2010 Bumps & Flushes & Dimples

Oh wow!!! Thats so exciting!!! :happydance: I'm so pleased something so lovely happened after all of the pain, I bet you can't wait for your DH to get back now, fingers crossed little fishy will show him her tricks! (I have a feeling its a girl too, I don't know why!). You've made me cry!!!

Speaking of sexes, my DH (once he'd had a couple of glasses of wine the other night) kept asking the dog "Where is ****?" (Insert baby name of either sex), every time he said a girls name, she'd come over to me and then go back to him wagging, she didn't move for any boys names. DH therefore is convinced that A) The dog can understand English, and B) Is psychic, and knows that we're having a girl.... :shrug: Very entertaining! I think it was him subconsciously saying the girls names in a different tone, but it made me giggle!

I haven't felt anything yet, I keep laying there quietly hoping, but every time I think it must just be gas...! Has everyone else had butterflies etc? I really can't wait!
MrsMils - A psychic dog :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: You've made my day....

Have taken my frist bump pic as i feel like ive ballooned over night...but the pic doesnt make me out to be as huge as i feel lol....
Oh and im no skinny minnie either...but a nice and fluffy uk sz14 pre preggers :blush:


Thanks Claire, I hope to keep an open mind with regards to my labour. I can't predict what it'll be like so will just have to go with it! Re holiday before maternity leave, I'm guessing you can only take what you've accrued up to that date or can you take the amount for the whole year? I understand you still accrue holiday whilst on leave.

Sorry to make you cry Mrs Mils! My dh got home today so I'm having a lovely evening curled up with him in front of the TV. Fishy's calmed down a lot since this morning, although my dh did lay his head on my tummy at one point and I felt Fishy kick him out the way. Unfortunately he didn't feel it but hopefully he will soon. I love your hubbies theory!!! It made me and my dh laugh!! I hope you get to feel the butterflies soon.

I can't wait to find out if you're all right about Fishy being a girl!!

Claire that's a lovely bump! I'm wondering if I've popped. I'm taking a photo every weekend so will have to compare this weekends to see if it's happened.

F&C- Thanks hun.:hugs: Post your pic so we can see....
I presume all companies are the same and allow you to take your accrued holidays before you go off on leave....ours actually encourage it. I plan to go on leave end of july and i can take my full years allowance (jan-dec) of 21.5 days before i go off. What you accrue in the following year i think you can use when you go back or get paid it if you dont return.

Wow Claire - fab bump!!!! :thumbup: I wish I'd taken photos, I will do soon, but wanted to wait until I got a proper bump and not just bloat, I think I actually have a had a bump for the last few weeks as it doesn't change from morning to night now like it did. Today though it feels a lot higher, not really sure why though?

Noooo F&C - great big happy tears, its so lovely! :happydance: (My hormones are a little wild, I cry pretty frequently at the moment!). Hee hee to little fishy kicking him out the way!

Yes - my psychic dod will soon be appearing on daytime TV! I'm actually dreading her 'being right' and DH blabbering on about it to anyone that will listen (he's not crazy, honestly!).

In terms of holiday - you can take the current year's holiday before you go, otherwise you may lose it at the end of the year, so, if you haven't taken any yet this year, you can take the full amount that you are entitled to up until the end of your holiday year if it falls within you anticipated mat leave (so I'm taking a full year's holiday of 5 weeks, which is my holiday up until Dec 31st, even though I'll be going on mat leave in May). I hope all that makes sense?!
I took my years holiday a couple of days a month each month until i left in the July, luckily I did the holiday rota and it didnt matter when I took, in fact being preggers meant I freed up the christmas hols for someone else so :thumbup: from them!

As far as the labour, my waters went the Sunday after I finished work but I didnt actually give birth til the thursday AM, waters went but nowt else :shrug: went to hospital for checks etc and they wanted him left in til either 36 weeks or he came out on his own. Had antibiotics and steroids to boost him then woke up the thursday bout 6am feeling what I thought were contractions, straight up to the hospital where they said nope not in labour!!!! 8am they gave me something to make me sleep so I would rest up but it just made me sick!!! At 10.15 she came to check and said they would keep me in so I would rest but sorry no I wasnt in labour, no dilation nothing, 20 minutes later I made some kind of noise :shrug: then a midwife came running saying DONT PUSH YET! Bit confusing but my MW then said you all in full on labour and gave me gas n air, by midday I was sitting up holding mogster.

Will gloss over the lack of crying etc when he came out, he was so tiny but few minutes with the docs and he was in my arms and I was having an injection to make the placenta pass - so much for saying I would do it naturally, I was knackered whats a little injection to get it all over :shrug:

Overall it was a good labour :wacko: the only pain I recall was the injection of local anaesthetic for the stiches down there :blush: Boy did that sting :growlmad:

Labour is wierd the speed of last time when it happened worries me as Mogster had GBS on him even though I was clear, I will need antibiotic drip this time to protect bubs but worried there wont be time to get the drip through meaning Moglet will end up needing antibiotics in a boxing glove for the first 48 hours :nope:

On a brighter note what do you think of Benjamin James for a name? Benjamin means youngest son so we thought it quite apt? Any opinions please very welcome :hug:
I reallllly likw Benjamin!!! Just obviously be prepared for it to become Ben when he's at school, you know what kids are like for shortening names!!

I definitely popped the past two weeks, my food-baby belly has now gone rock hard and moved up and looks like a preggo-belly now. Everytime I sit up with legs crossed baby kicks away like he's too squished! Hehee! I love the feeling now, now that it's more familiar.

Lia's having her scan today!!! :happydance:
Lia (Pinkandfluffy!) has had her scan and she's on Team.....

BLUE!!! It's a Boy-Boom!!!! :happydance:

(Claire, do you think you could update the list on the front page with who's having what and also real names? Those who are using them anyway? Cos I keep forgetting!!! Ta much!!!)
Yasmin - Have done as you asked :thumbup:

Can you all check and tell me if there's something i need to add or change to the list on the 1st page...i'm sorry but i know there are names i've also forgotten :blush:

Looks good to me!!! It will be perfect when all the info is there!
Thanks for doing that!
Thank you!!

Who else is planning on staying on Team Yellow? It's a boy boom i'm telling you this summer!!
I love Benjamin too! I suggested it before to my dh but he has a friend called Ben so didn't feel comfortable with it. :(
we wanted it first tiime around but it means youngest son so had to wait!
Here's my bump today.. the top doesn't help hide it!

Thanks for letting us know, Jetters.

And congrats on team blue for P&F.

Who is next for their scan?
Yay - congrats P&F, another boy!! :flower:

I'm staying on team yellow, I keep wanting to find out, but I was so sure that I wanted a surprise that I'm trying to be strong and not ask at my scan!! Its mainly because I now feel like shopping and there is hardly anything in neutral colours!!

I like Benjamin, really lovely name, Ben is a lovely shortened one too.

I'm on the 7th - are you too F&C? I seem to remember we're on the same day? (Bumpy looking very cute by the way - really starting to pop out now!) Another couple of weeks to wait, I'm on the 'sleeps countdown' already!!

My exciting news - after just saying that I hadn't felt anything, last night when I went to bed I got three very definite 'prods' low in my belly! :happydance: After the first on I lay my hand on it and could actually feel it the next two times! DH couldn't feel it which was a shame, but I went to sleep absolutely grinning!! Have felt it another couple of times today. Its weird, I seem to have skipped the whole butterflies/bubbles bit?!
Oh, and I'm Lydia, more than happy for people to call me that!

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