2014-2015 baby club!

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I'm good over here. Still sick as a dog...have my first appointment with my midwife on Tuesday. I'm really nervous for it. How is everyone else doing?? Nanninoo? How do you feel?
Phoenix hope you get your referral date soon
Rcp good luck at your midwife appt, I'm feeling ok still feeling very anxious about my next scan hoping for good news but I'm optimistic only another 10 sleeps to go the wait is unbearable.....been having nausea every day and sore boobes also frequent toilet trips becoming more common, last night I must of gone to the toilet about 5 times in the night which kept waking me so trying not too drink too much before bed....today I had my first migraine in about a month and oddly enough it wasn't as intense as the ones I used to get pre-pregnancy when I was on lots of medication all I needed was 2 paracetamol and a sleep and it subsided thankfully, must be my hormones.....hope your all ok? Jannah how are you x
Hey ladies

How are you all?

I'm ok, well that's a lie, I've felt better. I've had a headache for 2 days. I've felt nauseous and had tummy ache - this month the witch is defo out to get me!!!

I'm cd28 and no AF yet but she's not due until tomorrow.

My doc called today and said my bloods show I didn't ovulate (I could have told her that as I got the egg symbol the day before and the day of my blood test)!!!
My referral should be in June. I'm feeling a little fed up and done in this month!!
Hi Phoenix sorry your feeling rubbish but yay for your referral in June that's great news and a possitive thing to look forward too.
I never ovulated without clomid my cycles were always iregular so when I got my referral it was the best thing to happen for me unfortunately after scans and blood tests and OH's seman analysis everything turned out ok and was classed as unexplained fertility so they put me on clomid as I wasn't ovulating and it did the trick so fingers crossed it's the same for you!
Past two days I have had migraines I went 4 weeks without any then boom I get two in the space of 2 days but they haven't been no where near as bad as my usual ones thankfully....apart from that I'm feeling ok just want this week to be done with so next Tuesday can come round quickly I'm so eager to know how the ultrasound is looking hoping baby is growing nicely but I can't help but worry! Still have nausea everyday and sore boobes and sleepless nights due to the amount of toilet trips I try it reduce my liquid intake before bed but I seem to be peeing more in the night than I do in the day very odd no sooner I go to the bathroom and get comfy in bed it feels like I've only nodded off before I need to pee again but I remember this all too well with my other pregnancies! How is everyone doing? Xx
Hi Phoenix sorry your feeling rubbish but yay for your referral in June that's great news and a possitive thing to look forward too.
I never ovulated without clomid my cycles were always iregular so when I got my referral it was the best thing to happen for me unfortunately after scans and blood tests and OH's seman analysis everything turned out ok and was classed as unexplained fertility so they put me on clomid as I wasn't ovulating and it did the trick so fingers crossed it's the same for you!
Past two days I have had migraines I went 4 weeks without any then boom I get two in the space of 2 days but they haven't been no where near as bad as my usual ones thankfully....apart from that I'm feeling ok just want this week to be done with so next Tuesday can come round quickly I'm so eager to know how the ultrasound is looking hoping baby is growing nicely but I can't help but worry! Still have nausea everyday and sore boobes and sleepless nights due to the amount of toilet trips I try it reduce my liquid intake before bed but I seem to be peeing more in the night than I do in the day very odd no sooner I go to the bathroom and get comfy in bed it feels like I've only nodded off before I need to pee again but I remember this all too well with my other pregnancies! How is everyone doing? Xx

Hey sweetie

Thanks or your note I just feel rough (if I get a BFP this month I wouldn't mind feeling rough lol).

I'm sure AF is on her merry way I just can't help but hope!!!
I'll just have to wait and see.
She did say my AF should be later as my ovulation was.

I keep getting cm and achy tummy so I guess it won't be long.

Rubbish that you're getting migraines again!! Big hugs!!
Very exciting that you have your scan soon, keep positive sweetie things will be all good (I'm sure of it) xxx
Hi girls, how is everyone doing?
I'm possibly DPO 3, I don't have a very clear temp shift. No symptoms yet, so I'll see what happens during the next week.
Hi girls, how is everyone doing?
I'm possibly DPO 3, I don't have a very clear temp shift. No symptoms yet, so I'll see what happens during the next week.

Good luck huni xx

I'm almost 100% out this month.
I've had brown spotting for 4 days, today my temp dropped by almost half a degree. I'm sure she'll turn up soon and I'm cd33 (12dpo)
Gutted again xxxx
Hey ladies how are you all doing? Any update on jannah? Not heard anything for a while....? Hope your all ok x
Hey ladies how are you all doing? Any update on jannah? Not heard anything for a while....? Hope your all ok x

Hey sweetie

A bit sad face with more friends getting preggo, more people at events being preggo and everyone on telly being preggo it's a bit annoying but I guess it just feels that way.

Ok thx - cd6 today onto our next cycle, if I ovulate late though I've got a 2ww to ovulate!!! If we don't get there this month we will have a months break while going on holiday (I think it is needed after a year of bfn in June). That way we can relax, I can drink and eat whatever I want and just let our hair down a bit.

