Hey jannah- I tested 11dpo and got a really, really faint line on an internet cheapie. And it was on afternoon urine, which I hear can be better than fmu for many people. Wait another day or 2 and try testing again. If nothing, then wait until day of af or after. I was convinced the cramping meant af was coming but I still get the cramping here and there. Apparently cramping early in 1st trimester is normal so it might be that Can you attach a link to your chart?
I might get frer & test Friday afternoon. I will be 13dpo
Digi is usually not sensitive this early...
I am sitting & I can feel cramps sometimes right sites left....bit it is not bad like AF....it is just u feel someone knocking on your tummy...lol
QUOTE=Rcp925;32201357]Hey jannah- I tested 11dpo and got a really, really faint line on an internet cheapie. And it was on afternoon urine, which I hear can be better than fmu for many people. Wait another day or 2 and try testing again. If nothing, then wait until day of af or after. I was convinced the cramping meant af was coming but I still get the cramping here and there. Apparently cramping early in 1st trimester is normal so it might be that Can you attach a link to your chart?[/QUOTE]
Yup! That's how mine felt/feel. They're uncomfortable but not as bad as af cramps are. Your chart looks awesome. The only odd thing my temp did that it never did before was that it got up into the 98.0-98.4 range and stayed there. It usually would be high 97's and maybe a random 98 but nothing more. It looks promising!! 13 dpo sounds like a good plan. hoping this is your month!
Hi girls
Feeling low, hopeless
11dpo bfn
No symptoms. Those cramps are gone too after 2h yesterday.
AF due on Sunday. Usually spotting starts day before.
Jannah-don't feel so low, babe. It's so early yet and lots of people don't have any symptoms until they're 8 weeks! Just keep living your life and try to keep your stress level down thinking of you!
11dpo is still early sweetie some people only get a faint around 14dpo I would leave it until then if af doesn't show but your temps are still looking good! Fingers crossed for you
Jannah agree with rcp enjoy your life and try and try not get stressed (I know it's hard) I was stressing for 4 years looking back it was the worst time of my life I was forever crying, down, angry and feeling depressed, but it's true what they say when your least expecting it and not thinking about it, it happens! I took a couple months break from TTC and ntnp instead and I fell pregnant so I defiantly believe stress levels play a significant part in it and when I wasn't stressed and taking my mind away from it all I conceived. It will happen jannah don't feel low hunny! On days you feel down why not treat yourself go shopping, go for a nice meal, day trip or anything just to make you feel you again x
Love you girls!
Don't know what I will do without your support. I feel better today...yesterday was weird has hot flashes and when I got on elliptical within 4min it said I reached target heart rate usually takes 13min or so on the program I use. Also after pee I keep getting pelvic pain last 48h.
12dpo temp dropped from 98.1 to 97.6. My luteal phase is 15days so on 14th I start spotting and 15th full flow(sorry tmi).
I guess AF is on way. Dunno how soon before AF temps drop...
Jannah I don't like to say but looking at your chart I agree temps have dropped...but miracles happen I've seen charts on fertility friend gallery of ladies having late implantation (temp drop then rise) so I would just see what the next few days bring if temps drop then I'm guessing af is on it's way if a rise then maybe the drop was late implantation if you look at my chart I had an implantation dip in temp at 7dpo x
Until the witch shows your in!!
Have you found another Job yet? Big hugs xxx
Ladies how is everyone?????
Do any of these look like peak to you (ignore the upside down numbers I had the sticks the wrong way round lol)
So the cut off bit should be left. Only the 17th is the right way (although no idea why it's rotated my image!!!)
Hi all
I am okay. I prayed a lot and feel better. I know we did our part & if God doesn't want us to parents now than I can't forced it. I have to let nature take its course like RCP and nanninoo said not to stress...
I am home alone and without my family or friends...having a baby would have helped...I am looking for jobs now to keep myself busy....
Phoenix day17 looks promising but pics are blurry. Could u retake day17?
I was wrong..
It looks like you had a peak on day14 but test line didnt become much darker or equal strength as control..suggesting no o yet....but you must have missed peak on day14 If you didn't test twice that day...
Do u have temp chart?
.UOTE=Phoenix82;32226783]Hey Jannah
Big hugs sweetie, it must be so tough on you being away from everyone.
Thanks for your comment - I've uploaded it - hopefully it's better?
Which day do you think ovulation happened based on my sticks? Xx[/QUOTE]
My temp didn't rise today. It was weird last night...had bit of spotting requiring pantyliner (sorry tmi) but than nothing yet..... had nausea, body ache, legs stiffened basically on bed rest today.... told oh that AF on way ...there was awkward silence...all I wanted to hear was it's OK there is next month or a huggy but there was nothing...if I am sad over this I am going to hear that I will never be preggo with this attitude...
Anyways I know without clomid...I will have loong cycles....I am not going to do opks...maybe just temp to get idea but oh wants me to do nothing and just let it be....
Good luck all of u!! I will try to check forum once a week....just don't want to be thinking about baby etc everyday etc...
Hi girls
I don't feel good at all.
Been on bed all day. Feeling like this since last night after I got home from party ...
Nausea, body ache, soar muscles, achy legs, tummy cramps
No spotting or AF yet
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