Oh wow that's great though, that you've started having 28 day cycles! Amazing! I have heard of women with PCOS find things get better after having kids. Not sure why, but how strange. Though if you don't want a 3rd then maybe some protection would be wise haha
I'm feeling a lot better today - I wonder if it was the burger and chips I had for dinner last night haha

Bad Smiler! I know it will be up and down though. I'm looking forward to things settling down if we get as far as the 2nd tri. Which is only 5 weeks away but that seems like a long time to feel sick

I'm being a real wuss about it. I don't know how I managed before - with my other 2 pregnancies I was up at 6:30 every morning to do my 1.5 hour commute into work, then sat at my desk and worked all day, then did the return journey. This past week or so I've barely done anything or gone anywhere in case I get sick! Wuss!
Aw sorry you're feeling a little lonely Sunshine

Have you managed to get out and find any mum and baby groups or anything like that? I think staying at home til Madison is at least 1 sounds good if that is what you really want to do. It's great your DH is so supportive about it
FX the herbs keep working! x