2012 TTC chat

Merry Christmas to you :) It was a nightmare! We were only gone an hour and I was ready to come back to my Mom's. My mom is still out shopping haha. She told me I couldn't go because I couldn't see what she was buying lol. I still feel like a little kid sometimes. Still a mommy's girl :) I imagine she has had quite a time fighting all the crowds. How are you feeling?
Hey Sunshine!

How are you? Did you have a good Christmas? I hope you all had a lovely time :)

I am ok thanks, though the nausea is starting to kick in. We spent xmas with my family then were supposed to drive down to see DH's family but I just felt too ill. We've told his and my parents that I'm pregnant, but no one else and I couldn't face pretending everything was ok and I was fine to go out and about etc when really all I wanted to do was lie on the sofa! I feel a lot better today, though I know it will come and go. Despite the sickness I still feel it a little hard to believe I am really pregnant...hopefully in the next week or so it will really sink in but I think a part of me is staying a bit detached just in case :wacko:

How about you? What news? Are you still with your family or are you home now? Did the kids have a great time? x
Smiler that is great news you are feeling sick although I know it isn't fun :( But a great sign the hormones are doing what they should be! I was never sick at all with my boy but my girl kicked my butt haha!

I am home now! I was so exhausted from traveling with the kids. It was a nightmare. My husband and I both looked at eachother when we got home and said never again lol. They can come to us next year. As for me my breastfeeding has not been going well. My supply dropped over the holidays because I had a few drinks at Christmas and had to supplement with formula for the evening and I fell asleep without pumping oops... So I just went to the vitamin store to try some herbs that are supposed to bring your milk supply back up. Hopefully it will work because they weren't cheap. I can't believe one night of not pumping caused all this haha... Also I had another job offer but turned it down. Oh as bad as we need the extra money I can't leave the kids right now. I have enjoyed staying with them and although it is stressful at times I don't want to leave them just yet.
Hey Sunshine

sorry I have been offline for a while. Well, I keep checking on my phone but hate replying on it as it's just too hard to type on a touch screen :) Also I've been feeling pretty rough and can't bear to go on my laptop but I need to do some work now!! Am 7 weeks pg today (woop woop) but now the sickness has kicked in! Last night and this morning - yuk. I hope it doesn't get much worse....

Oh I'm sorry you've had some problems with BF. Did the herbs help? I had no idea drinking could slow down the supply, what a pain :(

Congrats on being offered a job at least! I think it's right to turn it down fi you're not ready to leave the kids yet. The extra money is always helpful but you'll never get this time back with your kids xx
I am so glad you are showing such reassuring symptoms!! That is great news! Already 7 weeks wow! Time flies, doesn't it? I told my husband the other day that we weren't being very smart having unprotected sex right around the middle of my cycle haha! Although I have never gotten pregnant on my own, my periods have come back since having Madison and they are exactly 28 day cycles... as much as I love the fact my periods are normal now I am hopeful I am not fertile haha. That would not be good for us :wacko:

I turned down the job and you are absolutely right I will never get this time back. My husband has been working all week even though he should have been off the last two days. He is racking up the overtime and will be bringing home a pretty good paycheck next week. He told me as long as he can make ends meet, I could stay home with the kids. If everything goes as planned, I will go back to work when Madison turns 1. That will give me time to get Lane fully potty trained and get her out the early stages. Sorry for the novel, lol, I get lonely sitting here all day by myself. Both kids are sleeping and I don't even know what to do with myself :shrug:

Oh and so far the herbs have helped just a little bit. Not as much as I had hoped for. But hopefully if I continue to take them I will see more of an increase in my supply. So glad you and baby are doing great!!!
Oh wow that's great though, that you've started having 28 day cycles! Amazing! I have heard of women with PCOS find things get better after having kids. Not sure why, but how strange. Though if you don't want a 3rd then maybe some protection would be wise haha :D

I'm feeling a lot better today - I wonder if it was the burger and chips I had for dinner last night haha :) Bad Smiler! I know it will be up and down though. I'm looking forward to things settling down if we get as far as the 2nd tri. Which is only 5 weeks away but that seems like a long time to feel sick :wacko: I'm being a real wuss about it. I don't know how I managed before - with my other 2 pregnancies I was up at 6:30 every morning to do my 1.5 hour commute into work, then sat at my desk and worked all day, then did the return journey. This past week or so I've barely done anything or gone anywhere in case I get sick! Wuss!

