2010 Bumps & Flushes & Dimples

Stupid question, but what are the straws for? :blush:

So hubby can hold drink for you and you can drink it with a straw :haha:

I am crap at holding anything at the best of times (super clumsy) and anticipate that I will be even worse during / after labour.....and can't hold baby and a drink (I am not a multi-tasker) so I can cuddle bubs and hubby can hold my drink............:haha:

And I like straws :blush:
Blimen hec Lia, didn't you hit the silly cow?! Grr. I'm getting fed up with comments about my size now as I feel like a whale already and still have 2 months to go. Right, guess I better start sorting out my bag. x
I was just wondering if anyone else's boobies are leaking a lot more than before? :blush:
Okay so the bags....

In mine in no particular order....
Notes, camera, puzzle book, cards, money, phone charger, maltesers, deodorant, flannel, toothpaste,toothbrush, razor, shower gel, tweezers, shower comb, hair brush, hair clips/bands, bathroom cleaning wipes, facial wipes, hand towel, bath towel, pj trews, feeding vests, cardi, dressing gown, flip flops, knickers, breast pads, maternity pads, t-shirt for OH, toilet wipes, feeding bra, first outfit for Moglet inc vest/sleepsuit/hat, trews to go home in, lansinoh, book, gym bottle top, nightie's for labour.

In Moglets bag, again in no particular order..
Nappies, wipes, sleepsuits(4), rompers(4), bodysuits(8), going home outfit, hat, blanket, teddy, socks(2), scratchmitts (2), muslin squares (4)

In the house ready to go: present from Mogster to Moglet, present from Moglet to Mogster, Carseat, towel to sit on en route to hospital, change for carpark until get maternity permit. Copy of my notes.

Cant think if I added anything not on the list but to be honest the hospital will provide anything you genuinely forget eg if you plan to BF and cant they will provide formula etc until you can get your own, they provide towels/bedding for bubs, they provide cotton wool and small pots for botty changing amd they provide a gown to labour in if requested and even a towel for afterbirth showering.

Have packed my bag in preparation for being there for 3 days + as with Mogster I was in for 5, hopefully this time will be birth and then 24 hours for GBS observation of Moglet then home to Mogster. OH took stuff home each day and brought other stuff back eg he took damp towels away and retunred with dry towels.

Plan to go in wearing shorts and vest like last time with joggers over the shorts and flip flops, so warm unlikely to need more and I gave birth to Mogster wearing just a long vest so intend if possible to wear the same one!

Off to soak my feet and hands in a cool bath then head to bed for another night of tossing and turning and bless him keeping OH awake! Hope you ladies arent suffering too badly with the heat? Mogster is hating the nights and waking multiple times, good practise I guess :shrug: My left foot earlier felt like it was gonna explode!

Re induction etc our hospital guide says they wont induce for convenience, does Mogsters care etc count as convenience?
MrsMils, not that I would steal your idea, but out of interest, was it just wallpaper and you cut them out yourself??? Did you have stencils or are you just really good at these things?

You know what your walls reminded me of? Have a look at this...
hi all, i have been reading:blush: but trying to pack with josh and huge belly aint easy, just over a week till we move,omg!! got my scan tomoroow, gonna ask for my date and c if i can be induced overnight, then oh can settle josh an join me, dont like my chances though, :hugs: to all of you in this heat
Ann I honestly don't know how I didn't hit her I think I was still amazed that somebody could be so stupid??? Then when her gormless boyfriend started talking I realised they had so few braincells it was only going to get worse so I let DH finish up in the shop (who had been oblivious to all this!) while I waited outside in the breeze.

Moggy - I wouldn't say it's 'convenience' when he is dependant on you??? List looking good I am pleased to see I haven't missed much - just didn't list it all :haha: DH has been stockpiling pound coins bless him for the hospital car park as we don't get permits.

Hope you aren't doing too much costgang - but I know how it is when it needs doing lol......I hope OH is pulling his weight??? I keep finding myself lugging boxes when DH is at work, we still have heaps of stuff in storage at his mums to come back as each room gets finished :dohh:

Pip I just clicked your link and was so excited to see an elmer teddy too :haha:

Yas - what did you think of Eclipse? I went last weekend for the previews and loved it - going again a few more times tbh as have other friends who want to go too :rofl: oh for a sparkly vampire of my own!

Hello everyone else! :flower:
Re permits...most hospitals offer them if you ask but they dont advertise the fact! ~Worth asking MW as many will give you 24 hours for free but only once!

With Mogster we spent a fortune on OH par4king, not least cos the minimum time was 3 hours but you could only stay 2! By the 3rd day one of the MW suggested we talk to the admins at the hospital who told us we could have a free permit for up to a week at a time as we had a child under 1 in the hospital, it could be reviewed after the week!

This time we asked and they confirmed we have to pay to park when we get there but once we are deemed in established labour we get a free 24 hour permit - just have to hope thats long enough as friends who had baby in Decemebr went over as baby got stuck and the got a fine! It was canbcelled after much letter writing etc but still.

