Happy 30 weeks costgang and pip

Costgang - Welcome back

You are going to be one busy lady
Pip - Great bargain on the cot and stuff hun...nice to find some nice people...they seem to be getting fewer and far betweent hese days
Moggy - Hi hun.....happy 35 weeks

Hey...you might make it to 40 weeks you never know
Lia - Good old DH...bet it looks fab
Lydia - I see another pram addict in the making.....hubby gets worried when i mention prams. Yestrday a catalogue was open on the kitchen table when he came home form work....it ended up in the pram page as i was scooting through baby stuff......he had a worried look on his face and asked why i was looking at prams
Yas - Your shower looked fab hun
Ann - You ok hun? You're quiet these days.
Brig - Hope your ok hun.,
Hubby is working this morning but supposed to go see cars again this afternoon....he keeps mentioning the england game but i keep telling him the car thing comes first.

Dont get me wrong i'm a big footie fan but i HAVE to sort the car situation...... If i dont get a result this afternoon i will go nuts......