2010 Baby

Csunshine they can do so many wonderful things for premature babies now especially in the lung department! I'll be thinking of the little one but I am sure all will work out. Keep us updated though.

SO berniep did they say that the skin by the neck was to thick on your sisters scan? I didn't really understand that. I feel bad that she has to go through feeling worried for another week though. Hugs to her.

Yeah so not twins! lol, I don't know what I would do with myself if it was! I'd go nuts. My friend found some article on cnn that in the netherlands they can now do a special blood test at 5 weeks and up to tell you 100% what gender your baby is, crazy huh!
Hello ladies,
How are you all today?
Csunshine, i'm thinking of your cousin and her little one, my youngest was born at 34 weeks by c-section cause they thought there was a prob with his heart, he had some breathing probs at first but you wouldn't know he'd been prem to look at him now he's tall like his dad and chunky like me lol. I know your cousins little one has been born 2 weeks earlier than Harry but 32 weeks is still good for a prem baby and he's in the right place been looked after :hugs: to your cousin, her son and all your family x
As for you Csunshine I hope your boobies are nothing to worry about, i'm keeping my fingers crossed for you i really hope and pray you get to all your milestones :hugs::hugs: x
Kelly, how are you today?. its the fluid at the back of the babies neck they measured the measurement should be about 3mm and last week it was 4.1mm and yesterday it was 5 point something. Last week she was told there was a few possibilities of what it could be Downs syndrome, Edwards syndrome, Pateau syndrome or a heart defect. She can have a amnio to tell her if its one of the first 3 and if that comes back all clear then she has to wait till her 20 week scan to see if its the heart. If its Edwards syndrome its life expectancy is about 6 months old, if its Pateau's syndrome its much worse and may not even survive to birth and then it can be a matter of days/weeks if that. We all know more about downs and that they csn live into adulthood and lead fairly normal lives it just depends on any other complications that go with it like heart and lung probs. If there isn't a chromosome defect then shw has to wait till they can look at the heart but again this could be worst case senario or it could be something repairable. Her bloods come back yesterday with a 1 in 20 chance of downs syndrome so at the moment she is just waiting for her womb to move so she can have the amnio. At her appt yesterday her consultant did say she's seen women in the same situation as my sister where the fluid has increased on a weekly basis and always been classed as high but then gone on to have a perfectly healthy baby, but she also told her more about the possibilities of what could be wrong. If she keeps going back and her womb doesn't tilt back enough for the amnio she can have it done vaginally but there is more risk of miscarriage and she would have to go to another part of the country for this, i just hope her womb tilts back to where it should be (we are a family of tilted wombs, mines the same :dohh:). So thats all i know at the moment, she goes again next Tuesday so i'll let you know how she gets on x
Mum2b how are today? hope you and your little bean are ok x
Shawnie and Psychnut how are you both? x
Mrskc how are you? x
How is everyone else? x

AFM still waiting for the witch, how rude is she with her terrible timekeeping, i think she will arrive today though cause i think i'm starting to get cramping as i type, i could do with her coming today i've loads to do 2moro and i don't want to be having bad period pains whilst trying to do my xmas food shop. Well i better go and get dressed and think about having some breakfast i'm not a big eater on a morning and even less so when i'm full of cold but my belly is telling me its hungry so i suppose i better feed it lol, i'll be back later x
fx'ed for ur sister Berniep,
all good here apart from a large emotional wobble last night, I really wish I could look forward. Woke up feeling as though I should have had a good night last night and not stopped since with xmas stuff, just sat down with a cuppa before I have to go out again, although I could really do with a nap instead...
have had a bit of odd cramping too, but just think they are streching ones atm (but not helping the emotional side of things)
Its understandable that your going to have emotional moments mum2b, i know it is pointless saying this 2 days before xmas but try not to do too much and make sure you relax a bit x
Dear :witch:,
You were due to visit me yesterday but haven't turned up yet, i know you are busy at this time of year ruining xmas for all those lovely ladies out there desperate for a :bfp: in their stockings this year, but to be honest i'd rather you just got your butt over to my house (today if poss) and leave all the other ladies alone. Its not that i don't want a :bfp: for xmas in fact only a few weeks ago i would have loved nothing more but the time is now not right due to my sister going thru a difficult time. So if you could hurry up and arrive cause no offence but i don't fancy period pains and heavy flow on xmas day.
Berniep x
Lovely letter to the witch! Please let your sister know she is in our thoughts and prayers. Thanks for the lovely words about my cousin I haven't talked to my Dad's wife yet so I'm not sure whats happening and yes he is a little fighter.

afm I think the ms has kicked in. I got up early today and played on FB :dohh: and was fine but then I went to work and have been feeling icky like I could puke at any moment. I don't mind it really because the bathroom is straight across from my desk. I need to go get groceries tonight as we are expecting a huge blizzard with 10-12 inches of snow between tonight and tomorrow and it will continue to snow through Saturday.