Aw sorry you're feeling a little lonely Sunshine :hugs: Have you managed to get out and find any mum and baby groups or anything like that? I think staying at home til Madison is at least 1 sounds good if that is what you really want to do. It's great your DH is so supportive about it :)

FX the herbs keep working! x
The Dr put me on birth control but I didn't ever get it filled at the pharmacy. Not the smartest decision I have ever made lol but birth control makes me so sick and also raises my blood pressure for some reason. But there is nothing wrong with buying condoms haha!

I hate that you are feeling so rough but atleast that is a good sign your hormones are elevated! And don't worry about the food lol I gained almost 40 pounds with Madison! I ate all the time! And I ate junk food lol.

We did go to church that one Sunday lol and enjoyed it! It was right before our Christmas vacation but we haven't been back yet because my husband has been working non-stop. He hasn't had one day off since we came back from our trip. They had some parts of their plant go down so he is having to work all his days off to help get it back up and running. And to top it all off both kiddos are sick. I took them to the Dr this morning. Madison has a double ear infection and RSV and Lane has a sinus infection. I don't know how they get so sick when they are home with me all the time :( Plus I keep this house spotless... I don't get it
Oh no I'm sorry to hear the kids are both sick! Are they feeling any better? Kids can pick up anything from anywhere, don't worry :hugs: Maybe just from being at the supermarket or a playground near other kids or something did it. My sister's kids seem to be ill all the time, I'm sure it's just a stage kids go through when their immune system is still a bit immature :hugs:

I hate feeling sick but once I've been sick I feel better, though it's strangely tiring. DH has been a real sweetheart and barely letting me lift a finger at the mo, but I did the washing up this morning and it totally took it out of me, I can't believe it. I don't know how I'm going to manage to finish all the work I've got on at the moment. I'm really busy from now til the end of Feb but at this rate nothing is going to get done!

Oh boo, condoms! Sensible, but not my favourite thing! I dont' know what we're going to do once we're done having kids. I don't really want to go on the pill but neither of us likes condoms much. DH said he would have the snip but that makes me nervous!!
I tried to get my husband to get snipped and he told me no.. He said you can't take the venom out of the snake! :rofl: Crazy men! I am so glad the pregnancy is going well for you so far! This is great news Smiler! :happydance:

Both kiddos are feeling much better, thank you :) My husband hasn't had a day off in forever and he is exhausted but he is loving the overtime! He is on his way home now and we are going to go sit outside by our firepit and he is going to grill some porkchops and shrimp! Yum!
HAHAHAHA! I love your DH's comment that's hilarious :D My DH seems pretty up for it, but then he scared me when he said the bits they cut can grow back 10-15 years later and he's read a few stories where couples in their late 40s or something end up having babies they didn't mean to have! And then I was watching a programme about multiples where this woman ended up pregnant naturally with triplets because apparently when you're close to menopause, your body throws out as many eggs as it can whilst it's still got the chance! EEEK!

Oh wow I can't believe it's January and you can go outside for dinner! Is it warm? It is cold and miserable here. But nice to hear your DH is loving the overtime :) Will he have to do much more?

