not bad, just steady. Cooked a curry in the slow cooker which was lush. Went to pick up my pay slip from a friends as got 200 quid less than was expecting, they hae not paid me my unsocial hours... cock up 1 coutesy of manager before have even returned to work. Am going to speak to my rep on monday to make sure that my unsocial hours shouldn't have stopped, but I can feel my head hurting already, as if the thought of going back wasn't bad enough... I have been really snappy and tearful over the past few days and really don't know if it is due to the next few weeks, preparing to go back to work, or pregnancy, so I think I may be also back at the counsellors next week too, and hope that I can get extra sessions as I cannot afford to pay for them myself with my wage being cocked up.
So to try and help funds out a bit I have been sorting some of DSD stuff and ours to sell on ebay and here...
So that has been my day...