2010 Bumps & Flushes & Dimples

Do your in-laws live far away? I can't believe they are staying at yours when you are full term!!! I actually think that's a bit out of order as you will have to play hostess and you are home all day with them AND you have Mogster to look after. When are they off?

Sorry you had another bad night's sleep Brigitte. Have you got a fan to keep you cool?

:hi: P&F!!! Glad your dh is doing a great job of helping you out. How are you feeling?
They arent staying here just lurking around waiting for baby to come, Mogster is getting used to them but at dinner time today he asked me when Granny was coming back :cry: He loves my Mum and guess its not the same :shrug: the in-laws live in spain and although he calls them grandma/grandad he doesnt really know them just sees them as some people who have been coming to play with him. Im tired and having them appear EVERY day is hard work but guess its part of marriage?

In other news Mogsters sunflowers are really coming on, of the 15 he planted we havve 14 plants and theyre all 5-6ft plus and threee have now flowered, he is so proud of himself and I am of him :cloud9: he said to me today that some of them are waiting for baby to come before they go yellow - bless him!

As we all seem to be syncing re sleep thought i would ask if anyone else is being bitten to death? Seem to be a magnet for bug bites at the moment and am fed up feeling itchy, have been gotten on back of both knees and under my bump and now on iner thigh - darned bugs wont leave me alone!

Off for some strawberry AD with raspberries in the bottom, was reading theyre better for me than strawberries in terms of goodness and antioxidants - I love eother so good excuse IMO

:hugs: everyone, hope we all get a better night tonight, seems cooler here and am planning a lukewarm bath then foot rub before bed tonight, hopefully it will help - after CSI of course!
Turning up every day is just as bad. You poor thing! My in-laws live in Spain for the winter months of the year but when they are back it's all about seeing the children and grandchildren which can be a challenge.

It's strange you should say about the bites, my dh has lots and I have found some marks today which may be bites. Blimen mozzies!!
Ann: I actually have 3 fans going in the bedroom...and the AC in the living room...but still I wake up all sweaty and gross. :-( Hopefully tonight is better...but I doubt it with this humidity that we've got going on today.

Moggy: I think you've got yourself a good plan for tonight! Have fun and relax! :-)
Urgh - wide awake again.:growlmad: Think its probably because I dreamt that the baby died during labour and now I'm all freaked out!:wacko:

Moggy - grrr, I'd be so mad about them being there every day. Can't you put them to work and have them do housework for you??!! :haha:

Lia - I'm so pleased that you're settling into family life well, your new fb pic is just gorgeous!!! I hope the bun was good, my friend sent me some birthday chocs from there and they were scrummy! How have you been feeling (apart from tired obviously!)?

Brig - I hope you've had a better night, fortunately it seems to have cooled down here so I'm no longer having to create hurricane-force winds with fans in our bedroom (much to DH's relief), I hope the same happens for you.

Ann - Hoorah to finishing on Thursday!!! :happydance: Well done!!! What are you going to do on Friday to celebrate?

Claire - How has Jac been? And are you on countdown daily now? It must be lovely knowing the actual date? Any special plans for your birthday?

Yas - How are things going with K? The pics are just gorgeous! He's so cute!

When does Costgang get back from hols? I think she said she was going away didn't she? Hope you're having a lovely time!

Pip should also be back on before too long hopefully?

I had a cleaning marathon yesterday, really hoping this is my nesting instinct kicking in as there is a LOT to do around the house! I also saw the midwife, all looking good, LO is engaged and happy, MW thinks its a long and skinny baby, about 7lbs14 at birth at a guess (and she thinks boy!). Only issue was my sugar again! Got to drop off another sample next week and she'll call if there is a problem, in the meantime I've got to try and cut back...

Anyway, hope you lot are fast asleep! :sleep: I'm going to go and count some sheep and see if that works...!
MrsM have you tried a warm bath before bed? Too hot doesnt work and too cool doesnt either but for some reason lukewarm seems to do it for me at the mo follwed by footrub from OH, gets me a snooze til about 3am when have to pee and after that its a few naplike stints but seems to be helping get a few good hours in IYKWIM.

In-laws only doing after lunch visits but Im too tired to want them here then and cos Mogster doesnt really know them he wants me there all the time with him and just dont have the energy for both and guess who I prefer to give my time and attention to? My fabulous little man of course, i love him so much, more and more every day and he says each day no baby today next week mummy - he reckons next thursday :wacko:
:hi: everyone, anyome witha girl in their belly watch out, am convinced we will have a gilr next on the thread....Brig it could be YOU!!!!!
How much longer are they around for? I don't know how you don't lose your temper! Aww, bless Mogster! He's so cute! Next Thursday, thats a week away, only 8 sleeps - but would they let you go that far? How overdue would that make you?

Unfortunately the bath thing is already an absolute must, I LOVE the bath and at t he moment its the only place that I'm really comfortable so I'm found in there a lot! I can usually get to sleep, but then, like you, I wake up and can't get back to sleep. I do usually get 2 or 3 hours, but I'm a bit pathetic and that just isn't enough for me!!

