Okay so the bags....
In mine in no particular order....
Notes, camera, puzzle book, cards, money, phone charger, maltesers, deodorant, flannel, toothpaste,toothbrush, razor, shower gel, tweezers, shower comb, hair brush, hair clips/bands, bathroom cleaning wipes, facial wipes, hand towel, bath towel, pj trews, feeding vests, cardi, dressing gown, flip flops, knickers, breast pads, maternity pads, t-shirt for OH, toilet wipes, feeding bra, first outfit for Moglet inc vest/sleepsuit/hat, trews to go home in, lansinoh, book, gym bottle top, nightie's for labour.
In Moglets bag, again in no particular order..
Nappies, wipes, sleepsuits(4), rompers(4), bodysuits(8), going home outfit, hat, blanket, teddy, socks(2), scratchmitts (2), muslin squares (4)
In the house ready to go: present from Mogster to Moglet, present from Moglet to Mogster, Carseat, towel to sit on en route to hospital, change for carpark until get maternity permit. Copy of my notes.
Cant think if I added anything not on the list but to be honest the hospital will provide anything you genuinely forget eg if you plan to BF and cant they will provide formula etc until you can get your own, they provide towels/bedding for bubs, they provide cotton wool and small pots for botty changing amd they provide a gown to labour in if requested and even a towel for afterbirth showering.
Have packed my bag in preparation for being there for 3 days + as with Mogster I was in for 5, hopefully this time will be birth and then 24 hours for GBS observation of Moglet then home to Mogster. OH took stuff home each day and brought other stuff back eg he took damp towels away and retunred with dry towels.
Plan to go in wearing shorts and vest like last time with joggers over the shorts and flip flops, so warm unlikely to need more and I gave birth to Mogster wearing just a long vest so intend if possible to wear the same one!
Off to soak my feet and hands in a cool bath then head to bed for another night of tossing and turning and bless him keeping OH awake! Hope you ladies arent suffering too badly with the heat? Mogster is hating the nights and waking multiple times, good practise I guess

My left foot earlier felt like it was gonna explode!
Re induction etc our hospital guide says they wont induce for convenience, does Mogsters care etc count as convenience?