Yas physio does b****r all anyway as they cant prescribe due to pregnancy and the exercises you can find online, after bubs is here they can get docs to prescribe a gel you put on which is semi-ok whilst BF - not tested but if you put on just after one feed should be fine for next feed couple hours later as its topical on the wrist. Best thing is wear the braces at night but tbh they dont touch my pain at all now

Am now just getting used to my hands being huge as well as my feet and ankles, MW this afternoon has to listen!!!
Mogster at playschool this morning so Im on here whilst OH does my hoovering and kitchen floor and beds NOT - he is sat in front of TV! Sure he thinks being stay home Mum is piece or P! Gonna go strip beds at least in a minute, will try to put pics on FB later, got some of earlier in the summer I need to put on anyway!
We are one car family but live 2 mins walk from town centre here and have bus route etc in minutes walk and will have guided bus soon too. OH has to have car as RAF bases arent well positioned for PT, when we move we plan to get motorbike back for him to commute as little parkling if it ends up being Bristol

If you are used to driving everywhere you will defo want 2 cars but depends where you go most - as all Mogster and I do is within 10 minutes walk a second car here would be pointless AND expensive cos it would just sit.
Look forward to scan pics later, will at least upload cake pic this AM