Its raining here today - that means that it might be cool enough for me to go for a little walk with the pooch - yay!
As far as hospitla is concerned they class EDD as 5th August even though they have already confirmed via scan its 1st August just they wont change paperwork as it was written first as 5th August :wacko:

My MW has suggested we just go up to delivery and ask to be induced as my swelling is sufficiently bad they would agree to induction within 24 hours of us turning up there and just send us home to come back at induction o clock, I dont want them to do this though so am hanging out now for bubs to come himself, my last labour was under 6 hours so figure this one will be short n sweet if/when moglet is ready to come...

Really want to avoid a section cos i want to be home woth Mogster ASAP and with a first section it would be 5 days before they would release me, if it were a second/third they would let me go sooner as I would be "experienced" in terms of aftercare :wacko: My main concern is if they intervene and hes not ready to come that it will automatically become a different birth to that which i want, in fact should they intervene and he isnt ready in all likelihood he will turn back to back once more and then we could be looking at bbq tongs and sink plungers before resorting to section to get him out - not in my big plan!

I think given it has been this long now, Im already a month longer than last time around so whats another week or two :shrug: The bigger he is when he comes out the easier baby he will be for getting settled with Mogster as he will be able to eat more at each sitting so will sleep longer periods at night sooner - I remember Mogster when he was small, because he was 6lb odd he needed to feed at least every three hours and when you do that 24/7 it gets tiring as you are never getting more than 2 hours snooze yourself which can really drain you, kind of what Yas is experiencing with K at the moment, once they get bigger say 8lb+ the gaps increase and if Moglet comes out at 9lb+ we could be looking a good 3-4 hour gap to start which gives more time for both Moglet and Mogster to get quality time without a zombie mummy!

In the big scheme of it when I think like this a fortnight is nothing - only problem comes when I start feeling tired and huge and swollen NOW!
:hi: everyone. I'm back. Internet only just come on, so have lots of catching up to do and will update you later on things. Hope everyone is okay and congratulations to Lia on the birth of your little boy. Thanks MrsMils for keeping me updated in the meantime. I have kept costgang updated too. She is hoping to be back online next Monday.
Pip - Welcome back hun :hugs: Hope you're move wasn't too stressful. :happydance: for being in the last box...

Lydia - Jac is better than he has been.....but was really naughty yesterday teatime...so we went for a walk to cool him down LOL....most of the time he's ok now. He doesnt listen still but i try and distract him and stuff to stop him doing what he shouldnt :dohh: I really hope he starts to listen at some point...that cheeky grin is grinding me down :haha:

Moggy - Dont say that... i thought i was going to be next last night.....went for a walk and had 2 serious BH within 20 mins and was actually thinking they we're the real thing they were that bad. But had nothing since....dont remember them being like that with Jac at all....:shrug: OH...huby felt my belly at the time and was amazd at how rock hard it was :haha:

hello brig/ann/Yas/costgang/lia :hi:

Hi Pip, glad the move went ok!!

Moggy I dreamt you gave birth to a girl last night, I woke up all confused this morning when I checked my phone and there was nothing there :rofl:
Morning Ladies!!

OK Moggy!: You need to bite your tongue!!:haha: I can't be next! I have too much left to do here still!! Someone that is closer to their 40 weeks needs to go next! Or YOU!! I hope little Moglet decides to come out soon!!

Lydia: Slept a little better last night hun. But was kept awake at 5:45am after a weird dream. I Also keep having these weird dreams lately...something is wrong with baby, weird procedures at the hospital...and this morning I was testing for Group B strep in my dream (In real life I am doing that on tuesday). :shrug:

Pip: Welcome back!! And yay for the last box! I think we are all on the last box now!!:happydance:

Hi everyone else! Hope you have a great day!! YAY for Ann's last work day!!!

Ooof would do my head in with anyone around moggy let alone the inlaws - I have gone on strike and am refusing to pander to peoples demands on us and bubs til we are settled ourselves.

Hello ladies! :flower: I am feeling wonderful thank you other than a little tired. We managed to keep him in his moses basket all night last night (apart from getting up for feeds obv) which was amazing - though I missed cuddling him in bed :dohh:

He is a little jaundiced at the moment, midwife is going to check him again tomorrow and see if we need to go to hosp for tests to check it is all okay.

DH is just loving being a dad I well up every time I see them together he is so good :cloud9:

Now where are these other babies! Moggy it is good she thinks they would induce if you wanted but as you say you have waited this long.....I hope it is not too much longer, will be so good when your swellings etc are gone and you have your two boys :hugs:

Are you all having BH then??? I don't think that I did - am sure I would remember lol :haha: Is everyone on leave now as well??? I can still remember getting my BFP how did we get here??????

Sprinkling AD on the thread, mmmmmmm :dust:

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