2010 Bumps & Flushes & Dimples

Glad the scan went well! Do they think that you may have the baby early due to size? My friend that I saw today was told at 35 weeks that the baby was already nearly 8lbs, and that it would be well over 10/11lbs at birth, but she was in fact 9lbs10 when nearly 2 weeks overdue. Maybe yours has just had a big growth spurt and now will slow down a little bit?

I have to admit - cutting out AD was my first thought too - I'd be distraught, you poor thing! Didn't someone say you can get sugar-free AD? That could be the answer.....:haha:

I did ask that and apparently my EDD will stay the same it's just I'll probably have a big baby. She did say that the measurements have a 20% error margin so they could be wrong.

I don't know if I fancy sugar free AD.. I will just want the real thing even more!

Nobody ever told me this about being pregnant! I thought it was the only time you could eat all the sweets!!! :haha:
We only use sugar free angel D and Moglet has a round little belly, MW today said theyre seeing it more and more and she wonders if the cultural mix in the UK in recent years has changed the norm measurement?

They over guestimated Mogsters weight from the last scan to his birth - they were out by about 5oz over 3 days. Is your other half long bodied for his height? OH and I wear the same leg length jeans despite his being almost a foot taller than me, the length is in his body and being a boy its likely Moglet gets his length from Daddy so is long in the body which makes the bump longer IYKWIM - baby may be long and not as big as they guestimate?

Saw MW today, pee good, BP good, bump huge, swelling severe, come back next week :dohh:

My swelling is officially up to my knees and my hands are huge but the only thing they can do is admit me to antenatal ward for bedrest! She has noted that I have had enough of aches pains etc but says they wont intervene as there is no medical reason to and bubs is better off in than out - they will review next Monday and if in the meantime the pain is too much etc etc that we can ask again but be prepared to be put on bedrest and not really given a choice in the matter! Im hoping next Monday brings better news or that Moglet decides to make the decision for me before then!

Asked about if there owt we can do to bring labour on and......

Pineapple - have to eat 8+ whole pineapple
Sex - non stop for about 8 hours would do it
Sperm - 8 teaspooons of fresh sperm required
Cleaning - scrubbing floors for again 8 hours

Im too lazy for all the 8 hours things and that much pineapple would make me squit, think Im resigned to waiting and hoping its over soon and that the weather cools, still awaiting the rain they promised so have put out 2 loads of washing on the line if that doesnt make it rain nothing will!!!!

Wish we had a teleporter am having lovely thoughts of where I could go and what I could do. Fancy one like they had in Star Trek..... :haha:
Aww Moggy you poor thing, that sounds miserable. I would have thought at this stage they could start to think about inducing if things are proving difficult for you.

I don't think my dh has a long body. We are both quite short but I think he is pretty much in proportion. Will have to examine him tonight!! Hopefully they are a little out in their estimations though. The measurements they generally use to determine his size is his belly, which along with his head was measuring 37 weeks.
:hugs: not long now lovely lady. Hopefully little Moglet is only days away from coming out. x
:hugs: Oh Moggy, huge hugs. That is a lot of 8's. Hopefully Moglet is going to make an appearance very very soon. I would start the stereotypical 'eviction process' now and do the curry/DTD/Bumpy roads/everything else. It can't hurt. I really feel for you, it must be so frustrating anyway, never mind when coupled with intensive pain :nope::nope::nope:

Have a big cuddle with Mogster - remind yourself how its worth the pain and the wait :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Ann - I wouldnt worry too much.....AD alone can't make your baby bigger than average...some people have small babies and some have larger babies...that's life i say. And it's only a guesstimate anyway :hugs:
Jac has always been bigger than average.....actually over the 90th percentile for weigth and height since 3 weeks old or so.......i dont know where he gets it from as i'm 5ft4 and hubby is 5ft6 :shrug: He still has short legs legs like me and hubby though :haha: but a long upper body iykwim

