2014 May Rainbows

Starry i felt movement by then. DH felt the baby move last night :happydance:
My scan went well although we didn't find out what team we're in!! The baby had the cord tucked nicely between its legs! So another 4 weeks to wait till next scan. But baby is growing right on track so we're very happy :)

I don't know why, but the image of your baby with the umbilical cord between its legs makes me think of a Simpsons' episode about the birth of their youngest child. The baby is born and Homer says, "Aw, it's a boy. And WHAT a boy!!" The doctor replies, "Uh, Homer. That's the umbilical cord. It's a girl." :haha:

I think that's what happened to my mom as she had a scan 2 days before I was born and the nurse told her I would be a boy. Apparently not.
Starry that's great you felt movement! So exciting!! I think I may have but not sure. A few days ago it felt like a bible rising and then popping. Then last night kinda like butterflies or gurgling but no sounds and down below my belly button :). Either way I'm going with movement ;). Lol. I've had a few uterus twitches too this week. Guess things are going. Can't wait to hear the heartbeat on Monday at my dr appointment.

Nat that's hilarious about the cord :). A lady I work with was told boy at her 20 week scan but that it was 'unclear'. She paid for a 3d scan a month later and definatly girl!! At least your technician was wise enough to admit they couldn't tell :) but it does suck you now have to wait longer. I'm hoping 5 more weeks and we will have a scan and find out :)
I know sunny it's like it didn't want me to find out yet and was hiding its bits lol, I'm leaning towards girl though (just a feeling) 3 weeks 5 days till my next scan so hoping he/she will be more cooperative then! But if not then I guess we're not meant to know? Lol xx
I'm also feeling girl, but no real evidence :).

Really DH and I are excited either way as we'd like one of each :).

Anyone have any tips for feeling/ recognizing movement? I know 14 weeks is early but really excited and anxious to feel baby :)
Patience! :haha: I still don't get reg movement and I question it afterwards. DH felt the baby but it took a bit of him sitting with his hand in the right place. It was just little wiggles. I mainly feel is a shift from one side to another. It's like your stomach dropping on an amusement park ride but really low in your belly and very mild imo. So different than with DS.
Our babies are still small so their movements are very tiny. When I feel the baby it feels like I'm being pricked with a pin from the inside or a I feel a slight bump or quick flutter. The movements are down low...just above the pubic bone.

With my son I felt 3 successive little 'pops' and then about 30 seconds later I felt the little pops again except a bit higher up. A few days later I would feel the odd roll. But I was a bit further along--maybe 16 1/2 weeks.
Thanks ladies.... I've been feeling rolling and popping feelings but very light and infrequent.... Just curious :)

I've been having little spams too... Had lots of pulling feelings on the weekend and now I've got a belly !!! Crazy :) so excited to actually need maternity clothes :)

DH said today 'holy, where did that come from?!' In reference to my belly ;)
Went for my scan I was 13.1 weeks. It went great baby was so cute and I felt movements as I seen it on screen. It was a little upsetting bc other twin is still present and not really shrinking but overall it was amazing.

By chance based on the skull does anyone know if my baby looks more like boy or girl!


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Went for my scan I was 13.1 weeks. It went great baby was so cute and I felt movements as I seen it on screen. It was a little upsetting bc other twin is still present and not really shrinking but overall it was amazing.

By chance based on the skull does anyone know if my baby looks more like boy or girl!

Congrats Hun, sorry it was bitter sweet :(

Based on the skull I would say boy xx
I didn't realize there was also a skull theory about gender predictions.

I'm sorry the scan was so bittersweet. I'd be upset by the twin too. But I am glad the other baby is doing so well. In the scan it looks like it is sucking its thumb. Too cute! :)

afm - not much going on. Am starting to show and it's genuine bump and not just flab and bloat. I can barely zip up my hoodies anymore. Kinda sad as I love my hoodies. I might actually have to invest in maternity sweaters as I get so cold out here in the winter. In my old hometown winters never really got cold so I could keep my hoodies unzipped and wear them over regular long-sleeved shirts.
Congrats on the positive scan for baby :) sorry to hear about the twin. It's still a loss, bittersweet.

I'm torn as to boy or girl.... It's kind of in between... Leaning towards girl a bit.... Could go either way :).

What are your thoughts?
Baby was sucking his or her thumb! I want a girl have a tiny feeling it's boy if I go by skull I think probably a boy but I have seen some skull pics where baby looks like one sex but turned out to be the other sex. If I go off of the old wife tales then it's either sex. I go dec 30 for anatomy scan I'm worried that's too early I will be 18 weeks that is the earliest I ever had an anatomy scan.
Glad the scan went great! Our anatomy scan is this week! I can't believe how soon. I didn't think they would do it until at least 18wks.

I would say boy for sure. That skull is exactly like both out little boys :)
My appointment went great! Got to hear the heartbeat! 158bpm! Was told everything's great! Should have my ultrasound before Christmas! They are going to call and schedule it within a week. So happy!
Congrats, schultzie!! I hope you do get your ultrasound before Christmas. That would be such a lovely holiday treat.

afm - not much to report. My next appointment is on the 16th and I'm hoping to get a scan date by then. I don't expect to get my scan until the New Year. I'm sure my doctor will want me to be as close to 20 weeks as possible and that won't happen until then. I'll be 18 weeks over Christmas. My guess is my scan will be second week of January. It feels far away compared to everyone else but that's what I get for being due at the very end of May. ha ha
That's wonderful news Schultzie!

We also had a doctors appointment today. My gp laughed at us because the special clinic told us that since it would be 5 weeks between our last appointment with them and the first with our ob we should see our regular doctor once In between. She's like, it's only one week longer than the usual time frame! But I don't mind, we got to hear the heartbeat! Incredible :) 142 bpm (lowest yet, but also right before I ate lunch, usually we go right after breakfast).... Everything looks great. Ob in two weeks and he should schedule our anatomy scan for shortly after that! Hoping before Christmas :)

My doctor also told me to pay attention to any feelings I have in the general area as I should start to feel movement in the next couple of week! So excited :)

Oh, and we bought a crib yesterday! Totally didn't plan on it... We decided to stop at a baby and kids warehouse furniture place on the way to DH brothers house.... Their cribs ranged from $400-1000, we were aiming for under $300... Gorgeous, solid wood cribs mind you, but then she told us about the clearance section.... So anytime a crib goes out of production, or a box is damaged, etc, they sell it for half price. We saw one we loved for $250.... Regular $550..... And it's a very popular model so she told us it won't be in the clearance section for long before some one snatches it up! The only damage was a ding on the top of the back rail (easily filled in and not noticeable) but because the box was damaged and there was a ding, we got it super cheap! So excited :) the nursery should be finished in the next couple of weeks minus a dresser and gender related details that we will as once we know the gender :).
Starry the extra time sucks but it will come quickly I'm sure! My doctor told me they aim for 19 weeks here and I'll be 19 weeks either Christmas Eve or Boxing Day. (Depends if the ob goes on my lmp or my scan results)...

Oh and my SIL is pregnant! 4 weeks behind me :)I will have someone to visit on mat leave :) so excited!
Just wanted to say I have my big scan tomorrow :thumbup:
Darlin! That's so exciting :) I'll be watching for your update :)

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