Hope your all well. Will check back later.:thumbup:

Berniep I am so sorry to hear about your sis. Im going to start praying for both of you.

Berniep needs a BFP, santa!

I am doing pretty good right now. Thanks for asking. My sister and I made cookies the other night so after my busy day Im going to make a few stops on my way home to drop off some cookie tins with cards for a few friends. DP wants to go camping with my family for the new years, here's hoping we get things in order so we can go. I wont be able to do much offroading but I love sitting by a fire and cooking. I'll prolly watch all the little ones while they go out riding. I miss my motorcycle and sandrail now hahaha
Evening ladies,
How are you all?
Csunshine, sorry ms got you but on the other hand its a positive sign, so puke away, we have been forecast bad snow overnight too, i hope its not too bad cause i'm off to do my food shop 2moro and the buses need to be running, after that i don't care what it does x
Mum2b, hope your ms isn't treating you too bad, are you all ready for xmas now, hope your food shop wasn't too bad x
Shawnie, me and the kids are baking buns 2moro for the neighbours and family they love making them for other people. Your camping trip sounds great, i'll admit though i'm not really a outdoor person, i need 4 walls and a proper bed lol x
Hope everyone else is ok, i'm still waiting for the witch but i've got mild cramps at the moment so i think she's on her way, well i better go and wrap the kids pressie's i've a busy day 2moro and don't want to be wrapping them 2moro night, if i don't get back on 2nite i'll be back 2moro at some point, bye for now x
Berniep I really do hope she is a lucky one! There is a chick in first tri whose baby was just diagnosed with edwards syndrom so I know a bit about it. I do hope her womb tilts back perfectly to, please do keep us updated.

Mum2be I hear what you're saying, I freak out over the cramps I get cause i am not sure if they are normal but so far so good. I know you are more on edge with everything you have been through but keeping your self busy like you have been is the best cure for it!

Also mum and csunshine I am not sorry the ms has kicked in for you! It's a good sign or so everyone has been telling me. I am happy to report I am ms free at the moment but normally am early in the day if I sleep in, I feel better though today so hopefully it will stay away. I also found chicken and rice soup helped a lot to.

Can I have some cookies shawnie? lol I hope you have a great christmas all of you! I will be back on.
No doubt am I ever glad to have ms. I have never had it before :blush: so very good sign and @@'s are very tender! I am thanking my lucky stars that I am well on my way to my scan! I try to eat every few hours so I'm not completely hungry when I start to feel queezy but I have yet to puke. :dohh:

they have just moved the time that the storm is going to start here has been moved back to a little later tonight! WOO HOOO! I get to wear jeans to work tomorrow! YEEHAAAW! LOL

I have to go to the store this evening so I'm very glad that the weather is going to hold off for me! We don't have local transportation here like buses or trains so if you don't own a car then your SOL I hate driving in the snow/ice crap but have all my life so it doesn't really bother me when I have to.

Hope you all have a lovely Christmas if I don't catch you tomorrow! :hugs: to my lovely friends in BABY 2010!
csunshine I was just looking at your siggy, pretty sakura got her BFP so you totally need to move her to your bump buddy list!

I eat more often for sure now but sometimes I get to hungry and it makes the ms worse.
food shop wasn't too bad, although I don't envy u doing it tomorrow Berniep!
otherwise all ok, knackered but think I'll ice the cake tonight before I go to :sleep: oo my bed is calling me :)

