2010 Bumps & Flushes & Dimples

You lot have got me all so excited about moving up a box, that i'm going to go and get a new ticker with boxes now like you lot!! :happydance:

F&C, so will you be... *counts* 19 weeks? The benefit to scans being potentially too early is you potentially get another one!! (My 12 week scan was a week early, so I had to have another one a week later, which was fine by meeeee! :haha:) In our hospital they do them 20-24 weeks. It feels like a long time away though.... one week today is my gender scan!

Pinkandfluffy/Piperette... they ALWAYS struggle getting my bloods (have my whole life) and so they use 'butterflies' in my hand- the thinest needles! As for the killer headaches- and I get twitchy eye too!- the midwives said to triple my water intake, up my sleep and fruit and veg, yadda yadda. My BP was ok but my urine protein was quite high so I'll go back in a few weeks to keep an eye on it. They said the docs wont give me medication for them unless my BP is raised. Get it checked out x

Oooh and Moggymay and Pinkandfluffy, yay i'll be bump buddies! Apparently it's so we can text each other updates, and let the other girls know when one of us is in labour or any problems etc :hugs:
Yep I'll be one day off 19 weeks. I thought it was very early but hey if I get to have another one, who am I to complain! x
Oooh thanks - have been trying to drink more but bet I'm not, probably lacking in the fruit and veg though :haha: will get right on it.

Hmmm I wonder if I can get them to use a thinner needle - they do just look at my arms in horror though and ask where my veins are :haha: :dohh:

Jetters I will send you my number in a pm - will be lovely having a bump buddy and to let the thread know etc! :thumbup:

Have had a day of much laziness with occasional bouts of cleaning....feel I am finally getting somewhere though we have been sorting stuff out as need to box some things and move stuff for when the extension begins to be built - now to go and forage some food :haha:
Awwwe you ladies crack me up! Lol!

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend!

a week on sunday Jetters and you will move boxes again...It is exciting in a strange way cos youre getting closer and closer...cant wait to hear how the gender scan goes, any inkling to what you are having? When is the scan? :hugs: bump bud! :winkwink:

AFM not much going on, ironed and lined the curtains for mogsters new room this morning then hung them, had to have a snooze afterwards though as was shattered????? Sprawled on the sofa for the rugby this PM, what a disappointment. At least not long now til the F1 season starts :happydance:

How are you doing today MrsMills? Hope there has been no more worrying bleeding, as Jetters said she spotted for a while and is ok, are you seeing MW or docs next week? Defo reckon you should ask for reassurance scan, cant think of a better candidate for one :shrug:

OH had a play with the doppler this moring, he was so proud of himself when he found the heartbeat, he got excited when he thought he had found it but then worried cos the screen didnt have the heart flashing, he was fine when he found the heartbeat though an inch away and when he realised the whooshing beat was the placenta, cant believe how cool it is, have put it away though now for a few days to give poor little one a rest, fortunately the three times we have used it we have found the heartbeat straight away and always in the same place :cloud9:

Noisy splashing from upstairs means mogster is getting out of the bath so my turn to take over for bedtime story and bed. Catch you all later :hug:
Hi everyone, thank you all for being so kind, its so nice and reassuring to hear all of your comments. :hugs: Jetters - its so nice to know that you can vouch for the fact that it can be ok, I'm such a worrier that I always think the worst! Fortunately the bleeding seems to have stopped today thank goodness, I'm still over-reacting at every little twinge and ache that I would usually ignore though! :wacko:

I'm going to call my midwife when I know she's at the surgery on Tuesday, I'll be away in Yorkshire for a few days so can't see her, but maybe if I can see her the Tuesday after she could listen to the heartbeat again for me (and I might actually be able to enjoy it this time - yesterday I couldn't really hear when she said that was the heartbeat and then she stopped listening almost instantly). I would love to go for a reassurance scan as I know I'd feel so much better for seeing the baby wriggling etc, but we were in the hospital for hours and hours yesterday and I couldn't face that again, but maybe my midwife could make me an appointment though?:shrug:

I think DH is coming around to the idea of me buying a doppler, he's worried (for the same reasons that I'd worry about my own sanity!) but understands why I'd now quite like one.

I hope you're all having a nice weekend, I've got one more day of work and then 4 days off - we've rented a little cottage with friends, it was supposed to be a holiday to take our horses for some fun/training (while the boys played golf), but my horse is still injured (although on the very long and expensive road to recovery now!!) so I plan on sleeping/eating/reading magazines/walking the dog and generally relaxing - heaven! I've even booked into a spa to have an indian head massage (I'll tell them I'm pregnant so they don't use certain oils?).

Anyway, sorry for rabbiting on, thank you all again for being so supportive!

Oh - and F&C, I think mine is about 10.30am on the 7th? :thumbup:
Oooh 18 weeks moggy go go go!!! :happydance:

MrsMils - I felt the same about dopplers, was totally convinced they were a bad idea as read some bad stories, but I surprised myself how restricted we are with it. Have only used ours maybe two/three times and think I am prepared that if we struggle finding it, it could be behind the placenta or some other nook or cranny so not to worry :shrug: DH doesn't disapprove as much as I'd thought once he'd heard it.

