2010 Bumps & Flushes & Dimples

how did Jac get on with his piggy jab?

nowt to report here, absolutely shattered cos mogster was up on and off all night then got me up for the day at 6, he has just gone to bed so hoping for a good night tonight...

2 sleeps :wohoo:
Pinkandfluffy-just had a soak in the bath so feeling a bit better now :hugs:

Fishandchips - Did you get any gossip then :haha:

Moggymay- The nurse was a bit slap dash to say the least..i wanted to give Jac a choccy button just before she gave him the jab to destract him.....the silly moo ignored what i said and just stuck the needle in his leg :growlmad: He put out an all mighty scream and sobbed for a few minutes poor thing. He's been fine since though....i hope tomorrow is the same :thumbup:
I'm so excited about your scan...are you going to post your pic hun? :hugs:

will post it if can figure how to do it by the rules! Looking forward to it and have been a little more relaxed today about it. Main concern at the moment is that snow is forecast tomorrow around West London and hubby flies into Heathrow first thing thursday....he has to make it home!!!!!

Nasty nurse Penguin, cant think it would have hurt to wait a sec to give him a button if it meant less upset to Jac! I wonder if it is to do with it being a jab in the thigh and having to pull trousers over the jab site that makes them cry? Mogster has cried at all previous jabs in his thigh but this one they did in his arm and he didnt see it just the buttons packet on the other side.....Hoping little Jac is okay tomorrow and that he doesnt have a rough night tonight.

Pinkandfluffy - dd you get the info re testing and screening etc that you were after? Our scan is a nuchal with bloods too but nothing invasive - am happy to ask questions when I go though if you have anything specific you would like to know...? We just want to be as prepared as poss if there is anything to know so we can get mogster ready. The first time he saw a locum doc at our surgery it was a lovely Nigerian guy, mogster was petrified cos he had such glossy black skin and he was wearing a black suit with dark grey shirt, saw him again the next day he had a pink shirt and no jacket and mogster was all smiles. Preparation seems to be the key with little people so if we can find out things with no risk to bubs then we want to know.

Another bridge to cross if we are high risk though as do we then go for amnio or just prepare for all eventualities, have seen some heartbreaking posts from those I was in TTC with who have lost little ones to Edwards syndrome and Acrania and I kind of think if bubs was to have no chance I would rather he/she didnt have to suffer the pregnancy only to be born with no chance, I think I would rather we all didnt have to go through the heartache. Its a toughie though cos Downs doesnt phase us but I think it is because we have experience of friends who have a child with Downs, some of the other illnesses screened for worry me but I guess we would cross that bridge if and when we got to it.

Is it wrong that baby number one we didnt want to know as no risk would cause us to not want to have the baby but this time we want to know because we also have to consider Mogster and the impact of it all on him?

Off to bed so when i wake up it will be 1 sleep - yey!

Night all :hugs:
Makes perfect sense, it certainly makes a difference I think that you already have one LO and the impact it may have on current mogster/things you would need to consider!

I think I just wanted to know what other people were doing really......DH doesn't want to do the nuchal scan......and I think I will go along with that.

I don't know....not seeing midwife til week 15 now.....I have a leaflet somewhere with more info on screening which I may have a read of and think a little more...

It just seemed like everyone was mentioning their nuchal scan and I wondered if I was odd for not having it???? lol.

Was nice hearing other opinions/reasons etc :thumbup:
First time around the hospital only did dating scans you had to pay for a nuchal scan, they changed policy last April and now if you just want a dating scan you have to opt out of the nuchal scan which is now free and offered alongside blood tests.

The first time around we had a standard dating scan and it was magical - if you and OH are agreed on not having a Nuchal scan then stick with what you think, you are gonna be a Mummy and you gotta follow your instincts - most sonographers these days point stuff out if there is anything of concern anyway so just relax and enjoy - when is your scan hon?

Really will go to bed soon, just so many posts/threads to keep up with!
Had 12 weeker last week, and at mine it is an opt-in thing apparently, they didn't really even mention it til I asked :shrug: so next one is 20 weeker in March.

Thanks hun, feel a little better about it.

Also passing out as I type, just about caught up with threads lol - happy snoozing (soon to be 1 sleep for you!)
Evening ladies,

8 weeks for us today, yay! :happydance:

And we have got our appointment with the midwife tomorrow and the early scan on Thursday. Really looking forward to both.

I am sending you get well wishes, penguin. :flower:

I hope everyone else is doing fine.
Hi ladies!

Just wanted to say a quick hello and good luck on all the upcoming appointments and such! I have my first app. with my GP on thursday morning too!!

I haven't been spending much time on BnB lately. First Tri is kinda depressing with so many women having MCs, the September Stars thread is getting kinda crowded and it's hard to keep up so I just scan through what everyone is up to and that's about it!

Hope all is well with everyone!
Moggymay- I think the jabs must hurt more in the leg..idk. Last night Jac went to bed fine..... then woke up screaming after midnight which is unusual for him. He's only woken up before with a bad dream or when he was going though the worst of his cold. He wasn't just crying.. it was 10 times worse...i cant explain it. It was weird because hubby went to get him from the cot and he was on his tummy screaming trying to get up.....and he never goes on his tummy in there :shrug:
I didnt have much energy and hubby was getting up for 5.30am so we put Jac in our bed.....he settled down after 5 minutes...and went to sleep about 10 minutes later. He's been ok since....maybe it could have been a bad dream....who knows.
I didnt know this....you get an NT scan as standard now?
1 more sleep :happydance:

Piperette- Happy 8 weeks hun :happydance:... and good luck with the early scan :hugs:

Pinkandfluffy - I only did the blood screening at 16 weeks last time.....it came back low risk....dont know if we'd have gone though the amnio if it was high....we'd have made that decision at the time. Will do the same this time too......if it comes back high we either prepare ourselves for the risk or go for the amnio. Like moggy mention we also have to think about Jac and impact on him too.

