2014 IVFs!

I have never had a reason to test, never even been late. I responded well to femara and metformin we just didn't get pregnant, even with IUI. My dr agrees that we have done what we can here, and he knows the IVF dr we are using because HE used him also. We are foster to adopt parents and with all the ups and downs of fostering, we decided we had to try one last time for a baby they couldn't keep threatening to take away. We have been TTC for over 3 years now.

Once you got into the dr to start the process, how quickly did it happen? does it usualy take a few cycles? I have had a lot of tests through my own dr including SA, hormone level checks and HSG.
I have never had a reason to test, never even been late. I responded well to femara and metformin we just didn't get pregnant, even with IUI. My dr agrees that we have done what we can here, and he knows the IVF dr we are using because HE used him also. We are foster to adopt parents and with all the ups and downs of fostering, we decided we had to try one last time for a baby they couldn't keep threatening to take away. We have been TTC for over 3 years now.

Once you got into the dr to start the process, how quickly did it happen? does it usualy take a few cycles? I have had a lot of tests through my own dr including SA, hormone level checks and HSG.

That's wonderful what you are doing! It must be difficult to know that a child may not be able to stay for good.

I had a consult with my RE on Dec 26th. He ordered an all new round of blood tests for both of us. He didn't ask for a new SA because we had just done an IUI cycle in November and he was happy to take those records.

Then had to wait for next cycle to start, had more CD3 blood work and an "office hysteroscopy" to check the cervix, then 3 weeks of BCP. I have my egg retrieval tomorrow, about 8 1/2 weeks after my initial consult. I had an extra week added because I was not suppressed and had to have two cysts drained the day before I started my stimulation injections. I have a little more than 2 weeks to go until we know the result, so that's 10 1/2 weeks total.

So it's all pretty quick in the scheme of things.
That's wonderful what you are doing! It must be difficult to know that a child may not be able to stay for good.

I had a consult with my RE on Dec 26th. He ordered an all new round of blood tests for both of us. He didn't ask for a new SA because we had just done an IUI cycle in November and he was happy to take those records.

Then had to wait for next cycle to start, had more CD3 blood work and an "office hysteroscopy" to check the cervix, then 3 weeks of BCP. I have my egg retrieval tomorrow, about 8 1/2 weeks after my initial consult. I had an extra week added because I was not suppressed and had to have two cysts drained the day before I started my stimulation injections. I have a little more than 2 weeks to go until we know the result, so that's 10 1/2 weeks total.

So it's all pretty quick in the scheme of things.

its worst when they are sending a child back to people you know aren't worth their salt. Awful people, where he wont have the opportunities and the attention and care we can offer him!
it has been a while since we did any blood work or an SA, so I suppose they may want to redo that, makes sense. And I don't know how thorough the SA was, or if there is missing info they will need. I guess we will find out when we get there! I can not believe I am "one of those people" when you hear about people having difficulties, you never imagine it can happen to you
I was so naïve when I started TTC at 35. I thought I had all the time in the world, and when I got my BFP 4 months later, my life was progressing exactly as I intended. All it seemed to take was a missed m/c to throw my hormones into chaos. I suddenly had problems I had never had before. And 3 years (and 25 pounds) later, I'm still trying for #1.

I was at the clinic this morning, and the lady waiting next to me told me that today was her last day of stims. She said she felt like her body didn't feel like her body anymore. I completely understand that feeling. My ovaries are huge now. It seems like I can feel everything.

Dr. Google upset me last night. There was an RE I found who writes articles and answers questions in the comment section, and he said that he thinks 5,000 units of Novarel is too little and causes quality issues with the eggs. I try to remember that my RE is one of the best and knows what he is doing. And the lab is also one of the best - set up by CCRM. Google is not my friend.
I was so naïve when I started TTC at 35. I thought I had all the time in the world, and when I got my BFP 4 months later, my life was progressing exactly as I intended. All it seemed to take was a missed m/c to throw my hormones into chaos. I suddenly had problems I had never had before. And 3 years (and 25 pounds) later, I'm still trying for #1.

I was at the clinic this morning, and the lady waiting next to me told me that today was her last day of stims. She said she felt like her body didn't feel like her body anymore. I completely understand that feeling. My ovaries are huge now. It seems like I can feel everything.

Dr. Google upset me last night. There was an RE I found who writes articles and answers questions in the comment section, and he said that he thinks 5,000 units of Novarel is too little and causes quality issues with the eggs. I try to remember that my RE is one of the best and knows what he is doing. And the lab is also one of the best - set up by CCRM. Google is not my friend.

Tulip... I am right with you. When I started planning to have a family I was 35. Year ago. I thought I had no issues until I decided to find a good RE just to do all the exams, blood work and scans to make sure everything was alright. First thing he found was hydrosalpinx and I had to remove my left tube. He said my chances to conceive was very little with that bad tube. Then... 2 failed IUIs and now my first failed IVF. This journey sucks!!! It messed up with my life in so many ways... I can't do sh%$%$##%^ at work, can't have a normal sex life (because when I am not in my fertile period I don't even want to do anything... poor husband) and also with all my friends having baby, I am day after day being more distant of my circle of friends. I hope God give me (give us ... if you believe in God) strength to go through this as I have still 2 paid cycles of IVF and I hope it works next time!

Have a good day all! I wish all in this forum the best luck and all of us end up with a little one in our arms some day.:hugs::hugs::hugs:
I agree, Miracle - it messes with every aspect of our lives. I hope we can all get to the other side of this and rejoin the world very soon!
Hi ladies

It's true...this journey is an emotional roller coaster...not to mention the physical and financial strain.

Tulip...following along with you...did you get your ER date? or did I miss that?

