2014 May Rainbows

I am pretty sure I've gained about 5 pounds already. Even though I feel so incredibly sick in between meals I can strangely eat most foods. Just not the healthy stuff. For a long time the sickness kept my portion sizes tiny so the weight gain was minimal in spite of the not-so-good choices. But I think it's catching up with me now that I'm on meds and can eat larger portions. The sight of veggies still make me gag and I'd rather have a slice of cheese than fruit. And since I've had to take it easy and keep myswelf from things, people have been bringing me treats and goodies. So of course I have to eat them....to be nice....obviously. LOL

I keep telling myself I'll shape up once I"m in second tri and feeling better. But what if I dont' feel better? Every day is a new beginning so I need to try to do better today. Yesterday I was especially bad. And I'm not just saying that like a skinny girl who says she was bad by having 2 whole cookies in the span of a week. I'm talking BAD....take me to Richard Simmons or Dr Oz bad. LOL
Even though I'm not eating more than I usually did, and it's always very healthy, and I've had bad nausea for weeks on end, I still gained a few pounds because I was unable to move out of bed or off the couch. But there was nothing to do about it. I am just one of those ladies that gains the average amount of weight in pg and then loses it after about a year. Frustrating, sure, especially when I have a friend who only gained 10 lbs the whole pg. But then I have to think of my other friend who gained 60 lbs for her first pg and is now a petite size 4. We all work differently.
I have put on 15lbs already. I talked to the mw about it on Wednesday and they are not concerned at all. I did recently quit smoking and totally cut out caffeine. This means I started to eat much better and even my DH said I needed to put on the weight. I never used to eat breakfast and would frequently skip lunch and am now eating 6 small meals a day. Over the last 3 weeks those meals have become less and less healthy however and I find myself having a craving for salt and more salt which is the total opposite of my M&M's craving with my DS. I feel HUGE and my work pants don't fit anymore. I'm just afraid I'm going to continue on this path of a pound a week and end up at 200 before this is over….
SweetV I am scared of the 200lb mark too :( That's why i am hoping I don't put all of it back plus some and I hope they don't make me. I never really lost any of my weight from DS so I would consider my pg weight now very healthy for me.
I've gained a pound or two depends on the day but its all gone to my chest. Having neck and back pain now :(. My loose fitting pants still fit and although I can wear my slimmer pants they are uncomfortable. I've also not been allowed to do much (other than work which is on my feet) and couldn't eat much until a week or so ago. I'm up 3 pounds from my lowest recent weight though so its hard to say. I was told with my current weight that the standard a pound a week after first trimester is reasonable but since DH and I were loosing weight when I got pg I'm hoping for less of a gain.

I agree though that everyone is different and will be different in every pregnancy. I've been craving all sugar though!!! Fruit/ chocolate/ etc where as last time I just wanted veggies. Hoping it levels off soon!! Lol
I gained 60 to 70 pounds with my son so I definitely crossed the 200 mark. It felt awful when I stood on the scale. It didn't help that I was on bed rest during the first 6 months so I didn't work off any of the junk I was eating. I did lose all of it plus an extra 10 pounds afterwards (it took me over a year) so I won't let myself feel too bad if I gain more than the healthy 20 pounds. It's weird, but I gained most of that 60 pounds in the third tri. Up to that point my weight gain was very normal and healthy. It all just caught up, I suppose.

I'm just a little annoyed as I have gained about 10 pounds after my two miscarriages. I gained weight with each of those pregnancies and then was too depressed afterwards to do anything about it. Thank goodness I lost those extra 10 pounds after my son.

I've never been skinny though. My weight loss had plauteaued around 150lbs so I was JUST within my healthy bmi for my height. I was already down to 1500 calories a day and exercising 5 days a week so I just shrugged my shoulders and felt it was as good as it was going to get. I didn't want to up my exercise (I was walking and bike riding) and I definitely didn't want to cut any more calories. It was tough but I accepted my 'mummy tummy'.
I didn't gain weight with my mc but my boobs grew and they never went back down so they're rather large. Idk what I am going to do when my milk comes in :dohh: They were ginormous when bf'ing DS! :haha:
The same happened after my last m/c. And now I'm even bigger!! :wacko: I already had gone up 2 cup sizes after my son. I'll be a D cup yet! I spent my entire adolescence and early adult years as an A cup and always was so self-concious about that. I apologized to DH over and over for being stuck with such little things. :haha: He never complained but then I noticed he's not complaining now either. :rofl: But if nursing goes well this time maybe they'll shrink a little bit.
From 5 weeks to 11.5 weeks I gained 11lbs!