My referral has come in for when we get back so we shall see.

How is everyone else?

How are you getting on? Anymore news about your bump?
Sorry I've been absent I've given it a break to stop me getting down so much Xxx
Hey ladies how are you all doing? Any update on jannah? Not heard anything for a while....? Hope your all ok x

Hey sweetie

A bit sad face with more friends getting preggo, more people at events being preggo and everyone on telly being preggo it's a bit annoying but I guess it just feels that way.

Ok thx - cd6 today onto our next cycle, if I ovulate late though I've got a 2ww to ovulate!!! If we don't get there this month we will have a months break while going on holiday (I think it is needed after a year of bfn in June). That way we can relax, I can drink and eat whatever I want and just let our hair down a bit.

My referral has come in for when we get back so we shall see.

How is everyone else?

How are you getting on? Anymore news about your bump?
Sorry I've been absent I've given it a break to stop me getting down so much Xxx

Oh hunny it's totally normal to feel like that :hugs: I was exactly the same everywhere I went I saw pregnant woman and babies and it got me so down I thought it was so unfair I was TTC for all them years I was really down about it and fed up! It will be your turn soon hun and it really will be worth all this wait I'm sure of it.

Yay for your referral positive things are coming your way Phoenix.
Yes I agree a break if you get a bfn is what you need enjoy your holiday like you said just in time for your referral :thumbup:

I'm ok-ish I say ish because the worry is constantly there but trying to keep my mind occupied....I had another scan on Tuesday baby was growing nicely I'm 8 weeks today my next scan is in two weeks time they are scanning me every fortnight until I get to 12 weeks as they know I'm prone to mc's in first trimester, I also see my midwife for booking in appt 2 weeks today. Don't even know my due date yet until I have my 12 week dating scan but it's looking like an early December baby fingers crossed it stays sticky!

Miss chatting x
I'm DPO 8, pretty sure I'm out. Since I have no symptoms whatsoever. Plus it's been so long, don't think it's gonna happen spontaneously anymore. Next week were going on a little vacation and after that we'll see what happens.
Oh hunny it's totally normal to feel like that :hugs: I was exactly the same everywhere I went I saw pregnant woman and babies and it got me so down I thought it was so unfair I was TTC for all them years I was really down about it and fed up! It will be your turn soon hun and it really will be worth all this wait I'm sure of it.

Yay for your referral positive things are coming your way Phoenix.
Yes I agree a break if you get a bfn is what you need enjoy your holiday like you said just in time for your referral :thumbup:

I'm ok-ish I say ish because the worry is constantly there but trying to keep my mind occupied....I had another scan on Tuesday baby was growing nicely I'm 8 weeks today my next scan is in two weeks time they are scanning me every fortnight until I get to 12 weeks as they know I'm prone to mc's in first trimester, I also see my midwife for booking in appt 2 weeks today. Don't even know my due date yet until I have my 12 week dating scan but it's looking like an early December baby fingers crossed it stays sticky!

Miss chatting x[/QUOTE]

Yeah I know, I'm just sick of feeling like this. I'm annoying myself lol.

Maybe the referral will get us there if not I may give up, dunno how long I can take BFNs.

Oh brilliant news on the scan, keep me posted on you. It's your time!!
Xmas baby - yeay!!! What an Xmas present!
You will have a sticky bean, I feel it.

I miss our chats too, don't be a stranger, and sorry I've been a bit distant xxx
You know I'm rooting for you girls just remember I was in the same position as you I kept getting 2 yrs of bfns then 2 years of miscarriages until I finally had my little rainbow baby! I also felt like giving up me and oh we're looking into saving for ivf and I also researched on surrogacy and adoption I wanted a child so badly that I was willing to try anything so don't give up when you feel down and fed up have a break...treat yourself shopping,holiday anything to take your mind away from it as it can be stressful I know! Never ever give up it will happen I'm sure of it nothing is impossible! I wish you so much luck for your referral Phoenix. Keep me updated on your progress and sending all of you possitive vibes! xx
You know I'm rooting for you girls just remember I was in the same position as you I kept getting 2 yrs of bfns then 2 years of miscarriages until I finally had my little rainbow baby! I also felt like giving up me and oh we're looking into saving for ivf and I also researched on surrogacy and adoption I wanted a child so badly that I was willing to try anything so don't give up when you feel down and fed up have a break...treat yourself shopping,holiday anything to take your mind away from it as it can be stressful I know! Never ever give up it will happen I'm sure of it nothing is impossible! I wish you so much luck for your referral Phoenix. Keep me updated on your progress and sending all of you possitive vibes! xx

Ohhh I know you are hun and I REALLY appreciate it and the support you've given me.

Hey everyone, it's gone very quiet here? Everyone ok?

So today I'm cd14 and soooo hacked off you wouldn't believe.
Last cycle my fm showed me ovulating cd20/21. This month it's only asked for one sample on cd6 so far. I used OPK sticks yesterday and got a + at 11 ish am and then in the afternoon neg. so I told the oh we should try so we don't miss out.

