2014 May Rainbows

Why do we do this to ourselves?? :dohh: I'm feeling the baby this morning so that is reassuring.

And seriously....stay away from Dr Google!!! If I ever need to check something I get DH to do it for me so he can filter out the nasty stuff. :haha:
Good idea getting DH to filter. Generally though I'm more relaxed than DH! Lol
I have no idea why we do it to ourselves! Dr. Google is the devil to a pregnant woman.

My grandpa died... We just found out today but think it was thanksgiving night :cry: we are sad, but he died in his sleep peacefully. He was so excited about this baby. I just texted him yesterday to let him know 100% that the baby is a boy and he never responded which I thought was weird. Just keep my dad in your prayers please. I know this is going to be really hard for him.
Sorry to hearts Gax. Such sad news. Glad it was peaceful though.
Woke up today with a terribly sore throat. I feel basically fine otherwise. I had been having bouts of acid reflux that caused me to wake up with a dry, scratchy throat but this is way worse. I just read an article about pregnant women dying from strep because this is their only symptom. Should I be worried?! My next OB visit is Friday.
I would say if it doesn't feel better by Wednesday I'd go in.... I'm sure the women who dies from strep had other issues... They also maybe didn't notice other symptoms, like fever, aches, headache, etc... Drink lots of clear fluids and get lots of sleep... Hopefully it'll pass quickly. I've been having sore throats but I think it's because I'm stuffed up and breathing through my mouth at night... Typical pregnancy stuff...
Sorry to hearts Gax. Such sad news. Glad it was peaceful though.

So sorry to hear mrsgax!!! Prayers for you and your family!!

I'm so sorry, Mrs Gax. :hugs:

Thank you. I am just worried about my dad. I loved my grandpa, and I wish he could have met my boy. But my dad and him were really close and I could just hear it in my dads voice. He is the one who found him. :cry:

Woke up today with a terribly sore throat. I feel basically fine otherwise. I had been having bouts of acid reflux that caused me to wake up with a dry, scratchy throat but this is way worse. I just read an article about pregnant women dying from strep because this is their only symptom. Should I be worried?! My next OB visit is Friday.

Could you send me a link to that article? I am curious to read it. I have had a sore throat but it is going away now. I am wondering if it is acid reflux as well. I think that most people who get strep throat have the classic symptoms of sore throat, fever, the white stuff on the back of the throat or the really red... have you looked in the back of your throat? You could also drink hot lemon water with honey and gargle with Apple Cider Vinegar. I know it is not pasteurized, but I read on their website that the vinegar is strong enough to kill off listeriosis, etc. I would gargle with it if I got sick. How many days has your throat hurt? If it is more than 3-4, then I would let your OB know just to be safe.
It is cold season so some sore throats are to be expected and acid reflux can cause sore throats as well. Women are not dying by the heaps due to undetected strep throat so call your doctor, get checked out and try to relax. I'm sure you're fine. :)

Mrs Gax - that must be have been really hard for your father. My dad was really close to my grandfather too and I know really misses him. But we saw that one coming as my grandfather had cancer. He also died over the holidays so it's a sad time for us all -- even 11 years later.

My thoughts go out to your dad. Just surround him with love right now.
I'll see how I feel when I wake up tomorrow. Drank hot tea and lots of water, throat lozenges to soothe. Here's the article:

How's everyone feeling today?

MrsGax, I understand what you mean about worry for your Dad. My mom was the same when her mom passed. It's hard but just being there really helped her. Thinking of you and your family.
Feeling good! Sort of sick with a little cold. I keep coughing. Yesterday, I was feeling heaviness/pressure in my lower pelvis and vagina. I was on my feet a lot, so I think that is why. But I emailed the dr, and they want to see me tomorrow! I wish they would just measure my cervix for me!!!! I really think my cervix is fine, I have only had 1 D&C and the products of conception were only measuring 5 weeks 5 days, so I was barely dilated and I healed very nicely. My cousin had a LEEP done and has had 2 babies since then with no cervical issues. But I am sure they keep an eye on it. My dr just says "oh, we do not routinely measure that, etc." Okay... well... WHY NOT? That is perhaps the most annoying thing I have ever heard. Why do they not just measure a womans cervix through the 2nd trimester specifically? So many women go through such sad losses and why? Cause they did not want to measure the cervix? Such BS if you ask me. If I was an OB, I would measure it. It takes an ultrasound. And I have expressed my concerns to my OB several times, and she says I have no reason to worry, etc. I do not have an instinct that something is wrong, my mind is honestly just crazy and I worry too much. But even still, she now has reason to measure it just to make me happy. I am sure it is good and closed. It does not dilate easily.
I honestly think my pelvic/vaginal pressure comes from a weak pelvic floor, cause it feels better after I do a bunch of kegels... but I am leaving that out lol. My bladder is also very sensitive and I know it is agitated by my uterus pushing up against it. Anyways, end cervix rant. :winkwink:

Now this lightening crotch thing gets me bad for like 3 days and then goes away for a week or so lol. I believe it happens when the baby grows.

