It does get easier....
Jack was 12lb 13.5oz at his weigh-in today, gain has slowed down which is good news for my boobs! 7.5oz in a week is about right I think, he couldnt carry on at the rate he was
Six week check on Monday then we have school to look forward to from October 4th

Cant believe my little man will be going every day, seems only yesterday he was a baby in my arms, cant even remember what it was like not to have them anymore

I love my boys
Claire you will be great! Dare I say it but it is almost easier when its just you with two as you fall into a routine and you know what you have and havent done etc The first few solo days with two were hard but it got easier and now we are out and about at playgroup Mums n Tots etc, even off to tumble tots again tomorrow
Yas how did college go?
Pip hows it going with S and your Mum?
Ann - are you mega in love still with H?
Lia - love Dylans weight
Brig - P is gorgeous, I want those boots though, a pair of slippers like that would be toastie!
Lydia - I really feel for you, 8 days extra drove me mad but try to stay positive, the extra days cooking mean he/she will hopefully be a good sleeper

and you will be able to lie on your tummy soon

Hope they get sorted and have you in soon, if not :grrr:
Sarah and Dede

Hope all going well with your little ones?