2010 Bumps & Flushes & Dimples

Hi Ladies! Hope you've had a good weekend!

Ann: Have fun at your class hun! and yes I did tell my midwife, the reason I was worried is because I started loosing pretty big pieces for a few days after DH and I had sex. I was wondering if maybe the semen is what did it, but my MW said not to worry.:shrug: But it's up to you if you want to call your MW and keep her posted.

And I have a feeling Peyton will be early, I mean I'm sure she will be term. But I don't think I will make it to 40 weeks. Just a gut feeling....but who knows!? This is new to us right...so I may be wrong?:shrug:

I still have too much to do for her to get here so soon. I need to pack my bag, finish things around the house, finish setting up her room, I want to make food like cabbage rolls, spaghetti sauce etc to freeze for once we come home. The list goes on! lol

So what do you ladies have left to do before your LO are here!? Anything left to buy!? I think DH and I are done with the buying... for now! :haha:

How'd the MW go Moggy?

Thanks Brigitte. My mw wasn't concerned and just said he could come any time from now to about 3 weeks so he'll probably be early but not pre-term necessarily. I then spoke to my NCT (national childcare trust) lady and she asked more questions like have I been getting cramps and am I particularly active which I replied yes to both. She said I've got to focus on keeping him in so maybe I should leave work early. I may work from home tomorrow or only go in for a bit, then do my hand over Weds and Thursday and leave then. I really don't want to leave them in the lurch though.

Hi girls!

How was MW Moggy?

Ann - definitely leave early if you can, if cramping etc is made worse by you being so busy then best to take it easy for the next week and a half and keep bubs sitting tight until 37 weeks. I'm sure you won't be leaving them in the lurch, they would have to cope if the baby came early anyway.

Everyone keeps looking at me and telling me I'll go early (mainly because the bump has dropped so low and I've become so big), but I think I'll be late, just because I'm impatient and would love to be early!!! Had a bad night last night, I was shattered but just couldn't sleep, felt really weird, nothing wrong in particular, but couldn't get comfortable and lots of sharp pains down below, I think the baby is hitting a nerve or something. Got Dh to pack labour bags and we tested out the car seat and base last night, so feeling a little more prepared!

Brig - sounds like you're getting organised! I've got to buy a few more bits (but have all the essentials now), need to do things like read instructions for monitor, breast pump (just in case), steriliser etc. Mainly I've got to sort out all of the things around the house that I want to do - like clearing out the study etc! Oh, and write my birth plan.

How is everyone else?
I also had a rubbish night's sleep as well! ooohh are we tuning in to each others pregnancies now?! lol

Yep you are right but I still feel bad. I'm struggling to walk now anyway as he feels so heavy down there and I dread the 20 min walk each way. I have to take it so slowly that I always wonder if someone will start pushing me!
MW appt - BP fine, pee fine, HB fine, still engaged, hes turned so not back to back any more, shes off to Zante on hols and back in three weeks. Appt next Monday to discuss what we do next - happy to let mother nature do her thing so...
I think I would be the same. I really don't fancy being induced if I don't have to be. Glad Moglet has turned and all the tests came out ok. x
YAY for a good appt. Moggy!!!

btw ladies, I slept like crap last night as well. I was hot, my right hip hurts so I couldn't get comfy. Ugh!!

And Ann, I have to agree with Lydia, you are so close to leaving work anyway...if I were you I would leave early. I really didn't want to leave my work early...and it turned out to be the best thing ever! My BP has already come down, I feel less stressed and more relaxed. Atleast think about it!

Lydia: Went to get some groceries today and made a special stop in the Kool-aid section!!!! lol! I will try to get to the post office this week! :-)

:flower: Hello ...

I didnt sleep well last night either.....felt like cr@p when i went to bed and ended up with a bug i think as i spent most of the night in the bathroom :sick: Luckily hubby changed his shift today so he was home this mornign...and my parents looked after Jac for me this afternoon so i could lie down and relax.
Feel so much better now have had some cereal...gone down well i must say as all ive had all day is water!

Ann - You defo need to finish work then...time to relax! I knwo its nice to leave with everything done and all that btu think about my sutuation...my manager signed my leave book at 7.45pm on a thursday evening after me doing 3 hours overtime to finish there and then......do what is right for you hun...work will onky take take take....

Moggy - Glad MW was all ok :thumbup: Oh and moget has turned to a nicer position :hugs:

Brig - Dont over do it though hun even if you ahve a few things to do...its a wonder what you can sort out there and then if you need it :thumbup:

Lydia - I think it's easier to think yo'll be late...otherwise the time will drag. with Jac i was convinced i woudl ahve to be induced case all my antenatal buddies had to.....how wrong was i LOL

Still waitning for my urine sample results....phoned up the clinic....no MW available...and the reception said results ahd come back but nobody ahd looked at them yet :dohh: So need to phone in the morning.....

Thanks ladies. It's so nice having your support.

How strange that most of us slept badly last night!
Goodness, we are all tuning in with each other!! Lets hope we all get a better night tonight!:sleep:

Claire - you poor thing:hugs:, glad you've managed to get some rest and some food down you, I can't even begin to imagine having a bug at the moment, I 'm struggling and I'm generally well in my pregnancy. How frustrating about MW and results, hopefully you'll get to speak to someone in the morning. However, hopefully its good news as I'm sure that if there was something wrong with the bloods then they would have contacted you asap.

Moggy - so pleased appointment went well and you're feeling chilled about going over, what a contrast to last time!! Whoop whoop to Moglet turning - what do you think turned him?:happydance:

Brig - someone suggested to me yesterday to sleep on a folded over duvet to take some of the pressure off my hips - I haven't tried it yet but might help? :shrug: Oooh - I'm excited about the koolaid! Will hopefully get your AD in the post tomorrow!!:thumbup:

Ann - definitely finish that bit earlier if you can!! No point in making yourself unwell/risking health of you and the baby if the few extra days could make all of the difference.