DH still in bed enjoying a Sunday lie-in - I am up as the aching hips don't let me enjoy a lie-in so much at the mo :haha:

Has anybody started shopping yet? We have picked out the pram and furniture/major items.... but I have a friend coming to stay next week and she suggested we go baby shopping - but I just wouldn't know where to start now the practical things are decided :haha:
I spy box movers!!! :yipee:

So do I!!!! :happydance:

We've hired a cottage for a long weekend with our friends in a couple of weeks! I really can't wait. Two of us going are preggers so we can just sit and chat for hours whilst the others get pissed! xx
I spy box movers!!! :yipee:

So do I!!!! :happydance:

We've hired a cottage for a long weekend with our friends in a couple of weeks! I really can't wait. Two of us going are preggers so we can just sit and chat for hours whilst the others get pissed! xx

:happydance: Yay for the box movers!!!

Oh thats really lovely that there will be two of you! Fortunately the two girls that are coming with us are both really sweet and won't mind me droning on about pregnant things! Instead of drink I'm taking lots of yummy food instead!

Yes P&F, I think I'm going to go for it - I just need to decide which one now!
Ooh Mrs Mils your holiday sounds LOVELY! I'm jealous! So sick of rainy city living *sigh*

Also, I should have a spare angel sounds doppler turning up in the post this week... I bought it off someone on here a month ago and apparently the parcel went missing and ended up back at hers (hmm) and she reposted it on Friday. I already bought a new one so if it turns up, i'll post it to you if you like?? For freeee :hugs:

Also... can any of you specifically feel Baby moving yet? I can't... not a thing... but when I've used the doppler (only 3 times, yay me and self control!) sometimes the heartbeat just disappears- and when it happened at the midwives last week she laughed and said oooh, your baby's moving!
Also... can any of you specifically feel Baby moving yet? I can't... not a thing... but when I've used the doppler (only 3 times, yay me and self control!) sometimes the heartbeat just disappears- and when it happened at the midwives last week she laughed and said oooh, your baby's moving!

Likewise midwife chuckled at baby moving about, but I haven't really had identifiable 100% movement. Had a couple of bits that could have been flutters but nothing I'd stake money on I guess :haha:

We have just been invited camping (DHs friends are all very active and outdoorsy) for a birthday celebration but I will be 37 weeks by then - have any of you ever camped whilst pregnant???? He said no to blooming T in the Park which is a week earlier but is after going to this one :haha: Men!!!!
I love camping and usually go a few times in the summer- I still intend to this year BUT I will be investing in a super airbed as I know I couldn't cope on my usual one! I'm going to wait and see what my sleeping and comfort levels are like before I book anything after 6 months...
That's interesting that you are both talking about camping as we've considered this and I didn't know how well I'd take to it whilst pregnant. We'll probably go in June so I'll be 6 or 7 months pregnant. Just not sure..
YAY!! I moved a box today too!!! I'm so excited! Moggy you are so lucky to be in box number 5!!! lol!

So a little bit of an update with me...Wednesday I get to meet my midwife for the first time! I hope everything goes well....and hopefully she can try to listen for Bean's heartbeat. I'm sure they will have dopplers.
An also, I got really exciting news last weekend and totally forgot to share! Well exciting for me anyway! My best friend decided a few months ago that her and hubby wanted to try for baby #2...that was supposed to happen in June... But...one thing led to another at the start of the month and she is PREGNANT!!! Exactly 8 weeks behind me...she is still in early days... 5w3d...but she is due on October 29th. It will be so exciting being off for a year together with our new babies!!

Well have a nice day ladies.
Oh..and if anyone has a cure for headaches....I'd love to hear it! :-(

I also found out a good friend of mine is preggers! It's great isn't it?! She is 6 weeks and 3 days so about 7 weeks behind me. It's already been so good comparing notes! x
we too have that luck, I share my due date with the mummy of one of mogsters little friends, little people will be popping up all over!!!

Mrs Mills let me know if you want the info etc about my doppler, was £52 including postage but it is fab!!!!

Selling my carycot on ebay and it will be gone this time tomorrow :cry: nevermind it will mean we can replace it with a smaller one that allows the buggy board to go on as well, still sad to see it go though.

Think Jetters is next to move boxes, next sunday I think....so exciting its all go in here at the mo! :happydance:
Evening ladies,

Not sure, but I think I might be next moving up boxes. :happydance:

Not much new to report here apart from that I think my first craving as such would be Potato Mash. I didn't pay too much attention to it at first as I always liked it but for the last three weeks I have had it almost every night and when I didn't, I still really fancied it :blush: and only decided not to have it as I felt bad for OH.
Oh and I am not sure, but I might be the last to get our 20 weeks scan. Ours was booked straight away in the hospital after our first scan for 21st April.

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