2014 May Rainbows

Oh no! I can't speak to the progesterone but I can say that if you aren't happy with your doctor you should find another! I stuck with mine through 3 of my pregnancies although she did not deliver my DS. I couldn't stand her receptionist, she was very rude and condescending.
With my losses I found the Dr. to be very cold and unavailable. I knew something was wrong but the receptionist told me I had to wait for my next appt. 2 weeks later no hb. Dr. gave me mesoprostal and sent me home (further research on my part indicates that she should not have done this due to how far along I was, it was horribly traumatic, painful, lead to a very bad infection and a D&C anyways). The Dr was always hours behind. It didn't seem to matter what time of day my appt was I would wait for hours. I began to hate the inside of the waiting room. All this for a 5 minute appt. I made the decision after that to not return and couldn't be happier. Go with your instinct. Baby deserves it!!
I don't know about the progesterone but if you are not comfortable you need to switch. Some of the issues you are having are very similar to the issues I hd with the 1st Dr. I saw for DS. I am SO SO SO glad I switched to the mws. I still did not get the final labor/birth outcome I wanted but damn did they try! They also kept up on all my stuff without any reminders and were very thorough. The original doctor was making my life a living hell.

I had my scan today. Baby looks good. Def still a boy! They are monitoring my placenta tho. It's right on top of my cervix but not touching. Also have to go for a fetal echo because of DS's heart history. We go back in 6wks to check the placenta again. DS has his 18m appt tomorrow.


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Darlin- great news about the positive scan :). Bummer about the placenta.

My OB told me that there's no proof that progesterone helps... But the specialist put me on it as I was spotting and had a previous loss & chemical... And gosh this one stuck... Makes me wonder... Haven't heard about negative affects though... I know the specialist told me that after 10-12 weeks the baby produces it's own progesterone and it's not necessary to continue taking it after that....

And definite switch doctors if you're not happy... We are quite happy with our OB but he can be a bit cold.... Luckily our family doctor and the specialist we saw for the first trimester are amazing and very sensitive and supportive so I can deal with the OB being a bit cold... But he's knowledgable and available, and no waiting, and answers questions, etc.... We saw him with our first loss and he was a bit clinical but gave us all of the options with pros and cons and said it's our decision.... And supported us in any choice... So yeah... No ones perfect, he's definitely good for us...
Sorry to hear about the doctor problems FeLynn! I hope you find someone more professional soon.

As far as medical advice, I have heard a lot of women taper off the progesterone but I never knew why. I wish you luck in finding out the rest of the story.

Wow, nice and clear there Darlin! Wish I could catch a glimpse of my little one again...but no medical reason so far to have another ultrasound.
I do have to say it is hard. I feel like this pregnancy has been a little tough. We originally were hoping for a girl because we only wanted the two. Now I feel like the chances of vbac are slipping through my fingers because of the placenta issues. Super nervous for my gd test Tues. I'm really afraid that will go wrong too.
Really hoping for a VBAC here too. But doctor said yesterday they would be less tolerant of variations in baby's heartrate and would attempt fewer interventions, so I know the risk of a repeat csection is quite real. I hope that placenta moves up for you!

And good luck with gd test. I'm not scheduled for mine for 4 weeks yet...wonder why the difference.
I could have done it anywhere between 24wks and 28wks so I chose to get it out of the way :thumbup:
Darlin, my placenta was low at 12 weeks and the specialist said it wasn't an issue unless it was still low in the third trimester. Fingers crossed it moves for you :)

I'm sure your GD test will be good! It tough but try not too worry. :hugs:

I haven't heard about my test yet. See the ob next at 25 weeks so guess I'm getting it late :/. Hopefully I can get into the clinic to do it. Seems everything in this pregnancy is late. Got my requisition for our anatomy scan at 17 weeks and couldn't get in until after 20!! Now that we need a follow up it will be after 22 weeks!! Again, soonest they could fit us in :/. It's crazy. Even the ob was surprised they couldn't get us in sooner!!
I haven't heard about my GD testing either. I see my OB on Wednesday so I'll probably hear about it then.

Felynn - I'm sorry for the bad experiences you're having with your doctor. I hate when they're so negligent and thoughtless of woman's concerns--especially when she has a history similar to yours. It's not like you're being paranoid or silly. You have a reason to be concerned!

Darlin - that is definitely a boy! lol No mistakes on that one.....;) I would be worried about the placenta previa too but everyone I know who has ever had it ended up not needing the section because it moved on it's own. My Dh's cousin had hers move at the final hour...just a week before her scheduled section.

afm - I am really leaning towards just having another section. VBACs don't scare me for myself but the thought of my baby going into fetal distress and needing another traumatic emergency section just sends me into anxiety attacks. I feel like it's tempting the fates to expect a second happy ending from such a scenario. An elective section would at least be a lot smoother and calmer than one that was an emergency.

And I'm getting flippin' sick of everyone I knowing trying to tell me how I have to go for a VBAC and that it is better for me because "sections are so hard on you". Um....NONE of the women saying this have EVER had a section. I have. I know what the recovery is like and it wasn't THAT bad. Call me "too posh to push" I don't care. My son is here and happy and healthy. And if a section is needed to guarantee the same for this baby then that is what I'll do. Blah!!!

