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2014 May Rainbows

Oh my goodness, yes! I am so superstitious and trying not to jinx things, it is ridiculous. I'm mainly going off of a recurring dream I've had since my m/c in the fall. Between that loss and my next pregnancy, I had multiple dreams where I would lose the next pregnancy but keep the one after that. Well, this is the "one after that". In each of those dreams my rainbow was always a girl with dark hair and eyes and an irrepressible personality.

Sunny - that's interesting you're seeing your GP for so long (not sure what an endocrinologist is). When I was in Ontario I was automatically referred to my OB and he took over my pregnancy at 10 weeks. Even when I had to go to the ER with bleeds and scares, all the staff there said they would report back my info to my GP until 10 weeks. AFter that they would send reports to him (I went to the ER a lot with my son's pregnancy...up until 20 weeks).

We've already told pretty much everyone because I've put myself onto bed rest and I can't disappear without telling everyone why. Though, we have tried to keep it secret from our extended families. They don't live in the area so we can keep the secret. I just don't want everyone to get excited and then be disappointed. And my grandmothers are getting older and it wouldn't be good for them to worry about me.
We told our parents right away since we have their support no matter what. This time I want to wait as long as possible - maybe 15 weeks if I can hold out - to tell rest of the family and friends. We also have two frail grandmas can't wait to give the good news to. PAL is def not easy.
starry night I though I was the only one! myself and dh have decided after 2 losses as a nurse and no issues before to put me on bedrest until further notice. everyone says well if its going to happen its going to happen but I feel I need to give this baby its best chance
I don't think there is anything wrong with putting yourself on some sort of bedrest. Whatever happened to a mother's intuition? People need to understand you are doing what you think is best. Esp if you are trying to prevent something you've been through before it makes perfect sense.
I know that bed rest can't prevent a m/c due to chromosonal issues but I also have a history of SCH's. My last three pregnancies had them though the worst was with my son. My bleeding and pain was so bad I couldn't even sit up. I was flat on my back the whole first tri. Then the SCH caused a partial placenta abruption so I had to stay on bed rest during second tri though I was allowed to get up and get a drink, sit at the computer, etc. My doctor wrote me off of work the whole pregnancy. I'm a stay-at-home mom now so I have the luxury to do it on my own.

With my last two pregnancies, the bleeding started after doing mundane things around the house and I would bleed after keigels as well. ha ha So I refuse to do them until well into second tri. I lost the last two but the babies weren't growing well so I don't think the clots had anything to do with it unless they were blocking blood flow to the baby.

I will say that bed rest is very difficult with a toddler. I'm letting him watch loads of TV and brought his toys up into the living room but even then he still gets into everything. My grandmother had to be on bed rest too due to bleeding. She had several losses as well.
I've started counting the hrs until our scan tomorrow :haha: It's at 8am. Think I am going to try and shower before bed so I can sleep longer and get my butt to bed early. We have to wake up at like 7, maybe even a bit earlier, so I can get DS ready to go and we can beat rush hour. We have to take one of the busier routes to get to the office and it's already a 30min drive.
He ladies! so much going on. We have told some people but not too many, I'm going to try and hide this pregnancy from my work as long as possible, I'm just back from maternity leave :)

So had my first u/s today, I wasn't sure how far along I am since I had a miscarriage the previous cycle. I thought I might be 7.5 weeks, but everything measured 6.5 weeks which is fine. What's bugging me is the heart. We could see the heart flickering she showed us twice! but it wasn't strong enough to measure the heart rate.... sigh... hopefully it's just a little too early. With my DS he had a heart rate of 131 at 6w1day so I am a little worried. I know each pregnancy is different but.... sigh... I guess I'll go back next week for another u/s and hope all is good.

Hope everyone is doing well...

Darlin good luck at your scan tomorrow!!!!
Kls- I'm sure it's just a bit early. I can;t tell you how many stories I've been reading on here lately about early scans worrying poor moms. They're a blessing and a curse.
You're right Darlin.. I thought I was 7.5 weeks, so was hoping it wasn't too early. So I was a little disappointed.. Now to wait until next week.. sigh.. I wonder if Monday is long enough to wait? I would think so...
klsltsp - early scans can be so stressful! I'm sorry yours didn't go the way you hoped. Since you're not sure what your cycles were doing it is quite likely you just aren't as far along as you originally thought. Good luck for your scan next week. I hope it shows a strong heart beat.

darlin - good luck with your scan tomorrow!

