2014 May Rainbows

our problem is we have run out of space and will need to move. LO will stay in our room for the first while and then we will need another place. The kids rooms are too small for them to share and we don't want to move in the middle of the school year.
I'm officially in second tri today! :happydance: I still get some nausea and most days I still need to take an anti-nausea tablet but I am finally starting to feel more human.
Welcome to the Honeymoon phase Starry ;)
Glad the nausea is slowing.
Right now I do think that some of my nausea is just always going to hang around this time but at least it is manageable.
Mine was gone around 13-14 weeks.... But the meds managed it fairly well until then... Still on the meds... Advised to decrease the dose each week starting at 16 weeks... So there's still hope it won't continue the entire pregnancy... By 12 weeks mine was just at one point in the day no matter what I did, didn't do, ate, didn't eat... Lol
I'm not taking an anti-nausea tablet everyday so I'm happy about that. I tend to need them in the evening but since it usually takes a few hours for them to kick in I generally don't bother anymore as I'll be in bed by then.

And my cat keeps eating our tree!! And it's a fake! She's ruining our expensive fake tree and the 'needles' are plastic so they can't be good for her. She also claims the tree as hers and sleeps underneath it. If you get too close she will jump and swat at you.

I really don't know what to do with her. DS is nearly 2 1/2 and she still hates him. If he gets close she will attack him. She doesn't bite, thank goodness, as those can get infected easily. But she will claw him up. She once got him in the eye. :( When he was a baby she just ignored him, but now she knows what babies grow into so I am afraid how she will react to our new LO. I have heard stories of cats hating the first child but loving the second but ours HATES all children. She's even meaner to our friends' kids so we have to lock her in our room or send her outside when they come over. People in internet-land are against getting rid of pets but dh and I feel so torn. She's my cat and I do love her but I love my children more.
I'm not taking an anti-nausea tablet everyday so I'm happy about that. I tend to need them in the evening but since it usually takes a few hours for them to kick in I generally don't bother anymore as I'll be in bed by then.

And my cat keeps eating our tree!! And it's a fake! She's ruining our expensive fake tree and the 'needles' are plastic so they can't be good for her. She also claims the tree as hers and sleeps underneath it. If you get too close she will jump and swat at you.

I really don't know what to do with her. DS is nearly 2 1/2 and she still hates him. If he gets close she will attack him. She doesn't bite, thank goodness, as those can get infected easily. But she will claw him up. She once got him in the eye. :( When he was a baby she just ignored him, but now she knows what babies grow into so I am afraid how she will react to our new LO. I have heard stories of cats hating the first child but loving the second but ours HATES all children. She's even meaner to our friends' kids so we have to lock her in our room or send her outside when they come over. People in internet-land are against getting rid of pets but dh and I feel so torn. She's my cat and I do love her but I love my children more.
Yay for less nausea! Boo about kitty trouble.... DH and I have two cats, and one is a maincoon... Somewhat possessive of me.... Worried how he will react to baby.... as cichlids as you love your fur babies, keep in mind their well being and your children's well being... A tough decision. My thoughts are with you....

Our one cat also claims the tree every year... She's not aggressive though, but she also eats the plastic needles :( and ribbon, and paper, and coton, and a-tips....etc...lol. Not much we can do about it... We offer our cars real food to help curb their need to chew/ bite and it helps.... Things like cooked chicken, raw fish/shrimp, etc...
If I had a pet that showed any aggression towards my kids they'd be gone so fast their head would spin. Partly why we got rid of 2 of the dogs. One had bit Bret before and the other me. Didn't break the skin rly but we weren't taking chances. the other we got rid of so he could get more attention and found him a lovely home through a rescue special for golden retrievers. He never went t a shelter the new fam picked him up straight from the vet :) They had to pass an application process and pay like $300 for him.
Darlin, that's the best way to find new homes for pets. Shelters are great but they can only handle so many animals. We would look for a home for our cats if we had to. Honestly though neither is aggressive and any way so they will likely just ignore baby. Fingers crossed.
I did contact a nearby 'no-kill' shelter but they said that they couldn't take her because she's aggressive towards other cats. We've looked into other homes for her but no one wants her. I think if we lived in the city we'd have a better chance finding someone who likes animals enough to put up with a high-maintenance cat. When I was younger, my family had to get rid of our cat when we found out my sister was allergic. She was even meaner but in the city you find people willing to put up with a lot.

It just makes me sad because she's adorable with me and is nice with DH. She used to be so happy with us but you can tell she's miserable now.
I'm sure we'll figure something out.

Anyways, feeling sore and nauseous again today. I had to spend the entire afternoon and evening lying on the couch. The muscles in my lower abdomen and pelvic area were so sore and painful today. Whenever I feel sore in the uterus area I just freak out. DH is paranoid too so he is very eager to take over and let me rest. I know I should just enjoy being pregnant but honestly, I'm not.
I find about once a week (and often it falls on the weekend) that I get very sore very low in my abdomen. Doctor said its the ligaments that support the uterus stretching. And then a day or two later big growth spurt ;)

Happened a few times now. The first time put me out of my 'fat pants' and into maternity pants! Lol

My DH has also been very eager for me to rest. EVERYTIME I have an ache or pain (I've had some sciatica pain) he sends me to the couch. But I'm starting to get bored now that I'm feeling better other than random aches/ etc. lol.
Last night I was up with the most horrendous cramps. I was sitting on the toilet feeling this terrible bearing-down pressure and it all seemed to be over my cervix. It was terrifying. :cry: It ended up being a nasty bm and indigestion but I'm still feeling crampy and a bit of pressure. This happened to me a few weeks ago and everything was fine but I'm still a little freaked out.