As they say dont ask dont get!

Lazy day would be fab today but its party time!! Mogster is 3 tomorrow and we have family etc coming this afternoon. Finished cake last night and looks ok, just needs little tidy...unfortunately pic too big to upload! will put on FB later

Have a fab day all :hugs:
Lia can't BELIEVE that little chav! What a bitch! Well done you for walking away :friends: and I looooooved Eclipse, thought it was much better than New Moon and want to see it again too!!
Ooooh yay for party time moggy!!!!! :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:

We are lucky at Barnsley that you can park by the hour and it's not as expensive as some places I guess but yeah the best they will do at ours she said is if you need to abandon the car in the sort of waiting bays at the front, they will ring security to make sure you don't get clamped for a few hours and then if they decide you are staying hubby has chance to go and move it and park up......very generous no?? :rofl:

May have to do some tidying now....DH has gone to work and I am feeling awake compared to yesterday so guess I should :dohh:

Yas - team Edward or team Jacob? Edward is my favourite...but most of the blokes on there would do tbh :haha: even think Jasper is under-rated after this movie :haha:
JACOB! Oh god, it's sooooo Jake for me...then Jasper... then Emmett...

Garry was unimpressed to realise at LAST that 3 of our 4 potential names are in Twilight :rofl:
Morning everyone!! :coffee:

Long night at FILs party last night - I hate being the sober one! It was a good party though, band were great so bump and I had a little boogie! :dance: I've never had so many people grope my belly though - I guess because they are all friends of the in-laws (I've probably met them but just don't remember it!) so feel like they can! :growlmad:

Pip - Noooo - they came already cut out! I am going to get some paper samples and make some smaller ones though (a bird etc), as it wouldn't be difficult, but I don't think my art A-level skills are up to getting an elephant that size in proportion!! :haha: Definitely give it a go, you could always do the grid thing (where you draw a grid over a picture that you're trying to copy and then a grid on the bigger paper so that its easier to copy?). I've been drooling over the Liberty elephant in JL since we first got pregnant - I love it but DH says its too girly and we have to wait and see!

Thanks for the lists everyone :hugs: - its nice to see some realistic ones, as well as some little tips that I hadn't heard before (i.e. straws/towel to travel with etc). Think I might write a list to pack by this week.

P&F - urgh - well done for walking away!!! :gun:

Costgang - hope the packing/moving goes well - don't over-do it. :thumbup:

Moggy - have a super party!!! I hope Mogster has an awesome 3rd birthday tomorrow too. What have you got him? Looking forward to pics of the cake!!:cake:

Oh - and Pip - yes, my nipples hadn't leaked until last week, but one evening I put my stretch mark cream on, 5 mins later looked down and gasped in horror - two droplets of orange (??!!) liquid on my nipples? Since then they've been leaking small amounts of clear fluid each day. Boobs have had a growth spurt too (hence me not fitting into my pretty dress!):blush:.

Yas - how are the hands?

Ann - the zoo sounds fab, my favourites at Woburn were the giraffes, they were so cute! Well done for lasting the day, I'm not really sure I would!

Claire - how's things?:flower:

Got a tip from a drunken relative last night and my goodness, it actually worked!! If you're too hot at night, rinse a sheet in cold water (I used a large muslin square) wring it out as much as possible and then lay it on you - it kept me so cool last night and I actually slept for the first time in ages. Never before has a drunk man spoken so much sense at 1am...:drunk:
i saw eclopse last sat too, it was amazing, going again if i can fit it in,hehe.
JACOB! Oh god, it's sooooo Jake for me...then Jasper... then Emmett...

Garry was unimpressed to realise at LAST that 3 of our 4 potential names are in Twilight :rofl:

Ash caught me out on that one - he hadn't realised I'd snuck Isabel so I could have a Bella past him for girls names either til it was too late :haha:

Oh and on the boob leaking front yes mine are getting worse now, I have to wear something in bed else I wake up feeling gross from a damp trickle....nice!

DH just got home and I was surrounded by chaos tidying our room (I do a deep clean and get into everything - he is a surface tidier and likes to shove everything in a cupboard :dohh:) but he has offered to take me out for lunch (what's he up to hmm!) so that is my plan this afternoon!
Hi :flower:

Tried to catch up on the threads but brain is struggling to digest ...sorry :blush:

Picked up car on Friday....its fab!! Luckily it has a parking sensor as it's larger than i'm used to...but feels like i'm parking a lorry because of it :haha:
Isofix anchors fitted yesterday so we're good to go. Hada good run in it yesterday so all is fine :thumbup:

Twilight hmmm.....i didnt really enjoy the 2nd film/book after loving the 1st one so much. I have the eclipse book but still not read it so i dont feel in any rush to watch the film.....:shrug:

Oh....and hospital parking...when i was in after having Jac...hubby couldnt find a space (it's free though) so he ended up parking on the side of the road where there were no double yellows. He got a ticket anyway for parking outside a bay.....we couldnt believe it...we were going to complain but will everythign going on we never did!!! Our local council will do anything for extra money :growlmad:


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