If I dont hear by my birthday I will ring them and ask for a date. That give them one more week then I will start to hound them.
Dug out all the baby stuff and have so much little oy stuff from mogster am not sure what I will do with it all if it is a girl this time...? Probably give to my sis for when she has her first?
Have got OH away at the moment and yesterday Mogster refused to have a nap in the day

today he napped but woke crying after 20 mins so he had a cuddle then slept on my lap for and hour and a bit - had such a dead arm by the end bt it is so rare to get to have such a long cuddle these days the pain was worth it! Still have cold fingers now but think that is prego hormones anyway!!!
All these milestones today, box 3 for Pip, 14 weeks for Claire, then tomorrow Mama has MW and think we have our first gender scan...Jetters??? What time is it, will have to lurk to see what you are having...will you find out? Will you tell us?
Cant wait to find out what we are having, just want to know cos folks keep asking so will be able to shut them up! Least we are not at the stage where bump really shows and everyone wants to touch it - is it me or is it wierd when strangers want to touch your bump? Felt the same when mogster was tiny and everyone wanted to touch his cheeks, felt very grumpy turning away from them - but come on a stranger in the supermarket! Would you let them touch your little one? Cant believe the cheek of folks!!
Loving my little man today, he is currently drawing me a picture whilst I catch up on here, he is fab and is gonna be the bestest big brother EVER!!!
Oh and meant to say - list is good mama, least you wont come away having forgotten things you wanted to ask before you went in, although you will probably have more questions to ask afterwards anyway just cos that is sods law!!! Enjoy your appt - will they listen to the heartbeat at this one?