I'm on edge because my angel's due date is coming up and I lost my last angel just 2 days before my previous angel's due date. It was such a double whammy. :cry::cry: I couldn't handle it if that happened again.
Starry that is scary. Praying for your LO and a happy welcome when the time is right.
Last night I was up with the most horrendous cramps. I was sitting on the toilet feeling this terrible bearing-down pressure and it all seemed to be over my cervix. It was terrifying. :cry: It ended up being a nasty bm and indigestion but I'm still feeling crampy and a bit of pressure. This happened to me a few weeks ago and everything was fine but I'm still a little freaked out.

I'm on edge because my angel's due date is coming up and I lost my last angel just 2 days before my previous angel's due date. It was such a double whammy. :cry::cry: I couldn't handle it if that happened again.

Sorry girl! I am praying for you and your little one. I know the fears... I get super emotional all the time. My due date for the twins is in a month. I also sometimes get those indigestion, BM cramps... they feel like contractions/bad cramps! They are terrifying. Sending you big hugs :hugs:
I totally get that sore achey pelvis feeling too! It is like every week/2 weeks as well and then I grow. It will be so bad that it scares me half to death. I swear, my mind LOOKS for things to worry about. DH surprised me with an elective US since they did not do one at my last appt (baby is still a boy :)) but I, of course, noticed floaty stuff in the amniotic fluid and panicked myself last night that it was something bad from good old evil dr google. Then I spoke to another sonographer who said you can often see particles floating if the gain is set to high on an US. But I legit panicked myself last night.. I am nuts. :dohh:
For the most part baby looks good. Finally caught up on size. It was a bit early for them to make a final call on baby's heart but so far it all looks good. We go back on Dec 26th for a follow up. Baby does have a small Choroid Plexus cyst (on its brain) that they want to monitor. It is common in some fetuses and resolves itself on it's own. Usually the concern is it's a sign of Trisomy 18 but we have already tested negative for that. We are still team blue. It took her a bit to find it because he had the cord tucked between his legs too :haha:

Glad baby looks good! :) What do they look for on the heart? Just curious, I have never been through an anatomy scan yet.

I'm finding the same thing with gender neutral... I'm so excited, and every milestone we reach I want to celebrate by purchasing something for baby, but it's tough.... I have some sleep bags that are brown/ green forest theme, and a couple of sleepers that are yellow, green, taupe, etc, but that's it! Even pacifiers are so gender based! Not buying anything major until after our shower (like between 30-35 weeks) so I'm feeling bummed.. Lol.

On the plus our nursery is almost done... Then we will set up the crib we got... Need a dresser , which we will look for sales after Christmas.... And then just clothing, etc.... Crazy!

I have not bought anything for baby yet either! I am going to buy his baby book today on Amazon and start that. I also am not letting myself shop until after the baby shower. Bummed me out as well lol.

I'm not taking an anti-nausea tablet everyday so I'm happy about that. I tend to need them in the evening but since it usually takes a few hours for them to kick in I generally don't bother anymore as I'll be in bed by then.

And my cat keeps eating our tree!! And it's a fake! She's ruining our expensive fake tree and the 'needles' are plastic so they can't be good for her. She also claims the tree as hers and sleeps underneath it. If you get too close she will jump and swat at you.

I really don't know what to do with her. DS is nearly 2 1/2 and she still hates him. If he gets close she will attack him. She doesn't bite, thank goodness, as those can get infected easily. But she will claw him up. She once got him in the eye. :( When he was a baby she just ignored him, but now she knows what babies grow into so I am afraid how she will react to our new LO. I have heard stories of cats hating the first child but loving the second but ours HATES all children. She's even meaner to our friends' kids so we have to lock her in our room or send her outside when they come over. People in internet-land are against getting rid of pets but dh and I feel so torn. She's my cat and I do love her but I love my children more.

Sorry your kitty does not like DS :( That is awful. It is hard cause I know the love for your kitty, we have 1 and she is our baby. But obviously, our son would come first as well... Have you tried like selling/listing her?

So DH and I are looking and condos/houses right now... OVERWHELMING!!!!! We live with my parents currently, but we just do not have enough space. We live in orange county, ca... and the prices just make me cry. I know it will all work out, but wow... we were not anticipating the big purchase/move for a long time.

I am about to announce the pregnancy on IG/FB as well... DH took me to that ultrasound and I did not get a good side profile of the baby, so it makes me want to wait until my anatomy scan. Do they take side profile photos?? Or should I just announce now?

*oh and btw: Cold sore update.... I do not have HSV 1, so she said it is not a cold sore! Just a funky lip thing... who knows lol. Thank you all for calming me down. I really do have a lot of anxiety and it is very hard to manage while pregnant. I am going to speak with a counselor about it soon. I want to go back to my happy go lucky self.

Hope everyone has a blessed sunday! :hugs:

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