2010 Bumps & Flushes & Dimples

If that DOES happen, text me- i'll be on hand with lots of love and sympathy! But remember, s/he'll be here SO soon- how exciting is that? You'll never have another Sunday without your baby... you'll never again shave your legs nice and slowly... you'll never again have all this free time to go online... :rofl: :hugs: :friends:


College starts properly tomorrow! EEEEEEEEEP! My first full day without bubs- i'll be gone 830-4 but they're meeting me for lunch to break the day up. :(
F-ing bloody hospital. I am SO angry and upset. I call (as requested to do) this morning, lady on the ward says absolutely, come in now (tells me what to bring, books me in for a private room etc). We get the house locked up etc, dog sorted and then a different lady calls me to say that I'm "only 41+6" and therefore, because they can now fit me in tomorrow, they won't take me today, its not their policy and delivery are 'quite busy' anyway. But if its busy tomorrow then they'll just bring me in for monitoring. Why can't the f-ing departments communicate with each other before messing with hormonal and desperate people's emotions?!!!

They have made SUCH a big deal about a girl from NCT that doesn't want to be induced (really scaremongering about the risks of going a day over 42 weeks etc) and are making her come in for monitoring every day past 42 weeks (they even made her go in for a scan etc at 41+5).

When I start asking questions about what would happen if they're too busy tomorrow etc she gives me this patronising lecture about how much better it is that I've got another day for labour to start naturally and its SO much better for labour to start naturally. Um, if it were, then why are they so adamant about inducing on the day of 42 weeks, its not like at midnight something suddenly changes.

DH taking me out shopping today, here's hoping that I go into labour when I'm there, then I can go to Norwich hospital instead.

Sorry, rant over...
Lydia :flower:Im so sorry they are messing you about, saw your FB status and it wouldnt let me post the link on there :shrug: then came on here and saw your post. Wish we could do something, cant believe they wont take you as they would if you had gone into labour already so what is the difference - maybe theyre promoting the statistics about Tuesdays :wacko:

Wondering which shop you should aim to be in...apparently M&S give you a bottle of champers and pop you in a taxi...where would I choose....hmmm? Somewhere with a trolley full of AD wuld be apt :rofl:

Will be thinking of you and willing you to have your waters go exactly 5 weeks after mine....FYI thats about 13:36

:hugs: :hug: :hugs: :hug: :hugs: :hug: :hugs: :hug: :hugs: :hug: :hugs: :hug: :hugs:
Lydia - fully sympathise hun and hope your body will kickstart on its own no thanks to the hospital :dohh:

At least you are able to be out and about today? Once they induced me and THEN had no room for me in labour I was still confined to the hospital (no grounds to speak of) so at least you can look at it as getting an extra day to keep moving, and do something nice? Though I know it must be frustrating hun. We are all thinking of you.

MASSIVE hugs and hoping you manage to enjoy your day, or are surprised by bubs yourself :hugs:
Lydia- you must be so frustrated hun .... Sending 10 lorry loads of hugs your way:hugs::hugs:
Buy something nice for yourself to cheer you up...maybe a bottle of champers in prep for the imminent celebrations :winkwink:

Yas- good luck with the 1st proper school day hun :thumbup:

Moggy- wow 3-6 clothes ready... I think jac was the same though.. Ana seems to be growing a lot more steady. Hmmm...maybe ive spoken too soon...will see what the HV weigh in brings this afto lol:hugs:

Lia- hi hun:flower:

Ann- H is so gorgeous:cloud9:

Pip- thanks for posting a pic of H :thumbup:

Claire the other day he wore a top Sam was wearing at christmas - Sam was a July baby :wacko:

Loving the idea of going out and buying champers ready to wet the babies head - plus if you decide no alcohol cos of BF then you have the option to open it F1 stylee!
Lydia, you poor thing. :hugs: How wrong of them to keep you hanging like this. Oh well, maybe you can join costgang and me (not sure if anyone else had their LO on a Tuesday) in the Tuesday statistic club. ;)

Yas, enjoy your first long day at college although I am sure it will feel strange for you.

Everyone else :hi:
Thanks so much everyone - you're all so lovely, the support means the world. `i've just about calmed down now, it was just so frustrating that they told me yes and then took it away. It was also seemingly just 'at their convenience' (which the community midwife said was probably the case), as they said the labour ward was 'quite busy', but the main reason was that the people due for induction tomorrow had all delivered, so they wanted me to go tomorrow. Its fine as long as I don't get turned away tomorrow, then I really will be fuming.

Do you think I could ring up the other hospital in my area to see if they have capacity for an induction if they do postpone again tomorrow? It just drives me crazy that they gave me such a lecture about questioning not being induced after 42 weeks, only then to tell me that I should wait until I'm past 42 weeks??!!

Had a lovely day, but unfortunately I didn't go into labour in any shops, never mind!! DH bought me a lovely pair of boots and took me for dim sum, I'm now off to have a bottle of bubbly at my parent's house with him, I'm hoping a glass may chill me out enough to sleep tonight...?