Mamabird- Good luck with your apptmt tomorrow. I know what you mean about the threads in 1st tri...i only scan though them now...oh and the sept stars ive given up on...far too much going on for my brain :wacko:

Well preparing today to go back to work tomorrow after 10 months...luckily it's for only half a day this week. From next week i'll be doing 3 1/2 days so not too bad. I'm sort of looking forward....but i know it'll feel like ive never been away within a few hours. And i'm going to miss my baby soooo much. But he's with hubby mum tomorrow morning so he'll get loads of attention :thumbup:

:wohoo::wohoo::wohoo: 8 weeks today

:hugs:to all
not sure if it is all hospitals but ours changed in April 09, our next nearest hospital offer the Nuchal as standard too. Worth asking your midwife...

Sorry Jac had a rough night, how is he doing today? Mogster is a confirmed tummy or side sleeper now, probably a good thing cos he snores on his back! It sounds very cute on the baby monitor but he does the snore whistle combo which can be quite distracting!

:wohoo: for 8 weeks, all these little milestones are getting us closer. We will be celebrating quite regulalry over the next few weeks with early scans, scans and MW appts all starting to kick in, booked my 16 week apt yest - thats the first one we have where the MW uses the doppler

I think we need a :cake: to celebrate 8 weeks, 1 sleep and all the other news like Piperettes scan, Mamabirds first GP appt, Jac starting nursery/your return to work, everyone being preggers and of course Jacs imminent return to form and good sleeping after the piggy jab - have put a few buttons on the cake so we can pick them off for mogster and Jac :hugs:
Awww....how cute that mogster snores :cloud9:
Jac's ok today...i dont think he's 100% but not far off.....he's a bit needy at times but otherwise generally ok...so hopefully he'll sleep through again tonight.
I didnt realise there were so many milestones till you wrote them down......we have a load of buttons here that we can celebarte with too:winkwink:...Mogster and Jac will end up hyperactive :haha:

Oooooh best wishes for all upcoming scans!!!! And good luck for the return to work penguin :thumbup:

I think I am maybe a bit constipated (sorry tmi!) today as my stomach is absolutely killing me arrrrrrgh. And DH will come home expecting tea as I have got home before him :dohh:

Hope everyone is good :thumbup:
Hi ladies! Mamabird.. nice to see you on here.. you've been missed! x

Claire - Unfortunately my poor friend is going through a horrible time at the moment. She only got married just over a year ago and her husband has just told her he wants a divorce as he feels 'the spark has gone'. I'm absolutely gutted for her, and with my emotional state, I'm finding it hard to not cry with her. Needless to say we didn't feel it was the right time to tell her our news.

I had my 1st mw appointment today and our lady seems really lovely. Not much more to report other than I'm sooo tired. Can only just managed to maintain the Sept Stars thread and then have no energy to post! xx
Hi ladies,

Well, we went to our MW appointment today. Got lots of information. One thing that slightly changed things: Due to the date of my LMP she has put me down as 12 weeks, although I explained to her about my long cycles and showed her my chart, she said they had to take it from my LMP. So she then immediately made me an appointment for my 12 weeks scan for next week. Which means that I would have two scans within one week and miss out on my "real" 12 week one. I managed to change my Babybond one to week 12 now, so at least we are not missing out on that. It is just that I have seen from your posts what a difference these 3 weeks can make on the screen.

One question: Do all your hospitals offer the NT scans as standard as ours doesn't and I was told the closest one that does it is over an hour away. I think here they first take your bloods and take it from there. Do I need to be concerned, ladies?
pinkandfuffy - thanks hun :hugs:

fishandchips - sorry hun......sounds like your friend is having a real bad time of it....:hugs::hugs: hopefully the OH is having a mini mid life crisis and will pull through it soon...:thumbup:
Dont leave your news too long though or she'll be upset you didnt tell her..at the latest 12 weeks :winkwink:

piperette - They do work from lmp but its daft when you have long cycles :wacko:. my mw calculated my DD as 4th sept.....basically last lmp plus 9 months + 7 days....how daft...last time they calculated using cycle length which would be more accurate for us all. Then again im keeping my date as 1st sept till i get my scan and go from there.
I've tried to find some info and i dont think my hospital does the NT scan either....but i can find out for sure on 9th Feb when i see MW next.

Thanks Emma. I think we'll just tell every one at 12 weeks to play it safe.

Our hospital does offer the NT scan.. our mw was explaining it all to us today. Basically it is so they can measure the babies neck. The then do a blood test and assess all the information before telling you if you are high or low risk for a baby with down syndrome. Tbh even if we are told we are high risk, it wont make any difference to us so the NT scan isn't really of importance.

We've found out today though that our local hospital no longer offers a maternity ward! They have a birthing unit but if we had an emergency we would have to travel 30 mins away to another hospital!!! We are seriously thinking of going to another hospital in a different county. It's crazy. x
One question: Do all your hospitals offer the NT scans as standard as ours doesn't and I was told the closest one that does it is over an hour away. I think here they first take your bloods and take it from there. Do I need to be concerned, ladies?

Ours doesn't - the nearest hospital that does it is about 40 mins away and we can be referred there if we wanted it.

I would only worry if you really want it doing, in which case your hospital should refer you to the other one :hugs:

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