2014 May Rainbows

Sorry you had such a scare. Curious that the twin hasn't changed. I suppose as long as the remaining baby is healthy why worry about it. I'm with starry though, wonder if your body is confused about what to do with the twin??

I've also heard about gender issues and carrying to term. I feel that this baby is the opposite of our miscarriage although I don't know the gender of either. It's just a very different pregnancy. Although I was also on progesterone this time and not last so who knows what happened. Hang in there!! My thoughts are with you and your surviving twin.
Ok ladies, so something I've been thinking about is cloth diapering....

Anyone have any experience with it? Tips. Recommendations?

So far I'm thinking bummis all in ones and some pocket diapers.... With the paper like liners (flush able for solid waste, helps with clean up and helps prevent staining).... In general id like to cloth diaper for the money saving and environment reasons but don't want too much trouble... I plan on staying home with our LO and taking care of a couple of others after my one year mat leave....

I would keep disposables on hand for illness, travelling, sitters, etc, but for me at home I would use the cloth.

I've watched a few videos and heard that it's best to have 6 of each of a few types of diapers and you can add ones that work well for you, your baby, and your lifestyle....

Anyone have recommendations?

Either way, I plan on cloth wipes while at home, but it makes sense to go cloth diapers too while at home....
Starry I had to leave the ER bc I had to pick up my kids from school so I left before results were back they did say baby looked good but dont know why I had the sharp pains and blood. My dr midwife was suppose to call me but never did so I have to wait until Monday.

I really just wonder why out of no where am I going through this! I have 3 healthy boys then my losses one which I know for fact is a girl I kind of hope baby a sticks around until delivery so I can see him or her and then have the baby tested. I know my surviving twin is a boy so it really makes me wonder!
FeLynn, that's tough, not knowing.... I hope it all works out.
sunny - I will be ftm and be a cloth diaperer. I only have knowledge from what I've been watching on youtube and cd threads. I think I will do prefolds and some newborn fitteds and then pockets and AIO's after that. I hate that here I only get 3 months at home :growlmad: If I were able to stay home I would try elimination communication and get them out of diapers! I'm reading a book about it - very ambitious idea to me.
Oh interesting. I should read up on that! I was thinking AIO but I read they take forever to dry and they are the most expensive to but. I'm now looking at the applecheeks pre folds as a kit to go from 7-35 lbs full time is $850. Less than a year of disposables. And they are high quality and should easily last 2-3 children. So basically 1/4 the cost if we have 2 children! The kit has enough diapers to wash every 3 days. Perfect!
Congrats on reaching halfway, schultzie! I'm sorry you're still having trouble with MS. :(

I'm still nauseous from time to time but it's not too bad. I haven't thrown up for several weeks now. Right now there is bit of a bug going around so it's hard to tell when my upset stomach is baby or if I am coming down with something. DS has been sick (on the mend now) and DH has been grumbling too. I haven't had other signs of illness and have avoided the other bugs that went through our house so I'm hoping to avoid this one too....especially at Christmas.
Schultzie I'm still dealing with ms here too :( I have to take my meds in the morning still.

IMHO about cloth diapering... From what I've seen and compared unless you really plan to commit 24/7 to it and continue it for multiple kids i does not save too much money. It seems like women who are not familiar with cloth diapering spend so much just trying to figure out which brand they prefer it ends up costing them just as much in the end. I think that if you are going to do it for other reasons it is wonderful! However, if it's just to save the money I'd just use reg disp diapers. We never went through the crazy amnts of diapers each day that they tell ftm. There are days where you will have more dirty diapers but there will be days you won't have that many either. We changed him every time he would go when he was little in the middle of the night but now we don't wake him to change him so we don't go through near as many. Only one or two at night and then the normal 5-6 during the day. We end up buying a box of diapers maybe 3 times a month? It's not that bad because we buy the store brand too. We get the overnight ones for all the time use and they seem to do better with leaks than any others. We used to be strictly pampers until about 12months. You just have to wait and see how things work for you ;)
Darlin/ thanks for the input! We are mostly going it for cost but also I have ridiculous allergies to lots of synthetic products do that's another consideration as well as environmental. So far my research has shown that the first year is roughly the same cost but if you continue to use them after that its a big savings. Also if you use them for multiple children. I also plan on staying home with our LO so that is a huge factor. I would not even consider it working full time although I have many friends who did. I agree with the brand thing. You need to find what works for you without wasting money. We still have 5 months to decide :).
darlin - that's interesting about the costs. I'm too chicken to go cloth route so I've never properly looked into it but I have friends who will swear up and down that it's cheaper. The little I have looked I saw it was $60 if not more for a set of 4. I just couldn't stomach the start-up cost.

