2010 Bumps & Flushes & Dimples

Very tired here, we have been considering what car to change to as we will need more boot space when number 2 arrives as 2 cars seats means the back seat is no go for excess stuff!

Piperette when is your scan, thought it was very soon?

Lovely pic Mamabird, looking forward to seeing yours Fish&chips

Is Jac all better now Penguin? Hope so, Mogster has conjunctivitis so he is a little grumpy and hates the drops! Almost as much as we hate pinning him down to put them in!

Have fab evening and special sunday all xx
Moggymay, sorry to hear about mogster being unwell. Hope the drops make him feel better soon.

Our private scan was originally planned for last Thursday, but as the midwife dated me 12 weeks instead of the 8 weeks due to my long cycle, she booked me the NHS scan for next Wednesday. Didn't really see the point in having two scans within less than a week especially as we are paying for one, so postponed the private one until the real 12 weeks. So 1st scan is on Wednesday, very excited, but also a little nervous.
Has anyone heard from DeDe recently? Not seen her on here for a wee while.:shrug:
Hi all, Mamabird I'm so glad your scan went well too!!! I tried not to cry as I kept moving and they kept loosing the picture!! lol. Well I'm pleased to introduce little fishy!!


He/she measured 8w and was 1.64cm long. According to FF I was 8+2 yesterday so it's about right! We didn't measure the heartbeat but we saw it and the ladies said it was lovely and strong! We are both over the moon!

Lovely scan pics ladies - so pleased everything went well.

Have had a nice weekend at my parents, they bought me one of those big johnsons boxes from the asda baby event :haha: bless em.

Had a lovely day on Saturday at my mums shop card making with my friends, and then out for tea to Chiquitos (which - TMI alert - I'm sort of pleased to say seems to have helped with my constipation :rofl:).

Off back home today and over to the MILs for tea :happydance:

Dreading work tomorrow as it's the enrolment day for my course and have been pretty much left to it.....cross your fingers I don't muck it up :haha:

Hope you have all enjoyed your weekends - looking forward to the next scan piccies! :hugs:
Thanks P&F. Glad you've had a great weekend. I can't wait until we get to 12 weeks so that we can tell people and start buying things! We've had a lovely weekend too.. mainly due to seeing little Fishy!

No I haven't heard from De De.. hope she's ok. Oh and good luck for Weds!
Fish&Chips, your scan picture is gorgeous. Understandable that you are both over the moon.

Can't wait for Wednesday now. :coffee:
evening all, not been around much,josh keeping me busy and im soooo tired,its unreal!!! got midwife weds, what a joy she is, i ahd her last time and she retired halfway through, but now shes back, aint i lucky:haha: congrats on all your scans, i cant wait,well i kind of can, coz this will be my last 1, does that make sense? i promise to try to b good and check in regular from now on:blush:
Hi ladies :flower:

Fish&chips / Mamabird - Beautiful scan pics....:cloud9::cloud9:

Moggymay - Hope mogster is better soon :hugs: We'll also need to think about a bigger car at some point too...i suppose it'll be our only real expense this time..but a big one :wacko:
Jac has been better but i think he's got a bug today.....he's only managed to keep down his breakfast today...his bedtime bottle he managed to keep down but only drank 3 1/2oz out of an usual 8 :nope: hope he's better tomorrow poor thing.

pinkandfluffy - glad you saturday tea did the trick :rofl::rofl:

costgang-aww..make sure you make the most of the scan then :hugs:

piperette-good luck for wednesday :thumbup: I hope DeDe is ok :shrug:

Monday tomorrow and back to work .....roll on august :haha:

Hope Jac bit brighter today, Mogster still suffering with his eyes, the drops arent seeming to do much? Poor little man woke up in the night and his eye was glued shut :nope: bit of cool boiled water helps in the dy but last night he got mummys finger cleaning it! Nice! :thumbup:

Still struggling on the car front, we looked this weekend at an Avensis and decided the seatbelt tension thing would bug us too much so ruled that out. Were tempted to look at Kia Ceed SW but it was soooo plasticy we ruled that out. Last one we looked at was Octavia Scout but wondering if we really need 4x4 estate? How can little people need to have so much c%&p? :shrug:

If we could just bypass the time where we need a travel cot and buggy when we go away we would be able to keep our car but guess the bigger they get the more stuff you seem to cart around! Need to find a money tree or win the lottery I think.:dohh:

Anyway off to Clap n Sing later - will be quiet as everyone seems to have chicken pox so have texted around to see who will be there - no fun for mogster if it is all little babies as he likes to have someone to run round with at the start - maybe a trip to the market will be more fun as he can have a walk round and point at stuff then! Who knew carrots and bananas could be so thrilling to a 2 year old???:shrug: More fun than my stuff on the to do list......:dishes::laundry::hangwashing::juggle:

Who knows but hope you all have a good day - not long now for you Piperette :winkwink:
Hi Ladies,

Thanks for asking about me Piperette, I have been so busy lately with work, school, and DD. I just started back graduate school this semester and I have to adjust myself to the new workload. I am planning my DD a party for her 11th birthday party for Friday. I am having her a really big party with all the trimmings, since this will be her last birthday as the only child. She is really excited.

