felt really bad about it and i changed the password to log in on my computer so he could not get on it without my supervision, HAHA! Everything has been fine and great since. Us woman do not deserve to be hurt like that EVER!! If I was in your shoes, I wouldve done the same thing. I wouldn't want him to go and keep him from going thinking maybe he will realize how much I actually love him and stay and not go to her. Is this how you felt? :hugs: Hope things get better for you.

I couldn't have put it better myself. He will only end up hurt and one day realise how great my love was for him. He wont cope without the attention I gave him. Being as manly as he is he will make out he is fine. Or maybe he doesnt care. For the first time I ever I realised I really dont know him as well as did! My pride was literally on the floor and I was about to beg him not to walk out and go to her but today I am better. I will let him do what he wants because I am walking out of his life. I just hate the fact I have been made to look stupid in front of all of our friends!

Thank you very much ladies. I appreciate it. I lost my best friend, hubby, and the man I truly thought I was going to spend a long time with. He was a great person.he still is but just not with me anymore. I promised to be not bitter. Im not with him anymore.
But still cant help but want to be pregnant. Not because I think it will solve everything I guess I just wanted it so bad :-( it is so selfish of me!
You are not selfish for wanting to be pregnant! Not selfish at all! You deserve a little bundle of Joy in your life!
I am feeling very sick today, I didn't sleep yesterday from tootache, I feel feverish today but no real fever. And I feel like getting a cold soon.
This is the first month I have no clear idea when I ovulated. I was cramping for a week with egg white CM since 16th but with no BBT spike. Then yesterday I had a rise today went down again.
I hope it is not cyst. I am fed up with all this ttc journey.
How is it going for u ladies?

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