Moggy - Massive hugs hun :hugs::hugs::hugs: So sorry you're suffering so much...i'm crossing everything that moglet makes his appearance soon :hugs:
Oh....and the only thing i can do for 8 hours is sleep :haha:

Am fed up of work now......still had no official confirmation if i can finish a week early which would mean next week (i asked 3 weeks ago!).....feel like i'm being blackmailed to get things done even when they're out of my hands :wacko: Still no idea who will cover for me and they've known since i was 12 weeks. So now i'm thinking 'tough'....not my problem. So my last resort would be to go to the docs and get signed off for the week...hmmmm dont want to do that but may have to as i'm exhausted now.

Here's what's in my hospital bag:

For me........
Light dressing gown
3 cheap nighties
1 cheap pyjama bottoms
3 old knickers
Pack disposable knickers
Breast Pads
Maternity Pads
Toiletries bag (shower foam, tooth brush/paste, brush, deoderant, shampoo, mascara, concealer pen, antibacterial gel....other stuff i cant remember:dohh:)
Bath Towel

For LO......
4 Vests
4 babygros
2 Scratch Mitts

For hubby...
nothing...he can look after himself...he did last time :haha:

Stuff to get ready soon/before we go....
Coming home clothes for me
Nintendo DS
Carseat footmuff
LO Cardigan
Pressie for LO from Jac and vice versa

Like moggy mentioned.....dont worry too much...i ended up being in for 6 days last time...so hubby took washing home and brought stuff in for me everyday. Oh and i have tried to cover the fact that i'll be in for 3 days.

Mogster is what is keeping me going through this, everything hurts and when i ask for help they say the best option is to take me away from him :cry: Cant do it and just want to :cry: but think as have been crying on/off all evening OH is not sure what to do, how can it be so hard?
Moggy!! Can type much, hands are HUGE, but just want to give you some hugs- it sucks that they can't do much other than bedrest which just isn't an option. Wish we lived closer!!!! :friends:
Huge :hugs:, Moggy. Hope Moglet makes an appearance for you as soon as you want him to. Let me try and distract you a little. ;) Are there any discounts for Mothercare around at the moment, Mrs I-Always-Find-You-The-Best-Bargain?
Aww Mog. We would all come and help you if we could. I know this doesn't help but it will be over soon. Will post a pic of my feet so you know I can empathise with some of your pain.

They have gone from this..


to this...

I still can't believe that Moggy officially has only 20 DAYS to go and Jetters only 28!
Oh my goodness Ann - that is a shocker of a comparison pic!

Its a bit random Moggy, but when I'm feeling that horrible I stick a real weepy DVD on, having a good sob about something other than what I'm really upset about seems to help. Is AD not even helping?!
I am beautiful, I have sexy feet... aint pregnancy glamorous?! he he x


Sorry hun couldnt resist.....i feel your pain as i swelled up a fair bit with Jac but seem to be escaping it this time...for now. :hugs:

It's funny...when i walk down the steet and people look at me i feel sexy and special for being pregnant......and then i go to bed at night and take off my clothes and i feel sick when i see that huge lump of a heffer in the mirror :haha:

Sob sob, thanks ladies :friends: My Mum is going to come over to help out for a few days see if we can reduce my feet down etc and avoid the chances of the antenatal ward for bedrest...

F&C - your feet look like supermodels compared to mine, even in your after cankle shots! Mine are like huge carwash sponges with chipolatas attached where the toes go and theyre raised about a centimetre on the tops by fluid :blush: Feels like they have been pumped up and up and up and are gonna burst :cry:

AD not helping :nope: Just watching documaentary about Concorde, had little weep at the crash scenes but think finally have cried myself tired so gonna head to my bed - fresh sheets etc to see if that helps :shrug:

I love you guys, makes a huge difference not to be doing this alone IYKWIM and hope I can return the favour in time with support for you guys :hugs:

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