2010 Baby

how's evryone doing today?
by pottering you mean like ummm... cleaning? yuck! :nope: someone should do it in my house... well, since the :witch: finally showed today, could as well use the broom for something useful heh? no?
I made my boys pick some berries today - we have few bushes in our garden - now they hate me but I can make some jam :happydance:
Have a good day all and some bd (just in case!)

hiya all just lately i have been doing alot of gardening, i before recently had no interest in gardening and if my lawn got mowed it was lucky, now i have a beautifull garden spent a fortune at the garden centre the weekend and have been planting veg ( i know its the wrong season but couldnt wait as per everything in my life with me lol) anyway i have always been a bot of a clean freak and love cleaning ! but lately i have been over the top with the cleaning in my house its sparkly and im getting more fussy about things like hubby dropping socks on floor it sends me into a rage now !
spoke to my mate about it saying how i had been gardening which i usually hate and even more cleaning and baking !!! another thing i dont do often
she did psychology masters and believes that my behaiviour indicates nesting lol
well i suppose it adds up since we have been ttc i have been health nut and house proud nut and doing things i try to put off usually like decorating the spare room and painting garden fence etc ! just to add i know pregantn women do this at the end of thier pregnancy getting ready for the baby but any one else nesting while ttc ?

lou x
Hello my ladies!!!!!

Welcome Lou glad to have you here in 2010 Baby! Congrats on the weight loss keep up the good work! I know it's a battle but the end result is so worth it! Once I have this baby I will be on a mission too!

Kelly hope you get your +opk today!!!!

Kess so sorry that af got you fxd for this cycle!!!

Mum2be how are you today?

Phycnut how are you today?

Berniep how is everything in your world today? Good I hope!

Me, I'm good not much happening here just the dreaded wait for my u/s 3wks from tomorrow.

I'll check back after a while and see how everybody has gotten along.

just wondered if we could get a lsit of members of this group ????

as i do not know everyone im a newbie ?

anyway of doing that ?
mine is just passing the days until I get back to work... however u were right this morning, pottering was just a word for planning a rather unproductive day, although I will be out all day tomorrow and then have meetings and appointments on thursday and friday. Why do things always occur on the same day??

I think my frame of mind has deteriated (sp?) as my manager gets told tomorrow why I am off and what I am doing... can see it going down like a lead balloon and am wondering if should now cut my losses and just ask for a transfer... which I would have done at the start if I did not like the client group... or the rest of the team... :( roll on thursday

(in the middle of that little rant my dog who is sat next too me cleaning his paws just gave me 2 little licks/kisses, I swear they know when something is up without any actions!!)
A few pages back, when psychnut joined us we all had little show and tell moments Lou, am not sure how far back but probably about the middle of last month, u will probably get more from that than me doing a list....
mine is just passing the days until I get back to work... however u were right this morning, pottering was just a word for planning a rather unproductive day, although I will be out all day tomorrow and then have meetings and appointments on thursday and friday. Why do things always occur on the same day??

I think my frame of mind has deteriated (sp?) as my manager gets told tomorrow why I am off and what I am doing... can see it going down like a lead balloon and am wondering if should now cut my losses and just ask for a transfer... which I would have done at the start if I did not like the client group... or the rest of the team... :( roll on thursday

(in the middle of that little rant my dog who is sat next too me cleaning his paws just gave me 2 little licks/kisses, I swear they know when something is up without any actions!!)

its true isnt it i had nothing to do today but next week i have a training morning 9-13:00 followed by an appt at my doctors 16:30 followed by a night shift !!!!!!! argh busy bees good job i aint ovulating that day might have to fit :sex: in whilst on my way to the docs and eating my lunch in my car !

i dont know your work situ but i hope your ok if you need to talk about it im about more often than not these days,

and i definatly think dogs and cats know when your sad, my cat always nuzzles me when im feeling a bit blue and she isnt an affectionate cat bless her,

hope your ok chick x
Hey Csunshine, u posted as I was rambling, glad everything is good, waiting is always good I guess at the beginning, it means there is nothing to fret about!! I think I have already answered ur question,

