2011 prediction chart, lets see who's accurate

Oh ya, I forgot that I e-mailed her back and asked her if she saw how tall my girl would be when she grew up, and aside from my e-mail that has "tall" in it, she really had no way of knowing HOW tall I really am... she was right on, this is what she responded (which I thought it was so nice of her to respond to an "extra" question) :thumbup:

"Hi Audra , it was my pleasure and sorry for your mc L I know it feels like forever but you will get there x if I were to describe how I see her when she is around 16 – 17 years of age the thing that stands out the most is her long legs , she could so be a model , I am not very good with heights but I would say at least 6 foot maybe just under but again so beautiful , you know when I said she would out grow her baby grows I saw a vision of you never being able to get them to fit in the leg its like her toes pop out ,, aww ,, try not to worry to much , I know its hard but she will be with you xx"

This is a unique reading so I thought it would be safe to post. :)
I am 6'1" and my DP is 6'5", yup, were gonna make a tall kid:winkwink:
Oh ya, I forgot that I e-mailed her back and asked her if she saw how tall my girl would be when she grew up, and aside from my e-mail that has "tall" in it, she really had no way of knowing HOW tall I really am... she was right on, this is what she responded (which I thought it was so nice of her to respond to an "extra" question) :thumbup:

"Hi Audra , it was my pleasure and sorry for your mc L I know it feels like forever but you will get there x if I were to describe how I see her when she is around 16 – 17 years of age the thing that stands out the most is her long legs , she could so be a model , I am not very good with heights but I would say at least 6 foot maybe just under but again so beautiful , you know when I said she would out grow her baby grows I saw a vision of you never being able to get them to fit in the leg its like her toes pop out ,, aww ,, try not to worry to much , I know its hard but she will be with you xx"

This is a unique reading so I thought it would be safe to post. :)
I am 6'1" and my DP is 6'5", yup, were gonna make a tall kid:winkwink:

wow that is amazing!!! she answered to me when i emailed her to she said to really encourage my son with the guitar which i though was lovely and very kind of her, there was a tread saying she was fake, but i do not believe that. can yuo image the effort it would take to get the information of each customer to make a convincing fake?? i think someone perhaps didn't like what they heard and was bitter about it, my reading from star was my favorite, i don't care is shes spot on or not, so long as she's close ;) xx
i know this is competly off topic but my car club has been nominated for car club of the year in nz and we need lots more votes. If you possibly have a few seconds spare can you please click the link and click the "like" button next to evolve https://www.performancecar.co.nz/industry-awards/car-club-of-the-year
it would mean a great deal to us,we car a nation wide club of female car lovers and have a good name for ourselves as well as awards :)
thanks heaps

done ;)

yea me and you next girl ;)
Oh ya, I forgot that I e-mailed her back and asked her if she saw how tall my girl would be when she grew up, and aside from my e-mail that has "tall" in it, she really had no way of knowing HOW tall I really am... she was right on, this is what she responded (which I thought it was so nice of her to respond to an "extra" question) :thumbup:

"Hi Audra , it was my pleasure and sorry for your mc L I know it feels like forever but you will get there x if I were to describe how I see her when she is around 16 – 17 years of age the thing that stands out the most is her long legs , she could so be a model , I am not very good with heights but I would say at least 6 foot maybe just under but again so beautiful , you know when I said she would out grow her baby grows I saw a vision of you never being able to get them to fit in the leg its like her toes pop out ,, aww ,, try not to worry to much , I know its hard but she will be with you xx"

This is a unique reading so I thought it would be safe to post. :)
I am 6'1" and my DP is 6'5", yup, were gonna make a tall kid:winkwink:

wow that is amazing!!! she answered to me when i emailed her to she said to really encourage my son with the guitar which i though was lovely and very kind of her, there was a tread saying she was fake, but i do not believe that. can yuo image the effort it would take to get the information of each customer to make a convincing fake?? i think someone perhaps didn't like what they heard and was bitter about it, my reading from star was my favorite, i don't care is shes spot on or not, so long as she's close ;) xx

I really hope she isn't a fake! You're right it would take a lot of effort to glean all that info. I really liked her reading too. If she is a fake, she's a REALLY good one:haha:

Here's to our soon and upcoming :bfp:!! :happydance: :dust:
i know this is competly off topic but my car club has been nominated for car club of the year in nz and we need lots more votes. If you possibly have a few seconds spare can you please click the link and click the "like" button next to evolve https://www.performancecar.co.nz/industry-awards/car-club-of-the-year
it would mean a great deal to us,we car a nation wide club of female car lovers and have a good name for ourselves as well as awards :)
thanks heaps

No problem, all set :thumbup:
Well I still haven't gotten Cherri's predictions, I am now even more intestested to see what she will say since I am pregnant at the moment.