Yas - I hope you had a great first proper day at college!
So happy to hear about you day after the crap you had to deal with!! Yay for a new pair of boots!! hopefully soon it will be a baby!!! I also think girl by the way ;-)

So today I decided to try the Cuddly Wrap a friend sent me. It looks like little miss P actually enjoyed it! :) Here is the proof...and as well, I am loving two handed typing again! hahaha!!!

Hope all you ladies are well!



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Moggy - OMG you do have a big boy :baby:

Lydia - :happydance: for getting new boots. YOu have nothing to lose in phoning the other hospital....but i would have thought you would need to stick to the one youre booked into as they have your notes and stuff....its worth a try though. :shrug: Enjoy the bubbly.....nobody deserves it more :hugs: Good luck tomorrow too :hugs:

Brig - Miss P does look comfy and snug...she's beautiful :cloud9:

We had another weigh-in today...and we have a guzzler on our hands....just like her brother :haha:
Birth weight- 8lb 4.5oz
11days - 8lb 5.5oz
18days - 9lb 1oz ( 11.5 oz in a week!!!) go girl :happydance:

On another note she's developed a cough today and seems worse tonight- she was also a bit weezy this afternoon but thats ok now.....going to keep an eye on her and may take her to docs in the morning if no improvement. Poor thing...i feel helpless :cry:

Hope Ana is ok :( Rory had his first cold at 2 weeks and it upset me SO much :hugs:

Speaking of whom... I'm so, so upset tonight- haven't slept at all- I just found out my horrifically evil ex is pregnant again. She already has the 3 kids that she doesn't remotely give enough time, love or attention to and now she and her stupid new girlfriend have gone and got themselves preggo. I want to scream with frustration- I just want my son back- it's been nearly 11 months since i've seen him :cry:. How can they possibly think this is fair to split the family again? The 3 kiddos go to their dads thurs-sunday and now this new baby, obviously, wont. She's just starting a new family and her current part time family are going to lose out even more :'(
Claire - I really hope that Ana has improved this morning :flower:

Yas - huge hugs hun, not fair at all. I'm sure that this is the last thing that you need on top of everything else:hugs:
Brig she looks snuggly! I took Dylan to my docs in his wrap this morn and he loved it and snoozed all the way back :haha:

Claire hope little A picks up - can't imagine a baby cough but can't be pleasant :nope:

Yas :hugs: hun - it frustrated me so much when we were trying to get pregnant how there were people who didn't seem to care about the ones they were blessed with or realise how lucky they were :nope:

Lydia - ARGH! Just seen FB - can hubby kick their asses? I was in no state to deal with my hosp as I was so emotional and weepy but Ash got firm with them and got more info than I had. Or have you tried the other hosp you mentioned? Big :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Morning all,

P&F, what is happening with Lydia for us non-FB'ers?

Yas, huge :hugs: Try not to get too upset about it.

Claire, hope A is feeling better this morning.

Everyone else :hi:

We're just waiting for the health visitor, who is or was due between 10.30 and 11.30. Good job that mummies on maternity leave and their babies don't have anything else to do than wait in. ;)
Morning all,

P&F, what is happening with Lydia for us non-FB'ers?

Yas, huge :hugs: Try not to get too upset about it.

Claire, hope A is feeling better this morning.

Everyone else :hi:

We're just waiting for the health visitor, who is or was due between 10.30 and 11.30. Good job that mummies on maternity leave and their babies don't have anything else to do than wait in. ;)

Sorry Pip I'm such a muppet :dohh: they didn't have her on the list for today apparently :dohh: no further update but hope her OH kicks their ass

Your HV gives you an idea of time? That is an improvement on ours - I don't even get AM or PM lol!!!

Just had chubber weighed - he isn't a chubber in fact, he is 10lb 2oz and looks to be edging closer to 25th centile. He is short and has a little head circumference too. But she said nothing to worry about?
P&F, I am sure if she said there is nothing to worry about, there is nothing for you to worry about. :hugs:

Labour dust for MrsMils.
We're just waiting for the health visitor, who is or was due between 10.30 and 11.30. Good job that mummies on maternity leave and their babies don't have anything else to do than wait in. ;)

Sooooooo true!!! :rofl:

Poor Lydia's facebook says her name isn't on the list at the hospital today... :shrug: poor love. WE'RE THINKING OF YOU LYDIA!! Get hubby to get all assertive on their ass... or camp out in the waiting room and refuse to leave :thumbup:

Lia, K was on the 7th centile when he was born and stayed on the 9th for 5 weeks, then BAM! Jumped to 25th and then bam to the 50th! Kapow! :D Don't worry.. as long as he's ON the centile chart then all is well :hugs2:
Hia ladies:hugs:

Took Ana to the docs this morning as she had bouts of serious coughing during the night. Glad to report that her chest is clear so probably just a bit of a cold. Keeping an eye on her temp for now and hope she gets better soon. One good thing it doesnt seem to bother her much:thumbup:

Damn HV And MW.... One home visit mw said shed come late morning anx eventually came at 2.30!!!! Was so pissed off as the day was wasted wAiting for her:growlmad: Luckily my hv is good with keeping close to suggested visiting times.

Lydia- hope you get going on the induction today..... Just nag and nag hun xxx

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