Oooh i've missed a lot- firstly, CONGRATULATIONS BRIG!!!!!!!! So happy for you, can't wait to see piccies of Princess Peyton 
And haaaapy biiirthday Claire, hope you had a lovely day!!!
PMSL @ double cream Moggy... guess we're all in the gold top boobies club eh?
look at our boys sprouting up! K is 25th centile after leaping up from the 8th the week before 
Pip I haven't got a cot mobile cos I've got an arms reach co-sleeper so it wouldn't fit. BUT I wouldn't bother getting one anyway, I think the bed should be for sleeping not playing... when he moves into a proper cot around 6 months old I might consider getting one though to keep him entertained. He's got this funky one on his changing table which he LOVES- it instantly stops him crying and he really focuses on it now-

And haaaapy biiirthday Claire, hope you had a lovely day!!!
PMSL @ double cream Moggy... guess we're all in the gold top boobies club eh?

Pip I haven't got a cot mobile cos I've got an arms reach co-sleeper so it wouldn't fit. BUT I wouldn't bother getting one anyway, I think the bed should be for sleeping not playing... when he moves into a proper cot around 6 months old I might consider getting one though to keep him entertained. He's got this funky one on his changing table which he LOVES- it instantly stops him crying and he really focuses on it now-