Fish&chips & Mamabird, I just love the scan pics. :happydance:

Penguin, I hope Jac is doing better. I know going back to work must be a real drag. I just can't believe how long you all get for maternity leave. Here in the states we only get between 6 to 12 weeks. I wish I could do the 9 months.

Moggymay, I hope Mogster feels better real soon. I hope you find the right car soon. I know what you mean about the list of things that you have to :juggle:.

Costgang & Piperette, hope the scans go well and can't wait to see the pics.

I hope I didn't miss anyone, as I tried to go back and read through the posts. I'll be sure to start checking in more.


P.S. I just realized I have moved up a box in my signature. :yipee:
Piperette my brain is mush - is your scan Weds? What time? Im excited to see the next B&F pic :yipee:

Giving up looking at cars for tonight - too confusing!
Moggymay - Hope mogster will have a better night of it tonight and eyes start to clear up for him poor thing.:hugs:
I agree Cars are too confusing.....far too mnay to pick from and the one you would really like is usually over budget LOL good luck hun..:thumbup:

DeDe80 - Gald your ok even though you sound mega busy. Believe me the past 9 months ahs felt like 12 weeks....it's gone by soooo quickly you wouldnt believe :nope: Hope DD has the best birthday party ever :happydance:

Costgang/Piperette - Hi :flower:

Jac is better today but i don't think he's 100% over it yet.....he was a bit flat when i picked him up and didnt really perk up till about 10 minutes before his night time wash.,and we've had a couple of runny nappies too :nope: I suppose it hasnt helped with a new routine today with me back in work all day either....will see what tomorrow brings.
I dont feel too good now either.....dont think it's MS as i havent had it for over a week.....am i coming down with what Jac's had?? I hope not ahving only gone back to work.......

Urgh....had the most awful night....went to bed at 9pm as i felt horrible. Then from 12am have had to run to the bathroom loads of times......to throw up amongst other things....sorry tmi.
Then around 5 am hubby has also been ill so out little stomach bug has gone through the house. Have had to stay at home having only being back 1 1/2 days..:nope: Jac is better but both of us feel like crap. Hoping it passes soon.
Hope so too Penguin but good news Jac is better :happydance:

You will be 9 weeks tomorrow - maybe something else to focus on? Hope you feel better soon :hugs:

:wohoo: reached 30% on my pregbar :cloud9:and got letter confirming combined blood and scan results from Nuchal Scan - says we have less than 1 in 10000 chance of being affected by Downs or the other things they test for. It is a relief to be low risk cos means we can get Mogster really excited about bubs and then when we know the flavour we can work on gettting little bots for bubs and he can help :yipee:

1 sleep til your scan Piperette :thumbup:
Hope so too Penguin but good news Jac is better :happydance:

You will be 9 weeks tomorrow - maybe something else to focus on? Hope you feel better soon :hugs:

:wohoo: reached 30% on my pregbar :cloud9:and got letter confirming combined blood and scan results from Nuchal Scan - says we have less than 1 in 10000 chance of being affected by Downs or the other things they test for. It is a relief to be low risk cos means we can get Mogster really excited about bubs and then when we know the flavour we can work on gettting little bots for bubs and he can help :yipee:

1 sleep til your scan Piperette :thumbup:

Moggy!!! That is such great news!!!! I'm so happy for you and the little one!! So when did all of these tests take place? DH and I also want to get the NT scan and bloods done to test for downs, neural tube defects and such. I'm not 100% on how it works though.

When we were at the GPs office last week we told him we wanted to do the screening so he filled out a form and said it would be faxed to Toronto and then they would call us and let us know what we had to do. So I have no idea when to go for bloods or the scan etc...

Well Congrats again on the amazing news!!
Scan was done 21/1 and bloods done straight after, the sonographer said we had a low risk but couldnt give figures etc until bloods were done. The nurse doing the bloods said it would be 2-3 weeks cos they go to another bigger hospital nearby but the letter came this morning so 3pm Thurs = test and 9am Tues = result (very quick IMO)

Big relief to know all is okay, we could be that 1 but sure something would have shown in the scan as it was a good 20-25mins long.

Had my first real proper craving last night - it was ten to nine and I wanted LILT so OH trundled off to the local garage to get me some only to find they had fanta, coke or sprite but no lilt :nope: got some this morning after playgroup but few sips and didnt want any more :shrug:

Currently making lasagne as I am desperately trying to persuade Mogster that we dont have to have spaghetti every week - it is his favourite but can only have it so often! Hopefully he will see it is very similar so polish it off nice n quick.....will keep you posted!

If you have seen docs Im sure you will hear soon about the scan, they like to get you in for it about 12+4 or 12+5 incase your dates are slightly out, that way you are still in the ideal window for measurement. Makes it often a later scan than the standard dating scan, bonus is bubs is little bigger so doing more, also cos of all the measuring you get to watch bubs for longer! :happydance:

Im sure it is worth chasing the scan folks if you get to 10 weeks and havent heard anything, they may be able to tell you over the phone by then when your appt is even if the letter hasnt got to you yet. It is so exciting all the upcoming scans - cant wait for more pics!

Off to finish the lasagne, sauces are done so just a case of layering it up then whack it in the oven later. Think it is time for me n mogster to have a sit down and a story:coffee:

Have a good day all - hope youre feeling better Penguin?

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