2014 May Rainbows

Darlin - I hope your LO is feeling better. Mine has been struggling too. :(

Sunny - wow! Congrats on Team Blue!! Were you surprised? Have you and your oh agreed on any names? I hope you had a good time shopping for your little man.

And this really is one blue thread. I know there is a pink or two but the boys seem to be dominating. I'm part of another thread that is practically all pink (only one blue so far) so I'm curious to see which thread's pattern I'm going to fall into. One day I'm feeling girl but then the next I'm convinced it's a boy! In most of my dreams I have a girl but I've had one with a boy. So who knows?

Just over 24 hours until I find out! :)
We have picked names... We are naming our baby boy Asher Dean however not telling anyone IRL until after he's born,, just in case it's an incorrect assessment of gender, or we decide it doesn't suit him... But we plan on having few personalized items before the birth :). We chose one boy and one girl name a few years ago and decided that of we still like them when the time comes, then we're set! Lol

I had no real feelings either way of gender so not surprised :). In my dreams baby has been gender less or not identifiable so now it feels great to better connect with our son :). DH is super excited because he's a huge Batman fan, so excited for batman stuff. Lol. Although even if it were a girl he'd still put her in batman clothes! Lol. A friend actually gave us a onsie of "batman in training" so it's prefect :)

We plan on going over our registry today and adding some boy items :).
sunny - we have names picked out too and are also keeping them secret. Well, we told my family only because my brother and his wife are expecting a baby and we politely asked them to not use our girl's name. I know that is a touchy, unprecedented move, but we had the name picked out since the first m/c after our son was born. We told them they didn't have to respect it, but that we were so attached to the name that we would be using it either way. We're very close with them so that's the only reason we had the "balls" to ask. ha ha And the name has a specific meaning to us and our our story. If it was something we simply thought was 'pretty' then we would just cross our fingers and hope they wouldn't use it.

But yeah, otherwise we're keeping the names top secret. Mostly to keep us safe from the "don't use that dumb name" opinions. We usually give people fake names. With DS we told the in-laws we were naming the baby Kyle because they kept going on and on about how much they hated that name and we weren't allowed to use it. They knew we were joking but it stopped them from giving more opinions. We told my parents the name was going to be Lionel. ha ha

This time we are telling people the baby is named Perry. As in Perry the Parasite (it is draining the life from me as we speak)
I personally don't think there is anything wrong with claiming your baby names and expecting others to respect it.
Me neither...especially when it comes to close family. With friends I personally would go with a name choice anyways unless they were a best friend or something. I remember my mom saying they were going to give my sister a certain middle name and my aunt and uncle had seemed a little sad as they liked the name for themselves so my parents went with a different middle name. And that was just a middle name! Later, another one of my dad's brothers gave his daughter the same first name as my sister's middle name. I think they forgot it was my sister's middle name but I don't think my parents really cared.

We had also asked my brother and SiL to not use the names we gave to our angels. That one is even more important to me, IMO. It would make me feel like my babies never existed. There is no way I could call my niece by the name that should have gone with my child.

We told my brother that they could use our names as middle names if they wanted. It was the only compromise I could come up with.

My SiL and I have such different tastes in regards to names I don't think it would be an issue anyways. But I do know they're still struggling to come up with a name and I do worry it's my fault though they would never say that to me. My SiL complains that my brother hates all of her suggestions.
I feel like it's totally fair tho. It's sort of like I can't name my kids certain names because Bret's siblings already have 3 and 4 kids they've already named so they're off limits. I think it should be looked at the same way for your angels. It should be seen as just another child that you've named.

LO no longer has a fever but you can tell he's still recovering. Still cuddly and sleeping more than normal. Kind of cranky. I'm just glad the fever is gone.
We've discussed that if DH brother's baby (due 4 weeks after us) is the same gender we will discuss names as to not double name... I've told them we are using an "A" name so as long as theirs isn't an "A" name we can keep our secrets :).

I agree that 1. Angel names are off limits and 2.you can claim a name.... Ideally whoever has the child first, BUT if a name is very important to you then absolutely claim it!
Hi all, happy new year sorry ive been away a while!

Hope everyone is good?

