Hiya cl59,
Just wanted to say I too suffer from a phobia of sickness fir as long as I can remember. I manage it fairly well with the occasional 'wobbles' (panic and anxiety attacks). With my first pregnancy I was lucky enough to not suffer any morning sickness so I have my fingers crossed for you that yours will be smoothxxx
21 days since my loss, I bled for only a week then BD on day 8 then nothing until this week when I did my hospital hcg test and all back to normal (as in a negative preg test) so been BD'ing this week and now have the green light physiologically to just NTNP...I had irregular cycles previously so won't know when to expect AF, will be a case of wait and see hehe!
Lots of positive vibes your way, not long to go till your us👏☺️
Thanks so much SummerBaba! I am very sorry for your loss. I'm also sorry that you suffer with this horrible phobia too but it's nice to hear from someone who really understands. I have started to feel pretty nauseous over the last five days and I'm feeling quite anxious about whether it will get worse/how long it will last etc as I think I'm only 6w1d but I'm trying hard to keep it together. Took a cyclizine tablet for the first time today which I think did help a bit. Trying to stay positive and just take one day at a time.
Great that you are back to normal and have been given the go ahead to ntnp
Wishing you so much luck!!! Keep us posted and fx!