O, I meant to say that I seem to have got into my domestic goddess outfit atm and Kelly has certainly got into the house renovation (Berniep has just been too busy partying recently!!) so u cold have a point there Lou x
Where's the thanks button gone? I was just gonna hit that, but I can't ;(
Thanks Lou, I'm supposed to be using a proper journal, but I sort of find it easier ranting on here, I am sure in a few days u will be up to speed on my work situation, the others seem to have got used to me now and its me, wot more can I say! (again probably easier to read some posts from a while back, I have given up with my TTC journal, but have left it on my sig to try and encourage me to use it!)
Hi everyone!!! Welcome all of you newbies! So glad to have you here with us!
Well my weekend was crazy!!! Saturday spent the entire day with the hubby!! YAY! That was soo nice to be able to do, havent had too much time together as he is working so much lately to be able to put more money way! Sunday, hubby worked and I did a bunch of stuff with my mom and sister, kind of nice but not so much, was really missing Tim because it was our anniversary and his birthday... When he got home we made dinner together and then cut our cake from the wedding that has been tormenting us in the freezer for a year! haha... Anyways, yesterday we spent the entire day getting caught up with our laundry, we have no washer and dryer here at home so we have to do it at the laundry mat :(... we wait til all of our clothes are dirty then go do all of it at once.. hahaha, we are really bad at doing it on a more regular basis, ooppsss... hahaha... So today I am taking care of it all...Good thing is that we got our bag completely packed with nice clean clothes for Iowa next week!! YAY!!
Anyway, since I am rambling on... Hope all of you are doing well.. will be on more often this week I hope seeming as how I am going to be off most of the time while we are in Iowa for ten days starting the 10th...
I should be Oing this weekend, so hopefully when we get back from the in-laws we will get our BFP!!! We will just have to see...
Hello ladies,
How are you all?
Mum2b i've given up partying for the time been its way too expensive and tbh i've no energy lol, how are you today? i totally agree about the pet thing both my dog and cats seem to sense when i'm upset and one of the cats seems to know when you are poorly, enjoy the rest of your evening x
Kelly how are you? have you got a pos yet? good luck x
Csunshine glad your doing well hope the 3 weeks don't drag too much, take care x
Lou how are you? congrats on your weight loss this week, well done and happy bding, as for members on here there are 6 regular ones and 7 now your here they are me, Kelly, mum2b, csunshine, psychnut and Kess, we did get a few new ones last week but they haven't been back since we must have scared them off lol so at the moment we are a group of 7 regulars, hope that helps x
Pyschnut how are you? bet you can't wait till your holiday, how romantic keeping your wedding cake for your 1st anniversary was it as nice as it was a year ago? x
How are you today kess? hope your well x
Well as for me nothing to report here been at work came home had tea and thats about it a pretty normal day i'm afraid lol well i'll go for now x
well, from being unproductive to proactive and have registered myself on a few job websites... shall keep u all posted...

PS Lou, thankyou, you got me thinking, even though I really don't want to move trusts, maybe I need to... or at least keep a very close ear to the ground at the very least!! x
You have had a busy day mum2b hope it all works out, yeah i think one person got lost too but i think we scared the others off with us been scary demented women only joking thats just me the rest of you are great x
Did you guys PM them with bad thoughts again???? :haha:

NO they just decided that we weren't a fit for them and moved on or maybe they all went on holiday and haven't gotten back on yet....

LOL you ladies make my day!:dohh:
i love this club team 2010 baby !!!! i have been on other forums where i have tried to join a group and felt like im intruding, i cant see why you would scare em off im enjoying talking or rambling to you all !

mum2bewaiting - good on you for applying for jobs, i have applied for a few today after talking to you maybe we can spur each other on ! are you hospital or community based ??, sometimes its time to move on chick, i have been on some wards where i adore the patients but hate the staff, i was on the stroke ward and i loved the patients really found it rewarding but the staff sucked every inch of passion i had left out of me with there bitchyness and i found it really hard ! then i went on a ward where the staff were lovely but it wasnt really my area it was plastics and i found that if you havent got the passion for it your not working to your full potential ! so a happy medium would be nice, im doing gynae at the moment and early pregnancy love it !!! but i want to get into intensive care felt my nieche was there

listen to me going on ay !

bernie p thanks for letting me know whos who i know who to look out for now x
oh and pyschnut how lovely keeping the wedding cake is that a family tradition or something you come up with your self ? i had a 3 tier cake toffee sponge, lemon drizzle and jam and cream on the bottom it was nearly all gone a week following my wedding and i think i ate most of it it was too lush ! hence the ticker now saying how fat i am and how much i need to loose weight :rofl:
Lou in America the tradition is to save the cake topper, but I didn't do this as I didn't want to eat a 1yr old cake that most likely had freezer burn. LOL More power to Psychnut though mine 1 yr anniversary is coming up in just over three weeks and now I have to go out and buy one. LOL
Lou in America the tradition is to save the cake topper, but I didn't do this as I didn't want to eat a 1yr old cake that most likely had freezer burn. LOL More power to Psychnut though mine 1 yr anniversary is coming up in just over three weeks and now I have to go out and buy one. LOL

ha ha i like this tradition ! i might order a little cake from where we got out wedding cake from like a mini version .......... just to be clear im ordering it for me not as a romantic gesture :rofl: x x
Yeah I could probably eat a whole big one atm. LOL I am starving!!! I can't wait to get off work and make my spagetti that has been planned for tonight!:munch:
what time is it in america at the moment ? its 22:00 here im nearly ready for bed and not in the bd way lol i am planning to come to america next october unless i get a :bfp: which would be amazing but atleast i have things to look forward to one way or another x

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