Did you get your cheri prediction back yet??
Trying hard not to, but i'm dying to get another one done x:wacko:
Well I still haven't gotten Cherri's predictions, I am now even more intestested to see what she will say since I am pregnant at the moment.

Did you get your cheri prediction back yet??
Trying hard not to, but i'm dying to get another one done x:wacko:

Me too:devil:

i had my uncle, his wife and cousin round for dinner last night.
i decided to tell them (foolishily) that we're ttc again, and the conversation went on and i explained the fertility treatment i'd had in the past, and that i fell very hopeful blah blah, and then i told them why i was hopeful :dohh: as soon as i mentioned these readings i'd had, (i read them to them as well) it turnt into this big debate, my uncle saying "well if they told my the lottery numbers then i'd believe it":pop: i was trying to explain how i think the mediums interpret the information with tarot and spirit for these readings, i said i don't believe in it, but at the moment it gives me hope and make me feel positive which is what you need after trying to conceive for even a short while let alone as long as me, well, this went on and on and on and on, and i thought why did i open my mouth, i new i shouldn't of. the conversation then lead to god and the bible and the end of the earth; oh my god, i was so drained after lol
my uncle is not much older than me but he's kinda thuggish and boisterous, his wife understood where i was coming from, and my young cousin totally believed it. its gotta come true now though because i can't cope at the end of may if i'm not pregnant for an "i told you so" which i s exactly what he'll say, he is a bit of a plank.
and i have to admit, as hi as my spirits have been all this time i feel a bit low and sad today.
i don't know why
i almost feel that by telling someone other than my husband and reading my readings and broken some kind fate or barrier and jinxed it.
i'm going to pretend it didn't happen.
but i definitely need another reading now to perk me up bit lol
anyone recommend any?? :happydance:
Don't feel down hispirits. People like your uncle probably have no idea what it's like to be in our position. Experts have studied this kind of thing for years and can't come up with a conclusive opinion, not meaning to insult your uncle, but it's a bit arrogant for him to think he knows all the answers. All he has is an opinion, and though he is entitled to it, on this occassion it would have been better to keep it to himself. I'm sure he didn't mean to take away your hope, he's probably just worried about you getting your hopes up and being disappointed. I don't understand why people don't realise we want to get our hopes up! I for one feel so much better knowing that maybe, just maybe they are right and I will get my bfp sometime!!
I say ignore him, he is a man!! They had no problem believing Paul the psychic octopus predicting the world cup results?? What's all that about??
You keep the faith petal and if you finally get your bfp can we all email your uncle to say 'how do you like them apples'!!!
Don't feel down hispirits. People like your uncle probably have no idea what it's like to be in our position. Experts have studied this kind of thing for years and can't come up with a conclusive opinion, not meaning to insult your uncle, but it's a bit arrogant for him to think he knows all the answers. All he has is an opinion, and though he is entitled to it, on this occassion it would have been better to keep it to himself. I'm sure he didn't mean to take away your hope, he's probably just worried about you getting your hopes up and being disappointed. I don't understand why people don't realise we want to get our hopes up! I for one feel so much better knowing that maybe, just maybe they are right and I will get my bfp sometime!!
I say ignore him, he is a man!! They had no problem believing Paul the psychic octopus predicting the world cup results?? What's all that about??
You keep the faith petal and if you finally get your bfp can we all email your uncle to say 'how do you like them apples'!!!

I agree! I've told a few of my friends and most all of the women have been totally into it, all the guys have been skeptical and made fun. I think if anything those readings will help us get our :bfp: sooner! It's a good thing because it makes us more positive.
Stay positive and don't give up believing. The mind is a powerful thing!
:hugs: sorry your bummed out hispirits, I think you'll get ur :bfp: soon :thumbup:
Well I still haven't gotten Cherri's predictions, I am now even more intestested to see what she will say since I am pregnant at the moment.