Happy xmas too Csunshine and everyone else if u don't get on again :hugs: to the icest people I could have met in the last year :)
I second that mum! I am very happy to have known you guys this last year or so.
Hello ladies,
yay i've wrapped everything :happydance: i was a little suprised at how much i'd bought, that'll teach me for buying stuff and putting it away without making a list :dohh:.
Well i was planning on writing loads but my sister has just rung to say she needs to go to the hosp and wants me to go with her so i'll be back 2moro x
Well i'm back, i was half way thru typing the previous message when she rang.
Its just after 3am and i've only been back about 15 mins, we had to get our dad to take us in the end cause there wasn't any taxi's running cause of the snow. She had to go to the dentist this morning cause she gets abcesses alot because of a problem wisdom tooth, she was given antibiotics but because she's suffering from bad ms she can't keep the antibiotics down, when i went round 2nite one side of her face was about 4 times its size and she was just constantly been sick, she rung the hosp cause she was in agony and they've said to go down. A+E was hectic there was so many drunk people it was unbelievable we had to wait ages to be seen and then she was put on a trolley in the corridor because there were no cubicles, in pregnancy she always has a extremely high heart rate and this was picked as usual so they are trying to get a bed for her as i type, they advised me and my dad to go home as it was more than likely she would be kept in, if they can get her a bed. I can't believe the luck she is having at the moment and if she's kept in 2nite (xmas eve) as well her poor kids won't have mummy at home on xmas day. So thats it, i'll try to update you all when i can. The snow is really bad here i'm starting to think i'm not going to get food shopping 2moro, luckily i've got most of it in so we can survive a few days till i can get into town we just won't have batteries for the kids toys or all the nice foods you buy at xmas.
For those of you that don't get on again before Friday, i hope you all have a very happy christmas x
oh gosh, hope things improve soon Berniep, (oh and yes I'm glad I did the food shop yesterday LOL)

cake iced, I have tons of icing left over cos I put in 1kg sugar rather than the 1lb (blaming it on prgnancy brain) but it looks pretty good, will take pics once the decorations are on it.
ms still here, but am glad for it (sort of iykwim)

we have about 3-4 inches snow here, DH made it into work today and I'll have to walk to my brothers later for tea, but I can walk the dog at the same time so one job sorted, now just to finish the cleaning :)
We are under a winter storm watch as we are expected to get approx 15inches of snow by Saturday morning :dohh: I think we have about 5-6 now. I must get one more present then I will go home after I get off of work. They have cancelled both our flights out of here today and pretty sure the two for tomorrow will also be cancelled.

Spent a huge amount of $ for food over the next few days.

Berniep hope your sister is let out so she can be home with her children for Christmas morning.

I will check back here later, Mum please be careful and don't let the dog walk you. LOL
Hello ladies,
What a day i've had i'm shattered, i ended up having about 3 hours sleep when i came in from the hosp because i wanted to be up early to get to the supermarket, i slept on the sofa cause i knew if i'd gone to bed i'd never get back out of it. How i got up and got dressed i don't know cause lack of sleep had made me feel ill, anyway i had a cuppa got dressed and rung for a taxi (i didn't think buses would be running in the snow), i was told taxi was going to be at least a hour, i tried other firms but they were all the same, so i had to sit and wait, i used this time to ring the hosp and find out what was going on with my sister (she was still waiting to see the doc), i finally got into town, went to the few shops i had to do first and then went to the supermarket which was just like a normal weekday tbh, i walked round no bother, got everything i wanted and even got straight to a checkout (so a bit better than a normal weekday i suppose). I managed to get a taxi back straight away too. After unpacking the shopping i rung the hospital back to be told she was been kept in 2nite, so i then arranged for my mum and me to go see her this afternoon, while waiting for my mum i baked some buns with the kids and left hubby to ice and decorate them with the kids while i went to the hosp, my sister cried when we got there cause she is obviously gutted she won't be with the kids when they get up 2moro. After visiting i went to her house to get her some things together for when her hubby and kids visited her 2nite, she asked for one of each of her children's xmas presents so she can give them to them in the morning, so that'll be nice for them. I've since delivered buns to neighbours with kids, finally changed out of my very wet socks, shoes and jeans and made tea. I'm shattered now i think i'll def be having a early night. As i'm typing this a load of teenagers have been throwing snowballs at our windows and the must have been big and hard snowballs cause the windows shook so i've phoned the police, they have been doing it since the snow arrived and i'm getting fed up of it now. Well thats about it for my day oh apart from the witch getting me this morning so to top my busy day off i've got lovely period pains and have had all day but never mind at least i don't have to upset my sister now. Well i better go, we tracked santa before i came on here and Harry wants to see where he is now.
Happy Christmas everyone x
You really were busy berniep! I hope they let your sis out soon, but wouldn't it be easier for her to get the wisdom tooth removed so she wouldn't keep having complications or is she waiting to not be pregnant to get it out? Thats nice that she will get to give them a present in the morning.

The game last night was fun, calgary flames lost in the shootout though but it was still a fun game. Nearly lost my nose walking to the dome and back though it was so cold and I didn't think DH would park far away to avoid paying for parking so I didn't bring hats or mits or scarf.

Now I got to get off my hiney and make the turkey dinner so make the stuffing and prepare the turkey and such but I just wanna be lazy.

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