2010 Bumps & Flushes & Dimples

Lydia has had a little girl :happydance::happydance::happydance:

Massive congrats hun :cloud9::cloud9:

''Born at 6.30pm weighing a whopping 9lb 4.5oz by csection + hasnt stopped feeding since. Eric and I are completely in love with her''

Dont think she wanted name posting...it's a beautiful name though :thumbup:

Fab news isnt it!

I love the name! Makes for great initials too :thumbup:
Was just coming on to see if it had been posted yet. Love the name too. Glad they are okay. Can't wait to see some pics and read her birth story.

Congrats MrsMils. :hugs:
Thanks ladies. Can't often get him to take the dummy but trying to persevere. Managed to stretch a couple of feeds today. Just finding things a bit difficult - my mum and dad came today which was nice though.

There's a thread on BF board at the moment about feeds and there seem to be a lot of frequent feeders on there - so is it normal or should we stretch it out? https://www.babyandbump.com/breastfeeding/414645-does-number-feeds-reduce.html

Hope you're all okay - thanks for your suggestions. DH struggling with Dylan so I'd better go......:dohh:

First time around we were told to try and space feeds at least 2 hours apart preferably 3 hourly as this helps baby digest the hind milk, if you feed too often they dont get the hind milk and get only wind from too much foremilk - she said it is like a pint of lager :wacko: If you only drink the head you just get beer burps quicker :dohh: Basically the three hour point is the aim to ensure bubs gets enough feeds in the day to prevent waking all night - to be honest though Mogster never settled to a routine of 3 hours until about 8 weeks, this time Jack has sooner but I think only because of our experience of Mogster AND the fact that he is so much bigger! The aim after the 3 hourly feeds are reached is to get 4 hourly but only if the nights stay the same IYKWIM?

If Dylan is doing well and is happy and so are you then you are doing right! The books can only tell you what worked for THAT baby and theyre all unique. If he does 2 hourly in the day and he takes a good feed then its good, if he doesnt take a good feed it might be worth getting him to crash in the day for a couple of hours to get him hungry enough to take a good enough feed to be able to stretch the window. Does he sleep in the car? You could feed him then play for a bot, change his bum then go for a drive to get him to sleep...?

Dont know if this helps but with Jack in the night the first wake up we feed change then feed again and with the second we change first then feed...seems to work so far

Ask away if there is owt we can do to try and help, first time around BF is much harder than the second. Also the bigger the baby the easier the feeding seems to be :wacko:

Hope D gives you a good night tonight :hugs:
On the note of initials did you know that our little one's initials are S.I.R.
:) So we already have our own little Sir amongst us.
So does that mean all our babies are here???

Any news on Dede...i would have thought she has had her baby now too :shrug:

We can move from the preggy section soon and go to the other buddy section we mentioned :happydance::happydance: (csant remmebr it now though lol)

Not sure about DeDe. I have PM'ed her again yesterday. I really hope DeDe and her little man are okay.
YAAAAAAAAAAAAY for Lydia, at last! So happy! She too ended in section so will be interested to hear the story. Has Ann managed to write hers yet?


Lia, sorry things are a bit tough at the moment. It will pass- remember that! I know i'm f/f now so no more bf advice from me.. but there was a point just before the mastitis when suddenly he'd go longer between feeds and I felt so relieved. It'll happen when his belly is a bit bigger. And these babies change so much week by week- already I feel like my floppy newborn has gone and instead i've got this strong, sturdy 8 week old. :hugs:
Hello Ladies!!

Wow there was so much I wanted to say and now I don't know if I will remember it all??

First off: CONGRATS Lydia!!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance: I knew you'd have a girl!! I can't wait to hear her name!! :hugs:

Ann: It is VERY overwhelming. I spent almost two weeks (and still some days now) going back and forth on being completely in love and then wanting to put Peyton back in! lol It's crazy all the things you feel. :hugs:

Yas: I'm sorry you never see Rory :cry: I didn't even know you had another child. Why is this evil lady keeping you two apart? If it's too personal just disregard my question :hugs:

Claire: :hugs: I feel your pain. Peyton is sick with her first cold. :cry: We went to my goddaugthers birthday party on Saturday...on Monday I started feeling sick, yesterday was hell, and P was VERY fussy, today I feel better but she is all sniffly and coughing. I have no clue what to do..I didn't even know babies this young caught colds...and from me. :cry: Hope Ana feels better soon. :hugs:

Lots more I wanted to say, but I think I have to end there for tonight!