And yeah, there are days we don't go through that many diapers. But then there are other days that I simply call "Poop Days". Your imagination can fill in the rest. ;)

But we are starting potty training in the New Year so I am really hoping we won't have to buy two sets of diapers come spring! My niece and nephew have really, really resisited potty training and took years to come around so I'm not holding my breath.
The book (Diaper Free) talks about how you can learn the signals when your baby has to go, and say cueing words. By teaching them to be aware, you can have them potty trained early. Everywhere else in the world has babies potty trained so early, but in North America it is profitable to train your baby to sit in their soiled diaper and ignore the fact that it's dirty into their toddler years. That's why when you go to potty train them by age 2 or 3 they can be resistant to unlearn it. Now, I have no experience, but I think it is worth learning the signals. The author is too crunchy natural for me, but I think the concept is great. I also want to learn baby sign language.
Yeah it's more of potty training the parent honestly. They're brain won't function that way until at least 18-20 months according to the pediatrician. If you're willing to take the time to rush to the toilet constantly to avoid using so many diapers it's worth it but the way their brain works they won't know how to hold it like they do when you potty train them. DH actually works with somebody who did this with their child. It seemed to work for them but wasn't the same as "true potty training".

How's everyone's Christmas plans going? I still have so much to do tonight :dohh: We have Christmas at my Dad's tomorrow so I have to rush and get it all done tonight too :wacko:
I work with preschool aged children and we hear the same thing. They can't physically hold it until about 20 months so anytime after that... And we do wait far too long to train! I've had 4 year olds still in diapers!!! OMG.

The full start up cost for GOOD cloth diapers is close to $1000. But the average family spends $1200-1400 on diapers per year. So as long as you use the cloth longer than that it does end up cheaper. But you have to use them regularly or it's not worth it. (That $1000 includes flush able liners for poop & added laundry expenses).
All of my nieces and nephews (both sides of the family) were wearing diapers until their 4th year. But my DH's cousin said her son was trained within 2 or 3 weeks. I'm crossing my fingers that my son goes that route. We have had to fight him to get him to pass his other milestones so I'm nervous. But DH's cousin said their son was the same way but potty training was easy. I need one easy thing. lol We're still trying to convince him talking is better than babbling.

We got DS a potty for Christmas. Hoping he likes it!
Starry, how old is DS?? We generally recommend to parents to go cold turkey with the potty training... Straight to underwear (let them pick some cool special ones) and just go! Lol. There are definite signs to look for before trying though...

Complaining when wet/soiled, curious about the toilet, dry often, etc...

Good luck!!
Logan is pretty good. I try not to push him. I've learned that if we wait for him to be ready and not push him he transitions really quickly and easily. I mean we try whatever we are trying to wean/train him on and then if he won't or gets upset we wait and try it again later but we don't push. It's how we weaned off his pacifier, into a crib and his own room and off of bottles (He still has water in one at night). I'm not sure how potty training will go but I want to try to not force him into anything and let him decide when he's ready so Idk when he will actually be trained. We will start trying in the spring probably.
Agree with Darlin.... We always suggest waiting until the child is ready... They will do the rest ;) some need a little push, but if you time things right, it should be fairly painless :)
So I totally want to shoot myself right about now. I decided to make pillowcases for the kids this year. Special fun personalized ones. Well I went to buy the stuff to make the boys cases (my nephew and little brother) and decided it was like the same price to just make fleece blankets. I found big bang theory fleece which is my nephew's absolute favorite! Omg is this the biggest pain in the ass! My sewing table is nowhere near big enough to do this and the fleece stretches and gets all wonky. Thank god I only had 2 to do and I'm over halfway done with the second one :dohh:

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