Did you get your cheri prediction back yet??
Trying hard not to, but i'm dying to get another one done x:wacko:

No not yet. She has said around the 15th. I'm upset b/c it was the 1st reading that I ordered, and now it will be the last one I get back. With this reading I had sent her a picture of myself. Didn't do that with the other 2 so I am anxious on what she picks up on.

This has been a tough weekend so far not yelling out to everyone I see "I'm pregnant". On Friday all day at work when I talked to people in my head I was screaming it! Yesterday we saw my brother-in-law, my dad and sister came over and it was SOOO hard not to say anything. We only told 1 person each (my cousin and DH's best friend) and our daughter about the news so far. Mother in law is out of the country until next week so we want to tell our parents in person so we have to wait until she get's back. I don't only want to tell my parents and not tell her.
thanks guys.
i'm over it now. just took away my mojo for a bit
but now i'm gonna make him eat his words ;) xx
i think i'm going to get another jenny renny hehe:haha:
well the one i had from her was a year ago. :blush: i think i'll order it on wednesday.
i've be trying to find some new ones to try but can't :cry:
who else has had a jenny she is one of the original ones so is Gail. she's at

Can't believe it's taken so long to get your cheri prediction zodiac!! It better be worth the wait lol. Don't think I have that kind of patience. You must be so excited and bursting to tell everyone your good news. Hope you are feeling ok and it's all going well.
Tallmom- I told my mil and sil about my readings and they were really in to it too- think us woman are just very fair and openminded lol.
Glad to see you are feeling a bit better hispirits, we will show them lol.
Personally I think 3 bfp on this board is brilliant- as someone said already must be all the good vibes and positivity.
Stay happy and strong ladies, our bfp's are on their way.
Love, hugs and babydust xx
Hi Everyone,
I just purchased my first reading. If my husband knew he would kill me! I purchased a pregnancy outlook reading from Gail. Hopefully it will come soon!
Zodiac, i looked on cheri's page on her free readings she's behind by 750!!!!
i don't know how your containing it either. i have already decided this time that as soon as i have seen the babys heart beat on the 6 week early scan i am telling everyone. the last two times i said no i'm not telling anyone "just incase". :( well this time i don't need to worry about just incase i believe everything will be fine.
Frankie girl, Welcome, this is very addictive!! if you decided to tell your dh, just explain to home it makes you feel posisitve and gives you hope, which is hwat you need ttc. Gail was good choice. ;)
:D im so excited about this month im just hoping that it isnt a let down lol. We are getting our bubs
me too
we've both been waiting long enough i think
well this is it for us hun :D ur 2 days ahead of me on ur cycle
i'm going to test on monday 2nd if af doesn't show on the sunday.

i've been a little bit side tracked the last few days. are you ready for this :coffee:

we live in a rented house, i rent it off my cousins husband who lives in the states, the house is an asset to him and we live here as 'house sitters" for £100 a week. and have done for nearly a year.
the house is lovely, but becayse we are house sitters, we live here with all this guys stuff and he won't let me move any of it. and the idea was while we live here it gives us the chance to save for a mortgage, but trying to save these days is so hard! but as soon as i decided to start ttc again i realised i can't stay here.
so i was talking to my dh mum, (who has a lot of money in he bank which she inherited when her husband died) she told us that when her uncle Reg dies he is leaving £50,000 to her and £50,000 to her brother, she said when she receives it, she doesn't need it so she's going to give half to me and my husband and half to my sister in law.

well since then me and dh have been daydreaming ... "when Reg dies.... we can get our own house etc etc"
( awful isn't it)

Well he DIED!!!! on Monday.
i know its awful, but me and my husband wanted to run around like we'd won the lottery, but we felt so guilty being happy he died.

so it looks like we will actually be getting our own new home.but because i have been thinking about it the last few days i haven't been thinking of ttc and completely feel like i've let go of it all, and now i'm really having trouble getting my good vibes back about ttc, with so much to think about...
but i feel so superstitious at the moment and feel like because i haven't focussed on it this last few days its not going to happen now this cycle,
oh dear i make things hard for myself.:dohh:

i need to get a grip. lol

but my gail reading did say alot of changes are coming your way....... :happydance:

i am really evil being happy about coming into this money?
I have never met Reg, he was very old, late 80's early 90's from what i understand he had been getting worse since his wife died. but i feel so guilty being happy.
i think i'm a bit of an emotional train crash at the moment lol
aww thats so sad he died but awesome for you guys new starts indeed.lets hope she is right for us then

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