Hi Pip - we dont seem to have those codes on our current supply? All pink leopard print
Claire we went very early to the sale but still didnt do that well, only looking for the boys so didnt check out maternity stuff, mainly found stuff for Mogster as next to no baby stuff left - and we were there about 9am!!!! We tried that Britax out in Kiddicare but I found it very heavy and was worried it would be too cumbersome wit two boys in (it felt heavy with just Mogster) and lifting into or out of the car would be an experience I would rather leave to OH. I didnt want P&T cos I have issues with Sport and Classic but we were introduced to the Dash and I fell in love - perfect for us and gets around most of the gripes I have with the other versions....
Today we have ben sorting out stuff, have listed various bits on netmums just so we can claim some space back and raise funds for the buggy - cursing our front door being too narrow cos I love the Nipper double! Ah well am now in love with the Dash so got to downsize my other buggies and clear outsome underused baby stuff. Cant belive all the swim stuff we got I have used maybe twice
Yas got your text earlier, sorry I didnt reply

my phone went beserk and I got 15 texts in a row

think it got confused by the time change and stocked up loads then sent em all at once, I switched it off in the end and have yet to turn it back on - maybe once Mogster is in bed
22 weeks today and feeling the kicks and wiggles almost ocnstantly, it is reassuring but it is like he is joining in when we talk about him. Mogster keeps giving him cuddles which is lovely.
Well thats all folks except for a question to the other mummies already...how many buggies do you have? We have the travel system and two strollers one of which has rarely been used, OH is saying do we really need another one

(though he liked the Dash too) I want to use the pram of the travel system when Mogster is at nursery then have the Dash for when have both to take out so Mogster can hop in and out. We will need one small stroller so plan to sell the Quest cso its hardly gone anywhere. Am I being awkward do you think?
Hope you are over your flu now Costgang and Mrs Mills you have been enjoying the sunshine over this way today?
MW tomorrow

to all