You lot have got me all so excited about moving up a box, that i'm going to go and get a new ticker with boxes now like you lot!! 
F&C, so will you be... *counts* 19 weeks? The benefit to scans being potentially too early is you potentially get another one!! (My 12 week scan was a week early, so I had to have another one a week later, which was fine by meeeee!
) In our hospital they do them 20-24 weeks. It feels like a long time away though.... one week today is my gender scan!
Pinkandfluffy/Piperette... they ALWAYS struggle getting my bloods (have my whole life) and so they use 'butterflies' in my hand- the thinest needles! As for the killer headaches- and I get twitchy eye too!- the midwives said to triple my water intake, up my sleep and fruit and veg, yadda yadda. My BP was ok but my urine protein was quite high so I'll go back in a few weeks to keep an eye on it. They said the docs wont give me medication for them unless my BP is raised. Get it checked out x
Oooh and Moggymay and Pinkandfluffy, yay i'll be bump buddies! Apparently it's so we can text each other updates, and let the other girls know when one of us is in labour or any problems etc

F&C, so will you be... *counts* 19 weeks? The benefit to scans being potentially too early is you potentially get another one!! (My 12 week scan was a week early, so I had to have another one a week later, which was fine by meeeee!

Pinkandfluffy/Piperette... they ALWAYS struggle getting my bloods (have my whole life) and so they use 'butterflies' in my hand- the thinest needles! As for the killer headaches- and I get twitchy eye too!- the midwives said to triple my water intake, up my sleep and fruit and veg, yadda yadda. My BP was ok but my urine protein was quite high so I'll go back in a few weeks to keep an eye on it. They said the docs wont give me medication for them unless my BP is raised. Get it checked out x
Oooh and Moggymay and Pinkandfluffy, yay i'll be bump buddies! Apparently it's so we can text each other updates, and let the other girls know when one of us is in labour or any problems etc