2014 May Rainbows

Starry I have a cheapie (think $25) mini razor designed for that area. Ithas little combs do you can trim as opposed to shave. And the small size makes it easy to get in tight spots. Lol. It's also getting tricky for me... I'm guessing DH will have to take over soon :/
I have a question... so today I went to the bathroom and see yellow discharge in my underwear. It has been happening all day... should I be worried? Sorry TMI. I just don't know what it is... I am not itchy or anything.

My discharge is sometimes yellow! It comes out white, but sometimes has a yellowish tint. Dr tested me for everything! And it all came back normal. My whole first tri, I had yellow discharge and it was all good. Super annoying though.

Question to you all:

How can I make LO move up in my womb? He likes to hang out down at the VERY VERY VERY bottom.... Like I use my doppler and his HB is right at my pubic bone (it is probably actually echoing from nearby, since I can hear his hb in multiple places) and I get the constant urge to pee all the time. I sometimes feel little kicks up by my belly button which shows me that he is still stretching and spread out... but why do some baby's like to have out so low? I want him to move up! I have shined a flashlight, played music, used my doppler, everything, and he still hangs out down there. Please help! I have an appt on monday, so I will ask OB then. Do some babies just stay low the whole time? I cannot imagine how uncomfortable I will be when I am 8 months if he hangs out this low the whole time!
Starry: I use DH's beard trimmer. I want to find a special one for me tho because if I am not careful it cuts me. I need something a little more gentle.

MrsGax: Some baby's just sit a little low at first. LO will probably move up but there isn't much you can do quite yet. I'd just them be. I know it can be uncomfortable.

Afm: Me and DH had an awful 24hr stomach bug yesterday :( I couldn't keep down water or anything. Eating my first thing in about 48hrs. My bump is so deflated :( I called the midwife and they said it is going around. Just make sure I try to drink fluids even if they don't always stay down. I was able to finally get some down about 5pm last night (started at 4am thurs) Feeling pretty good now tho. I'm just weak from not eating for almost 48hrs :dohh: We had DH's parents pick DS up early. They were g2 take him this weekend anyway today but I wanted him out of here so he didn't get it. So far so good. Mil said he seems fine and into everything :haha: If we are feeling up to it we may go to dinner and a movie in a little while.
Starry: I use DH's beard trimmer. I want to find a special one for me tho because if I am not careful it cuts me. I need something a little more gentle.

MrsGax: Some baby's just sit a little low at first. LO will probably move up but there isn't much you can do quite yet. I'd just them be. I know it can be uncomfortable.

Afm: Me and DH had an awful 24hr stomach bug yesterday :( I couldn't keep down water or anything. Eating my first thing in about 48hrs. My bump is so deflated :( I called the midwife and they said it is going around. Just make sure I try to drink fluids even if they don't always stay down. I was able to finally get some down about 5pm last night (started at 4am thurs) Feeling pretty good now tho. I'm just weak from not eating for almost 48hrs :dohh: We had DH's parents pick DS up early. They were g2 take him this weekend anyway today but I wanted him out of here so he didn't get it. So far so good. Mil said he seems fine and into everything :haha: If we are feeling up to it we may go to dinner and a movie in a little while.

Yea, you are right! I do need to just let him be. I will just lay down all weekend so he does not make me feel like he is going to fall out lol.

So sorry about the stomach bug! That sucks! I hate that... I would rather have a chest cold than a stomach bug! Wow, I bet you feel so weak after 48 hours! So sorry girl, just rest and eat light foods... nothing too heavy for your tummies.
I feel like this pregnancy has been so rough! I didn't even have ms with DS but I seem to get all the colds that go around and everything on top of still having ms and everything. smh :dohh:
As for the LO being so low it's normal. My doctor tolde that the top of the uterus only reaches your belly button around 20 weeks. So before that baby can't go any higher :). It could be that he's got his feet at the bottom and that's what you keep feeling. Our LO is either kicking me on my right side or the bottom. Lol. Apparently things will move up. Also depends on where the placenta is. Mind is front and low so that also affects where baby will be :)

We also have a stomach bug going around and I'm praying we don't get it!! I've only gained 3 lbs and will be 20 weeks in a couple of days :/. Can't really afford to loose any!!!

