Ooh sounds like this time next week we will have at least 3 more babies!
HV didnt offer much help re Mogster tbh, she says he will be upset by all the changes as it is upheaval which little people dont like, the only real cure is time and establishing a routine that involves and includes both boys. We are trying to give him one on one time with both Mummy and Daddy separately and also Mummy and Daddy together with just him and also with Moglet too, he is getting better but he is so full of energy he sometimes gets overexhuberant and comes close to hurting Moglet cos he is so enthusiastic - all normal, my Mum always tells me how my older sister wanted me to play with her wooden snoopy toy - about 10inches of solid wooden dog, so much so that she would lob it into my cot/pram or wherever I was
F&C - really sounds like lil fishy is preparing to arrive, Mogster didnt engage at all, my waters went first no show no nothing

This time Moglet was engaged for weeks until finally waters went, then the show came and the pains started. Im hoping it will all happen calmly for you as you are really sounding ready
MrsM - hping you too have little one soon, sounds like your SPD is playing up? Is it better when the weather improves? Supposed to be a nice weekend over this way so must be good near you too as you arent far off.


Lia hope you and your boys are doing good?
Claire not long now, Jac will no doubt be fine, as you say he is a little younger but would expect the change in family dynamic to show in his sleep pattern etc more than behaviour, fingers crossed he takes it in his stride! Means you can break out the B-Dual
Speaking of which how are all the buggies going? Do we think we went for the right wheels?