2010 Bumps & Flushes & Dimples

Brigitte - Thanks hun...happy 19 weeks :happydance:

Moggy - how exciting about the Dash........the company i ordered from said that the pre-orders of my britax bdual should be fullfilled in the next 2 weeks...lets hope so...i cant wait to have a play..:haha:
It's lovely here too but i bet it's colder....Jac has a few runs on the crappy trike this morning with Hubby and with hubbys niece/nephew going up and down our street...he looks so cute in it. Going to pop to my parents as soon as he's napped and might take it with me if it fits in the car....the parent handle is fixed :dohh:

Yasmin - I think breastfeeding can stop you falling pregnant but like all things it's not always the case. I was actually thinking about having no2 when Jac was around 3 month sold...so maybe you will be ready pretty much straight away...se how it goes hun :hugs:

Lia - When it hits 99 just think about the old icecream with the flake :haha: ...dont let it freak you.....its just a number at the end of it. :thumbup:

It's now officially the weekend. Don't know what i'll do tomorrow as i'm waiting for a ocurier pickup for the P&T Sport i sold off ebay. And hubby is working Saturday.....to pay for the b-dual he said :haha:

Gotta love ebay :thumbup: Sounds like the trike is definitely the way to go then, they love the independence I guess
Yep...he looks so proud in it.....like having your first car i suppose :haha:
Found a trike at a decent price and it looks the same as the smart trike i wanted (that you suggested :thumbup:) but it's branded beanstalk but has excellent reviews...probably made by the same people though. Have reserved it and will get it tomorrow ...

Thanks again for the help. :hugs:
I saw that this morning and wondered whether to suggest it but wasnt sure if you wanted the Smyths one, the parent handle you have how does it attach? Saw a fab condition smart trike on ebay the other day but it had no parent handle so unlikely to go very high price...maybe your exisitng handle would fit?
Viability indeed! Aww I am lucky at the moment am enjoying the preg as the aches and things have improved.

May order our pram on Saturday (still after getting the britax b-smart) as found somewhere cheaper for it near my family and we are going for tea on Saturday :thumbup: going to visit my cousin as she has baby clothes and alsorts for us apparently, winner!

Looks lovely and sunny outside.......boooo for being stuck indoors in an office!
Moggy - I dont know to be honest...i was given the trike by my uncle who managed to pilfer it off someone and it was already assembled. It's very wobbly and doesnt feel all that sturdy so i think a new one it is. Great suggestion though> Iwas after the one that was on smyths but this one looks pretty much the same but different colours :hugs:

Lia - I have more aches form sitting at work...when i get up sometimes i feel so achy and stiff.....at home im fine...how weird :haha:
How exciting us all ordering prams.....and yours is pretty much the same as mine but a single...will have to compare once both ahve arrived :thumbup:

Jac will love it :thumbup: and he will think you are the best Mummy in the world when he goes for the first ride! The big smile as theyre going along is one of those priceless moments I think :hugs:
Just popping on quickly to say hi as we're off to a friend's for dinner! Have a good evening x
Hope you're enjoying your evening F&C (I'm so sorry - I will re-learn everyones name again!) and everyone for that matter :haha:

Just popped on - bubs was kicking really hard so we had a look and we can see him kick my tum, I am in love :cloud9:
MamaBird, I think it will be 5.30 pm UK time. Hope you enjoyed your bath and relaxation. Happy 19 weeks.

Thanks, Moggy, I did actually have a better night last night.

F&C, hope you enjoyed your dinner with your friends.

P&F, lucky you for feeling the LO kick.

Everyone else :hi: and how exciting for so many of you for ordering the prams.

As for me: I have a bit of backache going on at the moment. Oh yeah and I have new craving: Chocolate Shake. Yummy!
Hello Lovely ladies!!

Just popping in real quick to let you all know I got my rented doppler today!!!!:happydance: DH and I tried it as soon as we got home and we found Bean's hb within about 5 minutes! Those things are tricky at first!! Anywho, we are going to try it again now so we can record a sound file...if it works out I'll post it for you ladies!

Also, I have set up a poll in my journal! Blue or Pink BUMP!!! Only 8 days away...I seriosuly can't wait!! Bean better not be a little bugger and let us see!!!

By the way, here is a picture of my bare bump for you interested in voting!


Awwwe! :blush: Thanks ladies!

I don't know if I believe all those old wives tales about being able to predict gender by looking at the bump. But I thought it might help with the voting! So far the poll on my journal has 2 for girl and 2 for Boy!
So how do you feel, MamaBird? Do you have a feeling what it might be?
I heard that if you look at the mum from behind if you can see the bump its a girl if not its a boy. Not sure if it is true but from behind I cant see my bump and Moglet is a boy...how bout you Yas? F&C? Maybe we need a rear shot Brig?

I have to agree though at the moment am thinking girl....has a dream last night I gave birth to a baby made of cheese :blush: bit worrying but as have had some realy wierd dreams since being preggers am not too concerned.

Had a fab day today, so sunny, we washed Mogster playhouse and garden toys, all got covered in water and bubble and he learned to ride his tractor himself, so far he had been ok if we helped and pushed a bit but today he has been off around the garden, pedalling himself and steering. Such a proud mummy moment:yipee: He is now in bed and snoring, he was shattered and as Im equally tired am gonna flop on the sofa and catch up with the news tomorrow morning. Hope you are all well :thumbup:

HAHAHA!!! that is one thing I am never posting on here!....a picture of my big bum!:haha: but I did decide to check myself out in the mirror...you can't tell anything from behind...no weight gain...no bump to be seen!?

And Pip, DH and I have both felt like Bean was a boy from day 1...but the last few weeks I have been doubting myself...starting to think it may be a pink bump!? :shrug: I've got bump confusion I think! lol

Oh...and I WISH we had a nice sunny day here today. I guess we are paying for our +25 weather from last week because it was snowing here yesterday and today. nothing that will stay...but it's still depressing.

On the up side...I won a free facial party from a Mary Kay representative. That's a cosmetic line in Canada and US. So you ladies have Mary Kay in the UK?? Anywho, I've got a couple girlfriends coming over and then we are going out for cocktails/mocktails. (there will be another pregnant friend coming...I'm not the only preggie one!)

Have a good Saturday ladies!!

Moggy I guess that is true for me as well. It does seem to be all out front. It's also a low bump but I think that's more because my placenta is low.

That's lovely about little Mogster. I can't wait to have a little boy running around in the sun! There is so much to look forward to!
Ooh i'd love a facial right now, lucky you!!

No bump from the back from me. I'm only voting girl cos I want to break the all-boys run we're on :hehe:

How's everyone enjoying the weekend? xx

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