Oh Phoenix I hope it's a BFP for you...fingers crossed your not out yet there's still a chance if you get a sensitive test like you said good luck...how many dpo are you currently x
Jennah...I didn't really get symptoms with my DS well not until like 6 weeks then I had terrible nausea eOh Phoenix I hope it's a BFP for you...fingers crossed your not out yet there's still a chance if you get a sensitive test like you said good luck...how many dpo are you currently x
Jennah...I didn't really get symptoms with my DS well not until like 6 weeks then I had terrible nausea every hour of every day but apart from that I felt perfectly normal up until then, I never would if thought I was pregnant so I will just see what the test says. I'm going to test on Saturday I should be around 10dpo if it's neg I will re-test around 14dpo and if it's still neg I'll just take it as af is on her way so we'll see. Hoping its a BFP I really hate clomid it gives me terrible migraines and mood swingsI went for my blood test today and find out my results tomorrow if I did ovulate this month x
Nanninoo - well I checked the tests I did one cheap stick one and one supermarket own brand, turns out one was 10miu and the other was 25miu there goes that theory!!!
Although AF is due tomorrow but still no sign (which is odd, I've usually already had 3 days of brown discharge by now) mmmm oh we'll we shall see if she turns up (I'm pretty sure she will)
DPO I had a positive OPK result on the 30th so I assumed I ovulated that day? That would make me 15dpo, but I'm not sure if I'd o that day or one of the next 2. What do you think? X
Let us know how the blood tests go.
Jannah k - thx for the support, I'll keep you posted.
BTW never TMI on here![]()
I felt lots of odd feelings this month but going forward I'm ignoring them coz I'm sure it's my body messing with me xx
So you could be 15, 14 or 13 dpo or thereabouts so I would see how you get on if af hasn't shown by end of week mabe try another test? But I wouldn't say your out until af shows..fingers crossed for you and I'll keep you posted on blood test results! I also have brown discharge usually a week before af is due more like brown blood for 4 days then bright red I have no idea why but it's been like this my last 3 cycles and I've had tests and there all clear which really confuses me to why....