I'm 12.3 weeks I go for my NT scan/early first trimester screening on Thursday. I'm getting nervous I will be 13.1 weeks which is around the same time I found out my princess had died! I have felt some movements here and there now all if a sudden since my scan at 11.5 I haven't felt anything only felt a movement during my scan! Now im thinking the worst is to be expected I know I'm still early I try to keep that in mind but it's hard.

Hope the rest of you ladies are doing okay those going through a loss and those pregnant I send hugs to you all!
Felynn - I hope your scan goes well. It is quite early to feel consistent movements just yet but with the history you have with your precious princess I understand the nerves. I also have been feeling the odd flutter whenever I bent over or curled up but now it's been at least a week since I felt that so I'm not sure what is going on. I mean, those flutters could have been gas but it felt A LOT like baby. Today I felt a poke when bending over but it didn't move and I guess a dead baby can give you a poke too. But that is morbid...

I'm going tomorrow to see thE OB and hopefully hear a heart beat. With this being my final loss milestone I am absolutely on edge.
Thinking of all the ladies with scans, dr appointments, and milestones this week. We can do it together :)
I had my mw appointment on Wednesday when I got told that I have an anterior placenta and probably won't feel the baby move for another month or so. I was really disappointed as I've been counting down to nowish. I guess if I've waited this long, I can wait another couple weeks.
I've got a scan on weds, hoping to find out if were team pink or blue!! I'm very excited so fingers crossed will update weds xx

Good luck to everyone else having scans and reaching milestones it really is such a lovely feeling isn't it xxx
SweetV hang in there. I'm hoping with my low posterior placenta that I will feel baby in the next couple of weeks. Craving the daily reassurance. I think I may have felt flutters a couple of times as it was exactly where my uterus should be around now and it felt different than gas but only twice and quick. Hoping for some more real movements soon :)

Bought my first maternity clothes yesterday! Very exciting :)

And we are finishing the nursery today (minus crib & dresser) so that's helping me to stay positive :)
Felynn - I hope your scan goes well. It is quite early to feel consistent movements just yet but with the history you have with your precious princess I understand the nerves. I also have been feeling the odd flutter whenever I bent over or curled up but now it's been at least a week since I felt that so I'm not sure what is going on. I mean, those flutters could have been gas but it felt A LOT like baby. Today I felt a poke when bending over but it didn't move and I guess a dead baby can give you a poke too. But that is morbid...

I'm going tomorrow to see thE OB and hopefully hear a heart beat. With this being my final loss milestone I am absolutely on edge.

I know I'm too early to feel constant movement but I know the few times I have felt it it was baby and not gas it was a completely different feeling.

Hope you hear your babies heart beat!
I had my mw appointment on Wednesday when I got told that I have an anterior placenta and probably won't feel the baby move for another month or so. I was really disappointed as I've been counting down to nowish. I guess if I've waited this long, I can wait another couple weeks.

I had anterior with 2 of my 3 living kids I could still feel my 3rd son move he was a big baby but I showed very early with him and always measured ahead with him! Also had anterior with my princess 3rd loss. I did feel some minor movements before she died! Early 2nd tri loss!
nats - good luck with your scan and I can't wait to hear if it's another Team Blue or if we'll get our first confirmed Team Pink.

The nightmares are coming on now. I had 3 separate ones of my baby last night. They weren't all about losing it, but they all reflected my stress surrounding the pregnancy. Today is my final loss milestone so that probably has lots to do with the stress. I'm so glad I see the OB tomorrow. We're having nasty weather right now so I hope the roads are OK.
Thinking of you starry. Fingers crossed you get to hear the heartbeat tomorrow.... Let us know how it goes....
Anyone else exhausted but can't sleep? I wake up every night around 4 to go to the washroom then I'm awake :(. Anyone find a solution? Getting frustrated.

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