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2014 May Rainbows

Hi girls!
I haven't been on this thread for a few days. I had some pink spotting and pain Tuesday night. Went to the hospital Wednesday morning, ruled out ectopic and we seen gestation sac with yolk and a teeny tiny fetal pole measuring 5 weeks 3 days no heart beat yet cause it was too early, and I might have a fibroid. Had another scan on Friday my bladder wasn't full enough but the Dr thought he did possibly think he seen a heartbeat but as uterus is retroverted he couldn't see very well. Have another scan on Monday AM :) I will be about 6 weeks I the dot :) EDD 19th of May but might change at Mondays scan :)
How is everyone else going?
I'm glad your beanie is continuing to grow and the likely spotting of a heart beat! It's still pretty early to be seeing one so just the fact the doctor thought he saw one is a good sign. :thumbup: Spotting is scary though. I'm fully expecting to this pregnancy as I've spotted in all of my previous pregnancies. Not looking forward to it.

Ugh. Right now my nipples feel like they are on fire! :blush: It's kind of painful but I hope that means they're growing and doing what they're supposed to. Also getting intense stretching pains. It is always the worst at night.

I got a call from my doctor's office today. The doctor wants me to come in this week for some tests. It wasn't specified what kind and I'm a little curious as the standard pregnancy tests are usually done closer to the end of the first trimester. Perhaps I'll be getting my hormone levels checked. But at least it feels like the doctors are finally taking my history seriously and keeping on top of things.
My scan went well, baby's growth measured perfect, heartbeat nice and strong so far so good, feeling happy xx
I didn't have a scan they said I didn't need it so now im worried everyday
Floridamomma did they tell you why?

I've always found the full bladder thing so weird. I asked about that here with DS and I basically got laughed out of the room. They said there was no point in the full bladder other than it would make me very uncomfortable.
Starry- hopefully they are being extra cautious and staying ahead of any potential issues :)

Darlin- I wish we didn't need the full bladder! It is aweful. Apparently it pushes the uterus forward making things easier to see. My clinic said they would actually send me away and reshedule if it wasn't full!!

Floridamomma- hopefully things are going well and this is why they don't need another scan :)

Misscalais- welcome and fingers crossed for a sticky bean! That's great news that a little HB was caught :)

Hats- congrats on an awesome scan!!

AFM 5 weeks (based on ovulation) or 5+4 based on LMP tomorrow! Will check in with my doctor Monday.... Our chemical in may was at 4 weeks and doctor said if we make it to 5 weeks there's a lot they can do to ensure a successful pregnancy so I'm not waiting for a problem!! Lol. Going to request early bloodwork to check progesterone and hcg. Also our specailist appointment is October 10 so I might move that to after our first scan incase it's another loss. No waiting then. Hopefully we have an early scan (before 12 weeks) and I can cancel the appointment!!
Same here with the full bladder for early ultrasounds...they say it makes for a better picture. It is a lot of "fun" lol
nats - that's so wonderful about your scan!! Such good news!

floridamomma - that is a bit frustrating that they wouldn't give another scan. Do you have another appointment coming up?

I never can get the correct bladder fullness. The technician is either sending me to half-empty myself out or hem and haws that it's not quite full enough.

And I do hope my doctor is staying on top of things. I'm pretty sure my hormones were NOT tested when I went for m/c testing so I would like those looked at. My doctor had mentioned progesterone injections if it was low.
Thanks girls!
Yep the full bladder thing is stupid, my last few scans have ended up being trans vaginal so I don't understand why they just don't do them standard in all early scans. It's not very comfortable but I think it's more comfortable than having such a full bladder it hurts then having someone squish so hard on it you are sitting there wondering if you will pee yourself or if your bladder will explode lol! It's horrible!
Hi ladies....would love to join in the May 2014 group!! I finally caught my rainbow on my one year anniversary of TTC and also of my first angel baby. My betas have been great so far: 11DPO 32, 13DPO 78, and 17DPO 472. I am anxiously awaiting my first u/s on Oct 8th. My EDD is May 23rd :happydance: I had 4 follies, with two strong contenders and right now I am praying for Rainbow Twins and just a Healthy Pregnancy :flower:
Ajd36. Welcome!! Congratulations and sorry for your losses. Sounds like it's going great so far :)
Hi ladies....would love to join in the May 2014 group!! I finally caught my rainbow on my one year anniversary of TTC and also of my first angel baby. My betas have been great so far: 11DPO 32, 13DPO 78, and 17DPO 472. I am anxiously awaiting my first u/s on Oct 8th. My EDD is May 23rd :happydance: I had 4 follies, with two strong contenders and right now I am praying for Rainbow Twins and just a Healthy Pregnancy :flower:

Welcome, ajd36. :flower: I hope you get your rainbow twins.

A part of me is hoping for twins even though I'm intimidated by the amount of work that would be. I really want three children and I don't know if I can go through TTC circus again.
MissCalais-We have the same due date! And so glad they were able to find a little bean!

Florida-I'd feel nervous too. Did they say why they cancelled the ultrasound other than they felt you didn't need it?

Starry-Hope your tests go well.

Nats-that's good news! Yay!

Ajd-Welcome and congrats on your bfp! (And just for fun I have to add that my fraternal twin brothers birthday is May 23rd so I'm hoping it's a lucky day for you too!)

I agree with the full bladder thing. I've just stopped worrying about it. My thing is to pee about an hour before my appt and then drink a quart of water just before I leave (the hospital is about a half hour drive from my house). Seems to work as the u/s techs haven't said anything about a half-empty bladder but I'm not practically peeing my pants when they do the ultrasound. And I chickened out on calling the dr's office for my numbers. I'm too scared to call and possibly find out things aren't going well. I'm in that 'irrational state of mind' phase now, you know? Like anything and everything will jinx my pregnancy? :haha: Most likely things are going okay because my last hpts were still getting darker and my last digi put me right on date-wise so I'm just trying not to stress. Plus, I figured I'll be seeing the dr in about a week or so, so instead of stressing all day and worrying about missing the phone call, I'm just going to wait until my appt. It's easier on me that way.
Keeping my Fx that May 23rd will be a lucky twin day!

I was a little nervous today and it really scared me. My uterus started to hurt just like it does for AF cramps. I just kept telling myself it was normal and kept checking for any spotting...none! My boobs are still sore and I had three bad bouts of nausea today and couldn't eat dinner...so I'm trying to remain calm. For the record...this is my first scare this pregnancy...so far I have been pretty calm about things.

How is everyone else feeling?
I've also been nervous but trying to keep busy and not think about it too much. I'm definitely starting to feel more regular ms so that's a good sign. Bbs weren't sore until about 6 weeks last time (just tingly and heavy before that) which is so far the same. Crazy dreams though and in either hungry or nauseous 24/7. Just like before :/. Not the best feeling but reassuring that hormones are rising!! Oh and exhausted!! So tired even after 8+ hours of sleep. Another symptoms from last time.
:flower: Hi ajd

Me, too! I did nothing this weekend and still felt exhausted. I actually am bored already of reading, playing games on the ipad, and watching tv. But I am too tired to do anything else! Maybe I need to learn how to knit and be more productive.
I'm the same seriously have noooooo energy!!! X
Yepp totally normal on the exhaustion. I've got it bad too. I want to say it's not as bad as with DS but I think that's because I can't be as lazy as I'd like this time. Still getting nauseous but it's not quite as unbearable anymore I think. Hopefully it keeps easing up from here.

3 more days until our 1st scan and mw appt :happydance:
I get tired a lot too but it doesn't feel as extreme as it has been with other pregnancies. Not getting a lot of nausea either though I do get a bit of queasiness now and again. At night I get lots of stretching and pulling feelings. That's also when my boobs get all hot and sore. During the day I still feel normal most of the time. But it's still early.

Last night I dreamed of the pregnancy for the first time. I dreamed I was 9 weeks and was already feeling the baby moving. You could even see it which is so unrealistic.

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