I've read the pamphlets. I know VBACs are supposed to be better for you...on paper. A part of me even wonders what it would be like or if I could do it...I'd almost like to prove it to myself. But then I think about the baby and what happened last time. I just can't do it. I still need to talk to my OB and see what she thinks but yeah...leaning towards the elective.
I've had both and I can honestly say that vaginal is so much easier to recover from. I did have an epidural. So that made the vaginal birth really manageable for me--I am a wimp about pain.

But I understand how you can still be tramautized about an emergency c-section. Mine was unexpected, but not an emergency. Baby was fine all along. We had plenty of time to discuss pros and cons of having one due to a difficult presentation. So I feel like I had a real choice and went into it with eyes open. I think that's all we can hope for, so I'm sure you'll make the best decision for yourself.
Sunny I'd call and ask about it. I guess the results can be affected if it's after 28wks? :shrug: I'm not sure.

Starry: EVERYTHING has it's risks. I lost a lot of blood with my cs. If we had done a vaginal birth Idk how DS would have faired with his heart so i say it was divine intervention he was breech ;) It's all what you think/feel is best based on your experience. I want a vbac because I don't want the epi or spinal. IV drugs only for me please! I have permanent nerve damage from my spinal and it scares me that it could get worse :wacko: The guy who did it was wonderful and I adored him for how amazing he was during the whole surgery but sometimes it's unavoidable.
Starry- you have to do what's best for you.... Whatever that may be.... My SIL will be having her third CS due to placenta issues... And it's what's best for her. I'd rather avoid one but will do whatever is needed for my child :). Please don't let others tell you any bad things about you because you choose a CS
If I knew I wanted a third child I would for sure go for the VBAC. The thought of 3 sections is unappealing and I don't think there are any OBs in North America that would allow a VBAC at that point. But this is our last child so I don't care if my body needs some extra 'down' time. Unless an accident happens, my body won't go through pregnancy again.

Either way, my mom is coming out for the first 2 weeks so for the worst part of the recovery I will have someone to help clean and cook and take care of DS. And with DS I was in the hospital for 5 days so I really didn't have to be on my own for about 3 weeks all together. By that point I could putter around and do the basics just fine.
For sure Starry, this is obviously something that you have out lots of thought into and I'm sure you will make the right choice for you, your body, and your family.... :)

AFM very excited to feel our little guy moving all around so much! So reassuring :). Can't wait until he's here! It's starting to hit me all of the things we'd like to do before his arrival (mostly nursery related projects)... Hoping we get it all done...

I will be crocheting a custom blanket for baby,..
Sewing a pillow with his name on it to match the nursery,
And sewing an owl pillow (again matching the nursery)...

DH will be creating three or four forest themed painting for above the crib, and a growth chart.....

We also got letters to spell baby's name and are debating how we'd like to finish them :)

So excited but so much to do!
Any weekend plans ladies?

I have a friend coming over tomorrow to do a photo shoot. Can't wait to try out my new camera!

Then we have our hospital tour Sunday :happydance:
Darlin that sounds fun!!! I'm so curious to tour our hospital. Our classes don't start until around 30 weeks (soonest we could get in) and I think they give us the info to book our tour. Not sure?? I guess that's only 8 weeks away though!!

We are attending a wedding ceremony this afternoon. A dear friend is getting married mostly for her mother (who is terminally ill). They never really planned on it but it was her mothers request. So it's just the church ceremony. Unfortunately her mother is too ill to attend :(. Hoping to get pictures to her in time. Kind of a bitter sweet afternoon. I'm sure I'll be in tears!!

Then dinner with my parents. And apparently my mom cross stitched a blanket for baby!! So excited to see it :). DH and I will be visiting a yarn/ fabric store to choose yarn/ fabric for two blankets that I will crochet, two pillows that I will sew, and possibly fabric to cover the wood letters we bought!! So exciting!!
We're having people over for dinner tonight. We don't really know them but they're new to the area so we thought it would be nice to try and get to know them and make them feel welcome. We have met with them once or twice before (they go to our church) so it should be fun. I've got some cornish hens in the slow cooker.
That sounds nice Starry. I wish we had more couple friends. Neither of us has many friends period. We are pretty modest/conservative and it's hard to find people that we mesh well with. We don't smoke and can't be around it because DS only has the one lung and we are pretty laid back most of the time. We don't like large groups. We like to stay in and have game nights etc. Most are dying to get out usually, not our thing really.

My plans changed :( It's super cloudy here so we have to do pictures another time. I am going to lunch with the same friend tho so I still get to do something :) Might stop and pick up a project on my way home for Avery.
Have fun with your friend!

We don't have a lot of couple friends either. We have couples we get along with and sometimes spend time with but we don't mesh with them like we did with our friends back home. Part of the issue is my dh is a pastor and you just can't get buddy-buddy with people in your church. It's a weird dynamic and it's kind of hard to explain unless you're in it. It's part of the job. And it's a small town so there isn't really anyone else outside the church. Also, everyone is busy farming so it's tough to get together. We have each other but it can get lonely.

Our best couple friends are actually my brother and his wife (I married my brother's best friend, ha ha....my brother was the best man at our wedding) but they live a 2 hour flight away. We're actually planning on moving back in a year or two. :)
We don't even have family we are close to that we can hang out with :( We don't mesh "that" well with our siblings anyway lol I'm not on speaking terms with my sister right now actually.

The girl I am going to lunch with today I've known since high school. We were in choir together and shared a room on our big Florida trip my junior year. I started dating DH in high school too so we all get along really well. Her boyfriend is awkward but he is really sweet and his nerdyness meshes well with DH's :haha:

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