I'm scheduled for fri/sat....find out for sure on wed.
Hi ladies

It's true...this journey is an emotional roller coaster...not to mention the physical and financial strain.

Tulip...following along with you...did you get your ER date? or did I miss that?

I'm scheduled for fri/sat....find out for sure on wed.

You are so close, Breaking! Good luck!

My ER is tomorrow morning. I am starting to feel nauseated from the hCG shot.
Tulip...goodluck tomorrow!!!!! be sure to give us an update when you can.
Tulip and Miracle - Your ttc stories are so familiar. We got married when I was 35 and started trying 6 months later. My sister had come off the pill and got pregnant the following month. I thought I would have plain sailing too. But now, almost 4 years later we are thinking of fet as our final shot at a rainbow baby. It's just so bloody depressing.
Breaking - thanks! I'll be giving the full report as soon as I can.

Miracle - my sister also got pregnant the first month after quitting birth control. She had a m/c at 7 weeks, but she got pregnant again immediately after and is now 20 weeks. Of course, she's only 26.

We've decided that we're only doing one fresh IVF cycle. If we get frozen embryos, we'll do FET, but if not - then we are done. IVF was our way of putting an end date on TTC so that we don't keep living in limbo.
Hi Tulip, Miracle, and Izzie,

Just wanted to pipe in and say that your posts also hit a cord with me, I remember 2 years ago, when I was 34 having a discussion about having children and starting TTC with dh, it was such a naive and fun time, I thought I would be pregnant in 6 months, buying the POAS ovulation kits and pregnancy tests! Month after month, bfn, then the embarrassment of going to see a RE, talking about your intimate sex lives! Hang on wasn't baby making suppose to be fun!!! Everyone of your friends having babies, now on the 2 child asking you, so when are you having kids? My sister preg with her 2nd, my mum had my sisters at 38 and 40! Then the devastation of hearing that dh has a severe male factor! Where did that come from? He is so fit and healthy! Finally going through our first IVF 2 years later and a BFN! So, devastating, so disappointing, can I have the courage to do this again?
Your stories mirror mine, meet my husband, when I was 28, got together with him just before turning 30, we started trying 5 years, got bloods done after a year and all looked fine. Waited a while then went back to the docs, repeated bloods and hubby had an SA and the results where not great, I got sent for a lap, all checked out fine.... now I am turning 39 in April, and all but told this cycle is over before they perform ER, got an AMH of less than 4, been on stims for 12 days and only one decent size follicle with a 60% chance of there being an EGG.. going back on on Wed for a scan and bloods, and then scheduled for ER on Friday with transfer if fertilised on the Monday.

When leaving work tonight a friend asked how I was... would have loved to have a chat with her.... but she has only just announced she is pregnant recently, I am happy for her, but don't feel it is fair to burden her with my probs... may tell her afterwards, but really don't want to make her uncomfortable...

Don't think we will got through another cycle if this doesn't work, don't think I can cope with the drugs... DH is truning 50 this year as well, he is scared about the whole thing... he is standing behind me, but in reality it is this year or not at all.. he thinks he will be to old soon, not for now, but when we have moody teenager, doesn't what the hassle when he is in his 60s, can see his point...

Good luck with Tulip and all :dust::dust::dust::dust:
Nobump I am sorry about your news. I hope it picks up or you figure out a different plan :hugs:
Hi nobump, I haven't posted in this thread but have been lurking around. My husband is turning 49 this year and although he is really showing all the passion and determination of having children with me, we are very aware that we are running out of time. I totally understand you.

We also have 3 step kids (teens & preteen) living with us full time, they were all "unexpected" according to my husband as he never wanted kids and more kids. So you can imagine my frustration. Best episode was when we first visited our RE, the doctor said to my husband in front of me " oh you already have had children but your fertility may well have declined for the past 10 years", just heart breaking.
Good morning ladies… I wish nobody had to go through this. I have a couple of friends who could not have kids and I see in their faces that life is not complete. They are all past 40 now and are not TTC anymore. They got dogs instead… :dog: That's sad and it hurts to think I might have to do the same. I will take a break for a couple of cycles. Bought my tickets to visit my family in Brazil in April and enjoy 2 weeks without thinking about this. I will probably start the process in April or maybe May.

Thanks for sharing your stories. It doesn't make life any better, but at least we know we are not alone! :flower:

For the ones that are actively in the process: GOOD LUCK!!! :happydance:
Nobump, I am just praying for you.
Miracle, I guess taking a break would be good. So that when you start the next ivf cycle your body has recovered . I know ivf takes toll physically and emotionally as well.
@nobump, Im really sorry this cycle didn't work out for you. I hope you get to do a full cycle very soon.xo

@tulip, good luck today! Let us know how it went when you feel up to it. FX

@Luciola, that must be hard. How are you handling going through IF and having step kids? I have a step kid & I find it makes it more difficult & often wish my hubby didn't have a kid w/someone else so if I can never get pregnant, we would both be living a child-free life and be free. But we're not. Some times it makes it hard too when she's around & I see her with my DH. He still gets to be a dad & I don't. So we're not equals & that some times is hurtful.

AFM, I am 11dpo (or 8dp3dt) and got a bfn. I know I still have a shot but I am pretty sure I'm not preggo. I'm gutted.
So heartbreaking reading your stories...sending you all big :hugs:

I'm close to ER so as you can imagine very hormonal....last night DH and i had an argument....i went to bed and cried....bc i hate this feeling of helplessness and how ttc effects us!

There is nothing about this journey that is easy....but there are a couple things I'm thankful for and one is meeting ladies here...there are a few ladies on here that im so thankful to have met!!
Barbikins, when are you going to have your beta test?
I am in suppression phase and spotting today. I am really freaked out :(

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