We are going to see Catching Fire tomorrow and then dinner! Super excited :)
We were supposed to be doing dinner and a movie too! Depends on how we feel. If so we are going to this asian place and seeing Frozen :D

I just ordered our stroller :happydance: Wish me luck it works out cuz I got a fabulous deal for $112! We went stroller shopping tonight and everything was so awful to be that expensive :( I decided to just stick with Graco but they didn't have these in store. Hoping it works for us! It's almost exactly like the one we bough for DS just a double and diff color.

Darlin - I loved "Frozen"! dH took me to see it the other week. I hope you're feeling better if you can think of Asian foods at a time like this! lol I love Asian food but not when I'm sick!

I caught a glimspe of the stomach bug but it only glanced me by. I had a bit of upset stomach on Christmas Eve but by the next day I was feeling pretty much better. DS got hit the hardest and it was several days of illness. Yesterday, he finally started eating again so I think it's behind us.

With my son I had pretty much no m/s but I caught every bug that went around. This time I've had terrible m/s that lasted into 2nd tri but have not caught the bugs and colds that my dh and ds have had (so far). I think it helps that DH sleeps in the guest room when he's sick and he's been handling ds' diapers most of the time because that makes me gag. (I still change diapers, of course, but dh offers to do it, so I let him, ha ha)

I've definitely felt baby just above my belly button yet I am carrying quite low. Baby will go low but its favourite spot seems to be the right side of my belly button.
Oh, and is everyone using electric razors for their lady gardens? I have seen Bics makes those little razors meant for the bikini line. I've never bought them. Really, what I need is a Brazillian wax but no way on this planet will I ever get one. Just before our wedding I remember telling dh I didn't love him enough to do that! lol!
My shaver is battery power. You can get red harangue ones for more $$ but typically I just shave with a wet razor. Just now it's too sensitive and tricky. Lol

Has anyone heard of the book called 'the wonder weeks'? Some mothers on my Facebook are always commenting on what 'leap' their child is at. And being an early childhood educator I felt I should know what they're talking about. Lol. I've googled it and seems like a great baby's first two years type of 'what to expect' book. It has an app to track your baby's progress too. Pretty neat!! It outlines the 'leaps' in brain development that babies go through and the skills/ troubles that come with each.
Ladies I am IN LOVE with the cutting items DH bought me for sewing. He bought me a board and rotary cutter and new scissors. The board has special angles that make a perfect one cut triangle for bandanna bibs! :happydance: Mister Avery will be getting lots of those I guess :haha: I'm so excited to do some sewing tomorrow. Also can't wait to pick up the Munchkin tomorrow! :cloud9: I didn't get to even say goodbye when he left becuase I was so sick :cry:
Darlin that's exciting about the sewing. I got a new machine for Christmas last year and have yet to set it up!! Lol. I plan in making a few items for this LO once we know the gender :)
Ladies I just can't get a break :(

I'm so nauseous today but it's like ms nauseous I think. I felt great yesterday.
Oh that's awful :( I'm still taking the diclectin. Very nervous to stop :/
I still have to take mine too. I guess we're the thread of sickies. LOL Mine isn't too bad now. I don't need to take it everyday. I usually take it when I know I'm going to be on my feet a lot. Feeling sick makes me anxious which makes me feel more sick so taking the anti-nausea tablets keep me calm in situations where I don't want to get sick (in public or in large gatherings....like today).

I'm stealing a moment away from everyone. I was feeling so smothered. I'm such an introvert. :blush: We have all the inlaws over right now and it's loud, I don't feel good and I'm so tired and hormonal. Also, we ran out of diapers and all we have are old swim diapers that do NOTHING. DS is leaking everywhere! We live in a conservative area so no stores are open today. Not even the Walmart. So yeah....just feeling like I'm about to go crazy any second.
Oh Starry that's frustrating :/. I'm feeling more easily overwhelmed these days. I hope you feel better tomorrow. And I'm sure that ds won't care about leaks (or anyone else).

My doctor told me that my anti nausea pills work best if taken consistently (everyday). I'm down to two at bedtime. My SIL took them until 16 weeks and was good. I guess I'll find out when mine run out next week.
I feel that mine work best if I take one immediately in the morning when I get up. Otherwise I can go a day without it but will feel horrible the next day.

I hate running out of diapers! :(
ladies I am in love with my cutting stuff DH bought me for Christmas. Since putting LO down for bed I've already whipped up a bandanna bib and burp cloth for Avery out of the sleep sack scraps :cloud9:


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