Welcome to all the new faces!
Today has been a roller coaster. I had my appointment and the sac is measuring small according to them, they saw one blob that was 0.17cm and one that was 0.13cm. They seemed to think the smaller one is a cyst and they seemed worried over all. They asked me to continue taking aspirin and to start progesterone. I have done so many searches online and can't figure out if that size is normal (some websites say it is) or way too small to be viable (some say I should already be about 1cm). I'm so confused and started crying when I got home, which lead to a big fight with my husband. I just don't understand why this is happening to me. I guess its my fault for going in so early, but to be honest, my cramps have been pretty strong, so I thought it was a good idea. Sorry for rambling, just feeling really stressed and have no one to talk to about it all.