I had a text from Pip - she's getting the house sorted but its going slowly! She says to say hello to you all!!!

I need something to put nappies/changing stuff in to keep downstairs in the house, somewhere I remember seeing a sort of fabric basket, does anyone know where I might get one? :shrug:
sleep? at night? what is that! Could happily sleep after brekkie though but Mogster needs me then
Thanks Yas, I'll pop into TKMaxx on Saturday and see what I can find. We miss you too! How is it all going? How is the BFing? I hope you and K are well. :flower:

Well, last night........ I slept!!!!!! Woohooo!!! :happydance: I only got up twice! Sorry to gloat, but after moaning about being so tired yesterday and having a bit of a wobble last night as I seem to be getting stretch marks on my boobs (big sulk from me and sympathy from DH thank goodness), I was so relieved to wake up this morning and feel normal again! Its amazing what sleep can actually do to help!!

I hope you ladies managed to get some sleep too :hugs:

Lydia - I know the feeling about booby stretch marks....i had some pre preggy but had so much more whe n expecting Jac...i hate them too but you get to live with them .... i'm prone to them so have learned to live with them really. I am fortunate not to get many on my belly though.....but have loads on hips and stuff with losing gaining weigt over the years. :hugs: I use a box (like a bath box) to keep nappiy stuff downstairs...better in the long run as you can close it otherwise i'd be forever keeping the stuff as Jac likes to empty boxes andstuff :dohh:
Something like this (i keep nappies, cream, wipes, nappy sacks,cotton wool, savlon in here) ...https://www.mothercare.com/Motherca...ing=UTF8&m=A2LBKNDJ2KZUGQ&n=42764041&mcb=core

Moggy - Aww.......has mogster totally stopped his naps now then...or do you get a chance to nap then ?

Jetters - Cute pic on FB :cloud9:

Feeling a lot better today...so hoping to eat some more to make up for yesterday LOL MY urine sample came back ok...but contaminated...but i was asked if i was feeling ok and maybe i need to do another one ??? Sounds like they're not so sure hmmmm.....Getting MW to call back later especially as i havent been well past few days....see what she has to say.
Glad you are feeling a bit better today Claire. Do you know I never even thought about having to keep nappies etc downstairs!

Mrs Mils, glad you got a good night's sleep. My dh slept in our bed with me yesterday for the first time in ages. It was lovely but I did keep waking up as not used to sharing any more!

At work desperately trying to get things done. Am going to finish on Thursday after the 2 day handover to my replacement!
Mogster gave up napping a good few months back - I am on the go with him from 7 til 7 if not 6.30am til 7.30pm. Its a killer when this preggers but not long now I hope....

Should be interesting once bubs arrives but am hoping baby will nap after lunch sdo Mogster and I can have time together and Moglet will get mornings when he is at preschool....later afternoons we can do stuff all together before Daddy comes home.

Glad you are feeling better Claire, not nice feeling sicky/icky tummed and having toddler to look after as you can just head for bathroom you have to make sure theyre safe etc first.

Took Mogster to BusyFeet this morning, its like dance/exercise class for toddlers, he enjoyed it but Im shattered now, my little Duracell bunny Mogster is just carrying on! OH coming home early so I can have a nap! In-laws are over again later - one more week til they go back....

no sign of moglet coming out, feels very low and having some twinges tightening etc but nothing that makes me think his arrival is imminent, I would go so far as to say one of the others amongst you will be next....

Off to catch up on few other threads and FB then empty washing machine - got 10 mins before it finishes so...

Hello ladies - just managing to nip on while little man has a snooze. Finding the nights a bit of a test but we are getting on okay generally and DH is my rock. George and Yas you have been smashing too I feel lucky to have all of you supporting me - and hopefully I will be able to bob on here enough to be supportive in return as the rest of the bumps start to pop!!

Moggy - glad to hear moglet has turned! :happydance: busyfeet sounds fab too! I can't imagine having anyone stay with us late in the pregnancy especially the in laws......I hope the are being a bit helpful though??

Glad Pip is getting there with the house - am pleased/relieved to say DH is doing a sterling job at ours I got up this AM and he had tidied up and has kept the washing machine going etc.....what a star.

Lydia - glad you got some sleep!

Ann - hooray for finishing work Thurs!!!!!!!!!! :happydance: :happydance:

Sorry to hear most of you aren't sleeping at the mo as well. And funny that you are talking about boxes for nappy stuff downstairs...........we have a stash upstairs/downstairs but are just talking about finding a better way of storing it / keeping it together. Two people got us those Johnsons boxes in the asda baby event so might be able to pop things in one of those to keep in a corner :shrug:

I am having a treat of a bun today we received this from some of our friends in the post https://doughdough.com/product15.asp sooooo lovely!!!!

I think I have caught up but I am not sure - don't know what day it is at the minute but wanted to come on, sending hugs from me and my gorgeous little fella :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Hi Ladies!

Well last night I had another crap sleep. :-( I was again hot and uncomfortable... Ugh!! But atleast I am home now so I get to nap whenever the mood strikes. I don't know how you ladies with toddlers are managing! I find it a task just taking care of myself right now!!

Claire: Happy that you are feeling a bit better.

Ann: YAY!!!!!! For finishing Thursday!!! So happy you'll have an extra week to rest!

Well I think I'm gonna have myself a lazy day today. It's very gloomy outside...has been raining on and off...which makes me even more sleepy. Maybe try and do a few things off my to-do-before-baby list...but I'm thinking a whole lot of TV. lol

Fortunately they arent staying but they seem to always be lurking :cry:

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