afm - still waiting to hear if I am getting an early scan or not. I really hope I get one but I'm thinking I don't want one before 8 weeks. That seems to be when my pregnancies start to go wrong so if baby is measuring on schedule with a good heart rate then I will start to feel a bit more relaxed.
Starry I'm with you. Hoping for a scan around 9/10 weeks. My first measured 8+5 so they said likely more like 9+5 but poor growth. I want a 10 week as our first wasn't discovered until 12+5. Felt so strange to have not known for so long. I will see my doctor Monday at 6 weeks 1 day hopefully she will give me a dating scan for 9-10 weeks :). Otherwise they do 12-13 for the screening
May I join please? We have had 2 early losses, both happened before 5 weeks. I suffer from a type of severe autoimmune arthritis (Adult Onset Still's Disease) and I'm mobility impaired. We found out that we're expecting again last Thursday. I really thought we had missed the egg this month and we got a BFN on an internet cheapie at 12 DPO. Then on 14 DPO I woke up to a BIG temp spike so I jumped out of bed and ran (hobbled really :blush:) into the bathroom and was shocked to see beautiful BFPs on both IC and FRER! We confirmed it by digi on Saturday and finally missed AF on Sunday, as I have a 16 day luteal phase.

Our EDD is May 30th, quite a coincidence because it's also the day I turn 30! I actually texted my sister right away and told her to STOP planning a surprise 30th birthday party for me and start planning a baby shower instead. :haha:

We're still feeling really cautious but optimistic. We have a high risk of loss and complications because of my health/autoimmune issues. We were hoping to find a midwife but they've all refused to take us, so it looks like we will have to get an OB. The closest major city to us is Hamilton ON too, but we are about an hour away so distance was a concern for them as well. :shrug:

I can't explain it but so far I just have a good, positive feeling about this pregnancy being the one that actually sticks for us. I also feel really strongly that "protecting" myself or trying to feel detached won't make it hurt any less if we do suffer another loss. I tried to do that last time, and I just felt worse for it. :nope: As much of an annoyance as the morning sickness (already!) and mega sore bbs are, they are really helping to reassure me that everything is going smoothly this time. <3
Starry-I've had SCH with every pregnancy since DS was born with the exception of my 2 blighted ovums. It's tough because I made it to term with my DD and I had 2 different SCH with her so I know finding out about an SCH isn't necessarily the end. BUT my last pg ended at 14 weeks because of an SCH so I'm really nervous about this baby if I do end up with one. I'm currently taking my progesterone and a few supplements my naturopath put me on for clotting problems to see if that helps and we now know my recurrent SCH may be caused by my mycoplasma infection (the naturopath is figuring it's in my uterus and/or ovaries and it's affecting the blood supply of/to the placenta as a result) but it's still hard. I'm hopeful though too. I keep the idea firmly fixed in my head that this baby will be born in May and no one can tell me different. Positive thinking is really helping me stay sane...That and ALOT of self-medicating with fancy chocolates... :haha:
Question... I have been having bad ms and last week ended up in the er for dehydration. I was given zofran. And have been taking it every 4-6 hours like it says. It worked for a while but now I am nauseous and throwing up again. Anyone have any ideas?
Have you tried making sure you are snacking regularly? Like an apple with peanut butter, a cheese stick and some grapes, a handful of almonds things like that? With DS I reached a point where if I wasn't snacking every couple of hours I would get terrible sick. Also make sure you stay hydrated because if your not getting enough again it could be causing it. I can't drink water to stay hydrated during pregnancy I have to drink something like gatorade.
I've never had really bad sickness before so no real tips on how to keep stuff down. With my last two pregnancies I found munching on salty snacks helped.

Saw my doctor today. Turns out the testing I'm going for is my hcg as the hospital won't give me a scan until I do. The doctor said she didn't know why they were being so difficult. I feel like they are power-tripping. Wouldn't the need for a scan be my doctor's call?? She knows my history and actually talks with me. It's not like we're demanding a set time. Just in the first tri sometime!

I'm going for the test first thing tomorrow as the lab was closed by the time we got there. I hope I can get the scan booked by the weekend or shortly thereafter.
Starry where are you UK, US Australia? Here in the US if your doctor makes the request the hospital has to do it.
I'm in Canada so since everything is covered by universal health care I guess they want to make sure it is medically necessary. I think emotional health is a big part of pregnancy. I suffer from anxiety attacks on a normal day, pregnant after recurring losses is a totally different beast!
Suffering from anxiety and being pregnant is really hard. I can't take my meds for it. The only thing they can offer me is an antidepressant and I refuse it because I am not depressed. I just need something that calms my nerves when I start to have a panic attack. What I take is as needed and I still can't have it even though I don't take it very often :( I've actually been misdiagnosed before and was on antidepressants and had such a severe allergic reaction it gave me muscle spasms, ticks and my legs would give out. It was basically like having seizures. I still have permanent damage from it.
starry, where in Canada are you? I'm in Ontario, and here the doc gave me the requisition and I booked it myself. Are there any ultrasound clinics near you? or do you have to go to the hospital?

My scan today was .. okay... and my doc said she'll send me for another one next week just for my peace of mind ... I was very appreciative.

Sorry you ladies are struggling with anxiety, I have been lucky enough to not have this issue, but I understand a little since my OH has bad anxiety....:hugs:

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