That was agreed but I was out for the evening yesterday so we said we'd rendezvous when I got home. Well my oh has some performance issues when he eats or has too much to drink as he has ed so what does he bloody do, oh yeah eats too much!!!!

When I got in he said we couldn't but maybe this morning instead and what happened he went to work without bothering. I'm utterly livid!!!!is there any point bding tonight? As you usually ovulate 12/36 hours after the latest would be tonight at 11pm but I've been having pains on one side so looks like I'm out without even trying. He can't see how we've missed the boat but we didn't even start this month as I ovulated so late last month.

Another wasted month and we agreed we weren't trying next month as we are away - I don't know what to do. He knows I'm cross because he caused this by eating a big dinner knowing he shouldn't. What do you think? Xx
Hey everyone, it's gone very quiet here? Everyone ok?

So today I'm cd14 and soooo hacked off you wouldn't believe.
Last cycle my fm showed me ovulating cd20/21. This month it's only asked for one sample on cd6 so far. I used OPK sticks yesterday and got a + at 11 ish am and then in the afternoon neg. so I told the oh we should try so we don't miss out.

That was agreed but I was out for the evening yesterday so we said we'd rendezvous when I got home. Well my oh has some performance issues when he eats or has too much to drink as he has ed so what does he bloody do, oh yeah eats too much!!!!

When I got in he said we couldn't but maybe this morning instead and what happened he went to work without bothering. I'm utterly livid!!!!is there any point bding tonight? As you usually ovulate 12/36 hours after the latest would be tonight at 11pm but I've been having pains on one side so looks like I'm out without even trying. He can't see how we've missed the boat but we didn't even start this month as I ovulated so late last month.

Another wasted month and we agreed we weren't trying next month as we are away - I don't know what to do. He knows I'm cross because he caused this by eating a big dinner knowing he shouldn't. What do you think? Xx

Oh Phoenix hugs hunny :hugs: I can totally relate first cycle on clomid I was so excited as I got a +opk (never get them usually without clomid as I don't ovulate on my own) ran down stairs told OH and said we need to dtd and what did he say...."I'm too tired tonight hun" I went mad! Knowing we had three chances of clomid cycles to concieve before they took me off it and he was waisting the perfect opportunity I was very cross and didn't speak to him for a few days I think that's what contributed to me getting a bfn as he didn't preform on the important days! Men pfft! If only they knew what stress they can put us through...
Hope you have a nice holiday hun plenty of drink, food and chill out time! Enjoy it :thumbup:
Not much to update this end....have another scan next Thursday at the early pregnancy assessment unit so will update then. My tummy is black and blue from all the injections but I don't mind as long as it's keeping peanut safe been listening to baby's hb daily on my Doppler that I purchased when I was expecting my son it's reassuring to hear!

How is everyone else any update? X
Oh Phoenix hugs hunny :hugs: I can totally relate first cycle on clomid I was so excited as I got a +opk (never get them usually without clomid as I don't ovulate on my own) ran down stairs told OH and said we need to dtd and what did he say...."I'm too tired tonight hun" I went mad! Knowing we had three chances of clomid cycles to concieve before they took me off it and he was waisting the perfect opportunity I was very cross and didn't speak to him for a few days I think that's what contributed to me getting a bfn as he didn't preform on the important days! Men pfft! If only they knew what stress they can put us through...
Hope you have a nice holiday hun plenty of drink, food and chill out time! Enjoy it :thumbup:
Not much to update this end....have another scan next Thursday at the early pregnancy assessment unit so will update then. My tummy is black and blue from all the injections but I don't mind as long as it's keeping peanut safe been listening to baby's hb daily on my Doppler that I purchased when I was expecting my son it's reassuring to hear!

How is everyone else any update? X[/QUOTE]

Thx hun.
Well he felt guilty so we bd yesterday so we may have caught it but unlikely unless I ovulated later. I told him I want to bd again today cd15 but he was very moany about it!! I gave him the speech "15 mins is all I need I have to do the 9 months and labour either you want a baby or you don't" so reluctantly he said we could. With his ed he gets worried about not performing and the other night made him a bit down - he swears they have changed his meds which affect things, I'm sure it's in his head.

Oh well, on a positive note I think? I had red blood about an hour ago, could that be ovulation spotting? If so that's exciting as I don't think I've ever has it before what do you think?

Cd13/14 I had a lot of tummy ache and cd13 right side pain front and back before getting my + OPK could this be my body working properly????

I was going to ask when your next scan was, how far along are you again?
What jabs are you having?
Big hugs and thank you for being there xxxx :flower:
Ooh sounds promising if you got the +opk fingers crossed you ovulate and catch the eggy :thumbup:
I'm 9+1 going by my early scan I had the other week or 10+3 by LMP or 10 weeks by ovulation so easier to say I'm in my 9th-10th week lol! See what date they give me on Thursday.
I'm taking clexane injections daily (blood thinners) I took the same with my last pregnancy as they believe that was my cause of recurrent mc's was blood clotting in the unbiblical cord x

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