Massive congrats to Lydia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happydance::happydance:

And thank you again ladies - moggy you are as always a star, will try getting him more awake at night for the feeds, and Yas yours and anyones advice is always welcome doesn't matter that you now FF!

So after trying to space Dylan out more yest, the evening feeds got closer together instead :dohh: I think I will just stick to what he's happy with and stop whinging lol. My house seems to be really hot, Dylan won't wear much, so it was pointed out by HV that sometimes he will just be 'thirsty'. If he goes on within two hours of already having been on I put him on the same boob as he did have a stint of green poos (from no hindmilk) but thats stopped now.

Am feeling a bit more positive today - sorry, I was a bit mardy yest, DH finally gets it now though and made me breakfast in bed and looked at me with those 'you're amazing I don't know how you do it' eyes as he struggled loads with Dyl last night :thumbup:

So do we have all babies now????????? Well done :thumbup: :thumbup: seems to have gone sooo quickly now (maybe Lydia will disagree for a while yet :haha:)
evening cluster feeding is very common, sit down feet up and watch tv! :hugs: Mogster did it for a while then grew out of it :thumbup:
Yep Kia has always cluster fed in the evenings, he still does now even though he's ff! In the day he goes around 4 hours but has a bottle around 5 and then is hysterically hungry again at 7ish and 9ish....
Jack will feed at 5pm then want a top up at 6ish then has new boob at 7 then bed, he will go to near midnight or 1am then have a feed and another about 4.30am, both these are now around 20-25mins including change so getting easier at night, 6 week growth spurt is imminent though so trying not to get too used to these lovely sleeps yet! Be interesting to see how 6 week check goes....cant even remember what they did at Mogsters - hoping it doesnt take full 40 mins else will be legging it to collect Mogster from school....think OH may be collecting him in uniform :dohh:
Jack will feed at 5pm then want a top up at 6ish then has new boob at 7 then bed, he will go to near midnight or 1am then have a feed and another about 4.30am, both these are now around 20-25mins including change so getting easier at night, 6 week growth spurt is imminent though so trying not to get too used to these lovely sleeps yet! Be interesting to see how 6 week check goes....cant even remember what they did at Mogsters - hoping it doesnt take full 40 mins else will be legging it to collect Mogster from school....think OH may be collecting him in uniform :dohh:

Super Jack :thumbup: See our feeds are so short really but BF counsellor said as I have a quick / strong let down and he is putting on weight its ok. I try to keep him on as long as poss.

We get our 6 week check at 8 weeks with the JABS argh!!!! Is Mogster doing well with Jack?

Strange question ladies - what do you do with your LOs while they are awake and not being fed / changed?? Am running out of ways to entertain Dylan, though he has a fascination with our wallpaper :haha:
swing/playmat/rocker/out for walk/sling

Thanks :thumbup: apart from the walk / sling he doesn't seem a fan of the others other than his vibrating chair bouncer that gets me breakfast time lol. He likes to be on the move it seems. Weird cos he loved the playmat at first :dohh:

Wasn't kidding about the wallpaper either he bloody stares at it for ages!
Strange question ladies - what do you do with your LOs while they are awake and not being fed / changed?? Am running out of ways to entertain Dylan, though he has a fascination with our wallpaper :haha:

Cuddle him and kiss him lots while he still lets me. :winkwink:
I also don't know what to do when Harry sleeps during the day!! Every time we try and put him down he wakes so we are currently taking it in turns to hold him. We must get a play mat or something as he's now getting more alert so will need more entertaining. Any good suggestions?

A massive congratulations to Lydia!!! I'm so happy that she finally has her little one to cuddle.

Lia, I'm also worried about Harry's constant feeds. I actually worry that I'm over feeding him as sometimes it seems he's got an icky stomach.


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