AFM I'm feeling a little better today, I went out for a walk because I'm finding my hips are starting to hurt (already?!). I sleep most comfortably on my side but then I wake up and they really ache :(
It was about 45°F last night. It was so warm around the fire though :) The food was so yummy. He just left for work and he won't be off again until next Friday :( So a whole week and half of hardly seeing him again but he will definitely have a good paycheck. He is wanting to buy some new furniture. I am excited about that. Our furniture was a hand me down from my mom and it is so wore out and not very nice anymore lol.

Oh I hate when my hips would hurt! I hope I have nothing to worry about. I had ovulation spotting a few days ago! I would not have known what it even was but I had it the month I got pregnant with Madison and the Dr told me thats what it was. I had the exact same thing a few days ago... I can't believe this. I am so scared I may be fertile now?? I hope not :( I don't need another baby right now
Oh Sunshine so did you have sex recently? There is only like a 20% chance per cycle that you will get pregnant so it's not that high a chance! But I thought breastfeeding stopped you from ovulating?

Wow that is a lot of work your DH is doing. But will be so fun to go furniture shopping :) Most of our stuff is also hand-me downs, I think the only thing we bought new was our bed!
That was the same with us :) Our bed is the only newer thing we own lol. And it was on a major sale! We had sex 3 days prior, surely I am ok. The Dr told me when I went for my papsmear that as long as my periods had returned, I was fertile again. Of course I tried to explain to her I had PCOS and had never been fertile. That is when she wrote me the Rx for the birth control and told me she had seen stranger things happen :dohh:

How are you feeling today?
Ah well if it was 3 days ago then chances are you'll be ok!! FX!! Haha this is the first time on this board I have been saying "I hope you're not pregnant" to someone :D

Haha our bed was also on a big sale, we got like £400 off :)

I'm feeling alright today thanks - yesterday and today the sickness seems to have worn off. I know it's normal for symptoms to come and go but I can't help but worry. I'm still tired though. I went to get my legs waxed today - which involved driving to the beauticians, lying on her couch, then driving home - and I still needed to lie down when I got home! My work rate is seriously suffering :wacko:

But because I keep worrying DH suggested we go for a private scan next week if the doc won't give me one. I have an appt tomorrow with the GP so I'm going to tell her I keep worrying and see if she will book me in for one. If not I will call this private place I found and make an appt with them next week.
I hope you are able to get in for a scan! I know it is hard not to worry. I think everything is going to be fine this time :)
Arrgghhh I'm having a scan TODAY!!! Can't believe it. The doc was annoyed, as she'd written to the hospital on Dec 14th. She gave them a kick up the backside for me, and I just got a phonecall. Luckily DH is working from home today so he is able to come, so pleased. It's in just over 2 hours time...not going to be able to concentrate on any work now :wacko:
Update - scan was fine :) Everything looking ok so far. Phew!! She even sent us home with a photo which was really sweet of her. Normally they only give you a pic at 12 weeks, and even then you have to pay. So she sneaked us a free one which is great :)

I've been put ahead a few days, though I know it'll probably change again at my next scan. I thought I was 8+1 today but I've been put at 8+4. Hurrah!
OH Smiler that is so wonderful! I am so happy to hear that!! Were you able to hear the heartbeat?? I am sure your husband is so excited! I am so glad the Clomid worked. Atleast now when you are ready to try for the second baby you will know what works :) That is what made it so much better with Madison. I had one round of bloodwork and we figured out I had the same issues so they immediately started the Femara :)

My period is due Tuesday! Fingers crossed! I told myself if my period comes I will never do this again haha... From now on we will use protection of some sort. I have never been fertile but I have also never had normal periods and now I do yikes! Don't want to take any chances!
Thanks Sunshine :) Yeah DH is really excited. He confessed he's been quite worried the last few days as my nausea etc has really improved, so he thought it was a bad sign. I was thinking the same, but I had no idea he was as worried as he was. He is such a great actor!

No we couldn't hear the heartbeat, we never have done at a scan. I guess the machines they use don't have audio or something. But we could see the heart flickering really fast :)

Ooh good luck for Tuesday!!!

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