2010 Bumps & Flushes & Dimples

I've just bought 3 packs of Angel Delight....!!!! My evening just got a LOT better!! Wondering whether I can make it and eat it all before DH gets home at 11?! Then I can hide the evidence and feel far less guilty!!! :haha: I bought pink sprinkles to go on top!:cloud9:
Easily done, get scoffing :haha:

*also intrigued by flavours*

I do lurve the chocolate one..................with tinned pairs hidden at the bottom........and some maltesers or chocolate buttons stashed in there somewhere too.......... :rofl:
We have been to River Island earlier 'cause I saw a nice dress online. So I tried it on and loved it. So did OH, so we bought it. Yay! I would post a link, but stupid River Island website doesn't let you copy pics and cannot get a direct link either. If anyone is interested in seeing it, you can do a search for it on https://xml.riverisland.com/flash/content.php Product Code is 584712. It is a Grecian Dress in a sort of Peach colour. And you have to imagine it with bump. :)
Butterscotch - no other flavour beats it!! I nearly went for a banana one, but couldn't decide whether it would make me feel icky, so opted to go safe!!
Oooh Pip, LOVE the dress! I've bought this one for my FIL's 60th and a wedding in late July, but a bit worried that my bump will be too big by then https://www.topshop.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?beginIndex=0&viewAllFlag=&catalogId=19551&storeId=12556&categoryId=42395&parent_category_rn=42391&productId=1760132&langId=-1 :dohh:
MrsMils, I have seen the Banana one too, but went with good old Butterscotch. :)
Love your dress. A bit on the expensive side for me as I will not be wearing mine for any upcoming occasions.

Yas, how is Garry getting on with the quitting smoking?
Thanks Pip - I searched and searched for one that I liked, the 60th is quite a big 'do' and the wedding is one of my close uni friends, so I'll be seeing lots of people from uni that I haven't seen for years, so rather vainly I want to try and look/feel as good as possible when I see them (never mind the fact that I'm going to look a complete heffalump at 35 weeks whatever I put on!!:rofl:)
I'm sure you will look stunning and blooming gorgeous, MrsMils. :)
Garry is doing so well- day three today which is apparently the hardest as it's when the last bits of nicotine leave his body :D we did have a bit of a barny earlier which I felt quite bad about, as he's really struggling and i'm hormonal so not the greatest mix! Instead of sulking though I made up with him MEGA quickly and we went to Ikea to cheer ourselves up :D

Oh and he got a lovely tattoo of a lizard in his forearm today- I've got one on my back and it's his fave of mine so he had it done to remind him of meeeeeeee and the pregnancy :cloud9:
Garry is doing so well- day three today which is apparently the hardest as it's when the last bits of nicotine leave his body :D we did have a bit of a barny earlier which I felt quite bad about, as he's really struggling and i'm hormonal so not the greatest mix! Instead of sulking though I made up with him MEGA quickly and we went to Ikea to cheer ourselves up :D

Well done that he is doing well and for you two to make up quickly.

Oh and he got a lovely tattoo of a lizard in his forearm today- I've got one on my back and it's his fave of mine so he had it done to remind him of meeeeeeee and the pregnancy :cloud9:

I have just prepared our, you guessed it, AD for OH and me. :blush:

On the packaging it had a recipe for Chocolate and Butterscotch Layer with Bananas on it. It looks like this: https://www.greatlittleideas.com/gl...terscotch+Layer/?idea_order=most-liked&show=5

Who's going to try it first?
LOL!!! OK you ladies have really got me curious about this Angel Delight stuff!
Pip, I don't know of anything that would restrict me from receiving powder in Canada. That's all they are right? Little packets of powder?

And btw...that dress is BEAUTIFUL!!

Yas: So happy to hear Garry is doing well!!

So, my news of the day! Well it's kinda old news but I am just sharing it now! lol! DH and I have picked a name!!! It's been a favourite of ours for a long time and we've decided to take the plunge and call her that even before she is born (which I never thought I'd do!!). I wanted to order wooden wall latters and stuff for the nursery...so it pushed me in the bum to decide. Just have a few other people to tell and then I will share with you lovely ladies and see what you think!

Alright well Goodnight for now!

Wow both those dresses are lovely. I'm thinking of heading in to town later to buy some comfy sandles!!

Yas that's lovely about you oh's tattoo. Did it hurt? I have a small one but it's on my bum so didn't hurt, although it wasn't pleasant.

Yey to picking a name Brigitte!! Are you keeping it secret? We are really stuck on names. The one I really like my oh has now gone off. We had friends round last night and they said that if their last kid was a boy they would have called him either Elliott or Ethan which are the names I like! If oh doesn't come round to the idea we may be calling him William.
Ethan is Mogsters middle name :thumbup:

Love the idea of the tattoo for OH Yas, Im too much of a wuss with needles to have one :dohh: If he struggles today at all you can distract him with his first Daddys Day :happydance: Maybe celebrate with a butterscotch milky pud?

Really struggling here today, went to visit my sister and her hubby yesterday and was really tired when we got home, have been so tired since, BH and feeling nauseous and just shattered, OH just took Mogster out for walk to burn off some energy - think i might have to head back to bed after lunch as just feel so wierd :shrug: Least its not too long now, 34 weeks today so getting there...

Hope you are all well, had quick trip to Sainsburys earlier Claire and no aquadrawas at all, asked and they said they sold out on day 1 of the offer! Hope you find one soon for Jac :hugs:
Love the idea of the tattoo for OH Yas, Im too much of a wuss with needles to have one :dohh: If he struggles today at all you can distract him with his first Daddys Day :happydance: Maybe celebrate with a butterscotch milky pud?

Hahaha, i've spent the morning trying to convince him to cook me a roast dinner :rofl: so pushing for some dessert might be a bit much :D
Great middle name Moggy! I've been feeling so tired recently. I have no idea how I'm going to cope for the rest of the pregnancy. x
I forced myself to make dinner for hubby and mogster, did poached chicken, roasties and veg followed by choccy Angel D with choc chips - never seen Mogster polish off a meal so fast :haha:

Tired now but have at least done something this afternoon and third wash load on now, Mogster has playschool tomorrow morning then off to visit my parents after lunch for a rest for me and a break for Mogster and OH.

Said how shattered i was earlier to OH and he pointed out we only got a week further than today before Mogster decided he was coming, gonna have to live on Angel D to keep me going at this rate! Least bag etc packed ready if he does decide hes coming soon!

Bathtime for me then final load should be finished then can sit down and rest my feet - think OH might give me another footrub later :happydance:

Hope you all had a great Daddys Day - think we are all getting tired now! :hug:
Moggy - Happy 34 weeks hun :happydance::happydance: Thanks for checking out sainsburys for me :hugs: There's no rush for one at the minute just lookign out for deals on them if i can.

Hubby worked this morning so we went out for a meal this afternoon with his mum and aunt as a treat. It was yummy especially as someone else made it and no clearing up after :haha:


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