How are you feeling today??
I'm good. Had a meltdown in the car on the way home from a family dinner :/. DH and I were discussing food (I'm struggling to eat, everything just turns me off, although no more nausea, plus i have heartburn 20 hours out of the day)... So I just started crying and DH was driving and yep. Gotta love the hormones. Lol

Otherwise good. :)

I get pains low but not super low, and then a big growth spurt.

They measured my cervix at my 12 week scan. Did they not Check it then?
I'm good. Had a meltdown in the car on the way home from a family dinner :/. DH and I were discussing food (I'm struggling to eat, everything just turns me off, although no more nausea, plus i have heartburn 20 hours out of the day)... So I just started crying and DH was driving and yep. Gotta love the hormones. Lol

Otherwise good. :)

I get pains low but not super low, and then a big growth spurt.

They measured my cervix at my 12 week scan. Did they not Check it then?

Awe, sorry you are stuggling to eat :( The hormones are the best during intense situations... or situations we make intense lol.

No, they did not. I asked them if they did and they said it is not checked until the 20 week scan. :shrug:
Yeah. I'm not a big eater normally but love food. So having a lot of my favorites taste aweful is frustrating me to no end :/. I also get full easy but my job doesn't allow for me to snack much so struggling to get though the day. Ugh.

Yeah hormones. Everything just seems so intense!! Happy or upset either one is super intense. Crazy!!

Weird about the cervix checking. My technician and doctor both commented that the cervix is closed and looks good. No issues. But that the placenta is close to the cervix so they will keep an eye on it.
I'm wishing I had a 12 week scan for those very reasons. When I got a scan at 7 1/2 weeks I could see the gestational sac was very close to the bottom of my uterus. I just hope the placenta is not down too low either.

I think my nausea is pretty much gone. My gag reflex is still on high alert but it's easier to ignore these days. My appetite is still less than what it was and I have noticed my weight gain has finally slowed down to a stand-still. After gaining 10 pounds already I thought I was doomed to another pregnancy with high weight gain. It could still happen, I suppose. My big craving this time around is cheese, BBQ sauce and mashed potatoes. And also fruit when I want something sweet. With my son my big craving was brownies and those are so easy to make that I was chowing on them like nobody's business. lol
Scheduled my scan for the 18th! Only 2 weeks to wait! I can wait to see the lo again!!! And I get to go to a hospital that has a better machine since my dad had spina bifida.
Starry, I'm that same with the gag reflex,... Annoying but manageable... Yeah, they said the location isn't a concern until about 25-30 weeks and the main concern is tearing... So you should be ok waiting for a later scan :). And apparently 80-90% of low placentas grow 'up' so only a few remain an issue... Fingers crossed :)

Schulitzie- yay for a scan date! We go to the OB for our first appointment next Tuesday, and I'm guessing we will be given a timeframe for our next scan :).

AFM. Craving include dairy (cheese, ice cream, chocolate milk, yogurt), anything chocolate, fruit, and French fries! Lol

Took anther bump picture (3 weeks in a row) but not much noticeable change this week... My weight is also at a stand still. At first I was happy that I haven't gained any weight, but of course now I'm anxious about it... Depending on the day, my weight is anywhere between same as pre pregnancy, or up 4 lbs.... I'll see what the ob says Tuesday.
:wave: ladies. I've gotten a bit behind on here :blush:

I have a low placenta too. The doctor told me after the scan she was confident that it would move up and was fine and to expect spotting after dtd and being active. The mw asked me if she asked me to abstain from sex completely and I said no. Mw said then not to worry because it's not really "that low".

I've been having problems with food too :( I loved to eat with DS and it seems like such a chore this time. My ms is getting better. Still taking my meds once a day but if I do that I manage ok and don't throw up.

I feel like I am not showing much :( I lost like 12lbs and have gained 3-4lbs of that back so far and that's really it. Felt some good kicks last night bt DH had already fallen asleep :( He's home sick today.

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