starry, where in Canada are you? I'm in Ontario, and here the doc gave me the requisition and I booked it myself. Are there any ultrasound clinics near you? or do you have to go to the hospital?
My scan today was .. okay... and my doc said she'll send me for another one next week just for my peace of mind ... I was very appreciative.
Sorry you ladies are struggling with anxiety, I have been lucky enough to not have this issue, but I understand a little since my OH has bad anxiety....![]()
Darlin - that is so frustrating!I think that is really terrible that doctors won't give you the care you need because of issues with the paperwork. I wish there was a way they could sort that out later so they could at least see you for an initial meeting. I hope things get sorted soon.
sunnyleah - sorry that you're spotting.It's always scary to see, especially when pregnant after a loss. But if your symptoms are getting stronger I'd think that is a good sign. Spotting can be caused by so many things and it is so common in pregnancy. Good luck with your hcg draws.
nats - I'm not suffering a lot of anxiety attacks right now but I definitely feel like I'm riding on the edge. I had terrible, TERRIBLE anxiety with my son's pregnancy. It was such a terrible time for me that I tell people it was harder to deal with emotionally than my previous miscarriage. I've blocked most of the memories as I don't like to think about them. And I'm scared I will go through that again. Every little blip makes me freak out. It's tough.
Speaking of worrying, today I got some shooting pains in my cervix. It felt like things were ripping apart. No spotting though so maybe it was growing pains?I friggin' hate this. Too much stress for something that should be happy.
Hi all,
May I join in too? I actually wrote a post on Monday but then when I clicked post there was a host not found error (and then i had to leave and do other stuff) and when I looked today it doesn't appear to be anywhere. If it is and I missed it I apologize for the double-post).
I've been holding off posting and just lurking for a while because I'm still so nervous that some problem will come up and this will turn out to be another loss. But thinking positive and looking forwards is probably a better idea, so here goes ...
My EDD is May 7th, 2014. This will be our first baby. The due date is bumming me out some because it's my mother's birthday and she will almost definitely not be alive to celebrate that birthday or meet her first grandchild - she has lung cancer and was estimated to have about a year to live as of last November. But DH's take on it is that due dates are so unreliable that it pretty much guarantees the baby *won't* be born on that date. And I guess if he/she actually were to be born on 5/7 it could be a nice circle of life sort of thing.
We haven't told anybody yet; I may tell my mom today (DH wants me to go ahead and tell her ... she knows about the previous losses since the last one happened while I was out visiting her - and he thinks she should be the first to be told) if she's awake when I call later. I really would rather have another scan to confirm that things are OK before we tell people but it doesn't seem like that is going to happen soon enough and I am feeling like I'd better tell my principal (boss) soon just in case and also to let her know she'll be needing to find a long-term sub (since sometimes laying some groundwork helps get a good one) but we should really tell family first. It's just so much easier to just keep quiet than to tell (no family is local so telling is by phone).
I'm going a bit nuts - or more than a bit - because we don't currently have another ultrasound scheduled. My first appointment with the midwife will be in a week and a half - 3 weeks after the last ultrasound. I'll be about 9 weeks 5 days then, IF everything is still going OK. But even at that appointment there's no scan - apparently they'll schedule one for "soon" after but I think that might actually be more like 2 weeks later if it would be for a NT scan. I'm so scared of having a missed m/c and then even worse of going weeks without finding out ... I really really want another scan at or before that upcoming appointment! But then again I don't want to get too much of a neurotic reputation at the midwives' practice so I'm still holding off instead of calling and begging for a scan even though I really want to and would even just pay for it if it can't qualify for insurance coverage. ???? Advice?
Thanks for reading and I hope you all have a healthy and happy 7 1/4 to 8ish more months!
The issue I had was I have regular insurance, good insurance. I just don't have maternity coverage. I have to apply for maternity insurance through the state. I was told I had been approved. Come to find out it was only for pregnancy confirmation via blood draw which I had already done. The lady I spoke to earlier this week even told me there has been a huge mix up with all my paperwork and she was in the process of fixing it all. I went into the insurance office today after not being allowed to see the dr. and made sure it was all straightened out for next week.
This weekend we are going back to the inlaws. Our niece was born last week and they will be at DH's parents so are going to go visit for the first timeShe reminds me so much of DS when he was a baby. I think it's the perfectly round head
Mil is babysitting for them while they go to a few weddings. If we can getaway she is going to try to take me in and scan me but isn't sure since she will be taking care of the baby.
You pick a plan here so you don't have to have vision, dental, maternity things like that. You kind of pick like an ala carte sort of thing. I'm on my mom's insurance so that isn't something she ever added to my plan.
Welcome to our new friends and wishing everyone a happy & healthy 9 months! I often think about how common loss is and yet it's not really discussed (at least IRL). I'm so glad I have everyone here to connect with. I have also had the "sharp down there pains" and have read that it's normal.... Just a lot of changes happening, etc.... I've also felt the pulling/ stretching pains when getting our of the car or rolling over in bed :/.
As for the spotting, only the tiniest drop this morning and nothing since,,,,, promising,,, and although I had wicked ms this morning, I've been feeling pretty good since around 4 pm... Hoping it's just the early stage,... I read somewhere that when hcg doubles your symptoms get worse, then your body adjusts and you feel a bit better for a day or two, then it doubles again and you feel crappy again for a few days,... Hoping that's the case! I had hcg blood work this morning, and will have another Saturday to ensure that it's doubling.... See the doctor Monday night for the results... Not much they can do, but we have a fertility specialist appointment October 10 so if hcg is dropping I will be going to that appointment....
Fingers crossed for everyone with their scans and appointments coming up!