We have a name picked out for our little pink bundle of joy and we've told everyone lol only one bad reaction so far.

Our lo will be named Nancy Patricia. Patricia was my mil who is no longer with us so dh wants her to have her name as a middle name. I'm fine with that. I think the sentiment is nice.

Can I ask you all about weight gain? The first 4 months I gained about 3lb, but the last 5/6 weeks I have gained huge amounts incredibly fast!! I have now gained about 14/15 lbs. is this normal or should I be concerned about this? I so don't want to be huge again :'( xx
Nats congrats on choosing a name. That is a lovely sentiment.

As for weight gain I'm quite the opposite. At 20 weeks still only gained 3 lbs which I gained during then end of first trimester. So can't help you much :/

How are your eating habits? I know pregnancy only calls for an extra 300 calories so about 2 slices of bread. Big misconception that you can eat whatever you want. Lol. I was worried about it as I usually have trouble keeping weight off so I met with a dietician before getting pregnant to discuss how my diet would change. Basically she told me eat the same but add either and extra snack during the day or more to breakfast. As it turns out I've had trouble eating the whole pregnancy so I generally snack more than eat meals.

I'm sure you'll level off if you get a handle on it now :)
Nats I am gaining a lot too all the sudden. I wasn't and even lost quite a bit. The past couple of appts I've had I've gained about 4lbs at each and I've already gained another 3 or so since my appt on December 17th :wacko: I'm with you. I feel I need to slow down but my eating habits haven't changed and I know I'm actually not eating enough! Just dinner and a few small snacks though out the day :shrug:
After my m/s-battling binge in first tri my weight gain has really slowed but I think it's about to pick up. The past few days I've noticed an intense hunger growing. I just am HUNGRY all the time! And I don't want fruit or veggies. I crave really solid food like cheese or meat and potatoes. I mean, fruit and veggies are good and last night I snacked on fruit which was so good but about an hour later I ate a pizza pocket and then before bed I ate 3 slices of cheese . Then this morning I woke up STARVING!!!! Yikes. And with the holiday binging I've been doing the past few days it's going to be so tough to stay good. With DS I found I could not control my urges. Oh well. I'll just have to lose it afterwards. I did it before, I can do it again....

scan today.....getting more nervous than excited.
Good luck Starry!

Afm- got my scan rescheduled for next Thursday at 2:45.

DH got backed into by a snow plow today :dohh: His car not him :haha: He said it's not that bad but will def need fixed. Car still runs. I feel like it's just not been a smooth past couple of weeks for us :nope:
Yikes. Car trouble isn't fun. Ours isn't starting today. Too cold. Just glad we found out now and not when we need to leave.

I hope your car repairs won't be too costly and that you get a break in general. I find the "when it rains it pours" saying to be too true.
ugh yes it does. Today has already been a rough day. Going on only 4hrs of sleep. DS wouldn't nap and is so cranky. Finally got him down but now I am starving and need to eat so I have to skip my nap and eat instead :(
Ok ladies I need some suggestions. DH gave me $150 for organizing and adding storage to the house. I'm adding shelves to our closet and some bin storage and doing a good "spring clean" basically. Well this means we will have the loft ready to move DS's toys up there. I am going to have a huge empty corner in my living room I have no clue what to do with. Any suggestions? Please excuse my mess :blush: Tornado Logan hit before nap time :haha:


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That's a big room!!! I'd put a nice chair there (if you have one) or a big plant? We have a chaise in the corner of our living room. Great for reading but also has a storage part and is extra seating.

STARRY- good luck today!!! It will be great :). I was nervous going into ours too, but it's so surreal :)
I don't have a chair to put there :( We have this old recliner but it's hideous and broken. I want to throw it out. I have for a long time tbh. It's just a catch all for all our junk. Nobody ever sits in it. We have a couch and everything for sitting on the other side of our living room. I feel like it's just such a weird angle and that part of the wall is where our tv is so I don't want just a bunch of things lined up on one wall if that makes sense? Ugh... I'm so confused! :dohh:
It's tough. Is go for a nice big plant :) or if you have the money we got a little corner fireplace (portable) for a corner like that at our place. Looks nice. About $100-200.
The lo was as usual constantly moving!! It was so neat to feel and see the kicks at the same time!! Very surreal :). Everything looks great, hb exactly 140 bpm as per usual.... Have to go back because baby wouldn't cooperate and we couldn't see the spine/ kidneys properly... BUT...

