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2014 May Rainbows

Oh I've been having CRAZY dreams for about a week now... My bbs have started to be a bit sore in the evenings too.... And now I think I'm getting a cold :/
My dreams have been crazy intense for the last week too! So intense they wake me up and my sleeping has been terrible... adding to the tiredness. Last night the dreams were better but I was still up all night everytime I rolled over.

My boobs are not that sore when I get up, but they get sore throughout the day and by the end of the day they sometimes feel like they're on fire.

I love having pregnancy symptoms!! They remind me this one is sticking

Hi Hopin and Lune :) Fancy meeting you ladies here
My main symptoms are intermittent morning sickness (I feel mildly nausea for three-four days and then nothin' for three-four days, repeat) and I just cannot sleep enough at night. Some nights I get 10+ hours of sleep and still wake up tired as can be! Naps don't work since I can't sleep during the day. Other than that, my bbs feel heavy but only a tingle or two once or twice a week. My last digi put me at 2-3 weeks pregnant and I would have been 4+6 that day so it was spot on. I would have loved a 3+ but my hCG has always risen slow and stayed lower than most womens, even with my successful pregnancies so I'm not worried. (Or trying not to worry anyway. :haha: )

And I'm heading into what I call my 'red zone'...I'm 6 weeks today and this is the earliest I've had spotting/bleeding so from here until 14 weeks, I'm not going to draw an easy breath.
I have crazy dreams too! DH brought me home a treat drink. I was napping so he just put it in the fridge. Well it comes in a glass bottle and I had a dream while napping that there was a giant spider in it! :(
First appointment went great! I also had a stat ultrasound to make sure this lo is in the right place. Well it is!!! And I got to hear the heart beat!!! 146 bpm!!!
Glad to hear I'm not the only one with crazy dreams... They wake me up at night too :wacko:

Glad to hear your appointment went well schultzie!
Great strong heart beat there!!! How far along are you?
Congrats, schultzie!!!

afm - still not feeling very pregnant. At most, I feel a lot of pressure and pulls and twinges but since my bfp I haven't felt much nausea even though I felt quite a bit at the time which is what made me so suspiciuos and to to test early at 10dpo. I thought I would be really in for it with ms since I was feeling it already. But nothing since. well, nothing major.
I am feeling just awful 😟 completely drained and exhausted!! 8 weeks tomorrow so hopefully only another 4 of feeling rubbish!! X
My ms seems to be coming in waves. Good days/ bad days but now feeling something every day. The dreams are getting ridiculous !! Lol. Although last night I had my first dream pregnant :). About 6 months along! Lol didn't get to see my doctor last night as she is now alternating Monday evenings :/ I will try next Monday @ 6 weeks. This cold is definitely kicking my but though. Ugh. And very tired. Even after a good 8-9 hour night. Harder to get up with the alarm!!

@ Starry, I'm sure you will soon! Today is really the worst day I've had thus far which is on par for last time (just past 5 weeks).

@Nat, fingers crossed you start feeling better soon. It's just aweful feeling like crap for so long :/
I also have a very active two and a half year old as well. Oh well it will all be worth it in the end 😉 lol xx
Schultzie-great news! Yay!

Sunny-that's how my symptoms have been too. Off and on but slowly getting more noticeable. Wouldn't mind a few days of puking my guts up though just to give me peace of mind. :haha:

Nats-isn't it funny that we actually pray to feel so absolutely horrid? Never thought I'd actually WANT to be sick.:rofl:

Update: Called the drs office to schedule my first appt and talked to an obviously new receptionist. When I told her I needed to schedule my first OB appt, she was like, "Uh, have you seen the doctor yet for your pregnancy?" Um, no, I'm scheduling my FIRST OB appt, lady. :dohh: Hope I talk to one of the other receptionists the next time. They all know me and know exactly why I'm calling plus they get me in ASAP. This lady couldn't get me in for nearly 3 weeks! Bah...Oh well, at least I can call my specialist if I need to.
dairymomma - that's funny but annoying too about the receptionist. Hopefully, you get one of the regulars the next time you call.

nats - hope you are feeling better soon. I have a two year old boy too and today he was driving me bonkers. I think he was trying to break everything in the house.

sunny - aw, that's lovely you had your first pregnant dream. I always enjoy those. Too bad you couldn't see your doctor yesterday and I hope your cold goes away soon.

afm - still waiting to hear from the hospital about my scan. since they are taking so long I doubt they're going to book an early one for me. This happened last time too. Though last time i didn't fight it. This time I'm going to call my doctor and have her remind them I need an early scan. I'm not waiting until 20 weeks to see if my baby is OK. So pointless.

Anyways, I got my appointment for the OB. It's November 6th which in a way seems a long way off but I'll still be in first trimester. Most women in Manitoba don't get seen until 8 months. I go for another appointment with my regular doctor tomorrow. I'm supposed to be getting some tests done but I'm not sure what kind.
Starry, Fingers crossed you get it all sorted out. I will be seeing my gp & an endocrinologist until 6/7 months. Then the ob. My thyroid levels were off in my first pregnancy so on top if the usual blood work every 4 weeks I have to have extra every 6 weeks :/ more appointments. My GP is very good and causeous. Any little thing slightly off she double checks and retests and does extra tests for. Very reassuring. Hopefully she agrees to a dating scan between 8/10 weeks so I don't have to wait until 12 weeks like last time.

Has anyone else decided how/ when to tell family the big news??

We will tell our parents in person on thanksgiving likely with a belated birthday card for my dad from 'grandchild'. We are going to do photos too of DH and I with a + sign between us and then a =3 to the side. We will mail the photos to our siblings the week of thanksgiving. In Canada that's October 12 so we will be just 8 weeks.

My work will find out at 12 weeks and my karate school (the instructor already knows) will then too. Otherwise we will post it on Facebook after our 20 week scan :)
Sunny-I'm probably going to tell my family at Thanksgiving time too. I'll be between 15 and 16 weeks (I think) so I'll be past every m/c point I've ever had and *should* be safe. Was thinking I'd work it in with "I'm thankful for a healthy happy pregnancy" at the dinner table...That is if I don't spill the beans beforehand...Nearly blabbed several times already on accident. Yet another sign I'm feeling good about the baby. With my last m/c I had to force myself to tell family at 13 weeks when I told at 8 weeks with DS and at 11 weeks with DD because I couldn't keep it in anymore. Feeling like I can't keep it in much longer so FX that's a good sign. (Talk about the superstitions we PARL ladies have, right? :haha:)
Dairymomma- I had this issue too. The receptionist at the midwives new practice was horrible. She even changed my appt and didn't notify my. Thank god I got all my paperwork in the mail with the appt on it. DH wouldn't have been able to come if they didn't fix it. He had already taken the right date off work It wasn't even scheduled with the right midwife! :dohh:

Sunny- We already told DH's parents and my mom. I sort of just blurted it out. We were talking to his parents and he just started saying "babies" when referring to the kids and they caught on. Then my mom was trying to get DS to say different words and I said "Gma we need to work on saying baby before May" :haha:

Everyone else I am sending out a cute postcard with a daddy pumpkin, little pumpkin and then a mommy pumpkin with a hole cut out and a mini pumpkin "in her belly". I'm going to write something like "Adding to our pumpkin patch in May" or "waiting for our late harvest in May".

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