We did see....


TEAM BLUE!! 95% sure :D

Congrats on team blue!!! So many boys coming in May :)

We have picked names... We are naming our baby boy Asher Dean however not telling anyone IRL until after he's born,, just in case it's an incorrect assessment of gender, or we decide it doesn't suit him... But we plan on having few personalized items before the birth :). We chose one boy and one girl name a few years ago and decided that of we still like them when the time comes, then we're set! Lol

I had no real feelings either way of gender so not surprised :). In my dreams baby has been gender less or not identifiable so now it feels great to better connect with our son :). DH is super excited because he's a huge Batman fan, so excited for batman stuff. Lol. Although even if it were a girl he'd still put her in batman clothes! Lol. A friend actually gave us a onsie of "batman in training" so it's prefect :)

We plan on going over our registry today and adding some boy items :).

Love his name! We have not really told anyone our LO's name either... I do not want to hear their snide remarks since everyone thinks they have a right to naming our child. lol.

Hi all, happy new year sorry ive been away a while!

Hope everyone is good?

We have a name picked out for our little pink bundle of joy and we've told everyone lol only one bad reaction so far.

Our lo will be named Nancy Patricia. Patricia was my mil who is no longer with us so dh wants her to have her name as a middle name. I'm fine with that. I think the sentiment is nice.

Can I ask you all about weight gain? The first 4 months I gained about 3lb, but the last 5/6 weeks I have gained huge amounts incredibly fast!! I have now gained about 14/15 lbs. is this normal or should I be concerned about this? I so don't want to be huge again :'( xx

I love her name! We have not heard too many bad remarks either... only one person was like "oh, why don't you name him this?" and I was like because I do not like that name lol.

I have not weighed myself lately since I went crazy for christmas and new years eve... my mom said the weight comes on very fast after 6 months... so we will see!

Good luck Starry!

Afm- got my scan rescheduled for next Thursday at 2:45.

DH got backed into by a snow plow today :dohh: His car not him :haha: He said it's not that bad but will def need fixed. Car still runs. I feel like it's just not been a smooth past couple of weeks for us :nope:

Ahhh sorry he backed into by the plow! That sucks!! I have never even seen a snow plow :haha:
And sorry DS was sick! Never fun when the little ones are sick

Ok ladies I need some suggestions. DH gave me $150 for organizing and adding storage to the house. I'm adding shelves to our closet and some bin storage and doing a good "spring clean" basically. Well this means we will have the loft ready to move DS's toys up there. I am going to have a huge empty corner in my living room I have no clue what to do with. Any suggestions? Please excuse my mess :blush: Tornado Logan hit before nap time :haha:

I second putting a nice plant or one of those little fire places there... That is what I am going to do at my house with one corner we have. You could also put a lot of pictures on the walls or sayings on the walls if you are into that. Pinterest has a bunch of cute ideas, not sure if you have looked there already.

After my m/s-battling binge in first tri my weight gain has really slowed but I think it's about to pick up. The past few days I've noticed an intense hunger growing. I just am HUNGRY all the time! And I don't want fruit or veggies. I crave really solid food like cheese or meat and potatoes. I mean, fruit and veggies are good and last night I snacked on fruit which was so good but about an hour later I ate a pizza pocket and then before bed I ate 3 slices of cheese . Then this morning I woke up STARVING!!!! Yikes. And with the holiday binging I've been doing the past few days it's going to be so tough to stay good. With DS I found I could not control my urges. Oh well. I'll just have to lose it afterwards. I did it before, I can do it again....

scan today.....getting more nervous than excited.

I know what you mean... I suck with fruits and veggies... I just want whole foods like breads, pizza, pasta, steak, sausage, etc. A pizza pocket sounds soooo good! I will have to get some today at the store!

Cannot wait to see how your scan goes!!! So exciting!!!

We are waiting to hear back from the bank for our condo... please pray that they accept and everything goes smoothly! I need to get into my house and start doing stuff to it! I am starting to feel like time is going pretty fast! :happydance:

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