2014 May Rainbows

We don't have a lot of friends either. Well DH does. Most of 'my friends' are the spouses of dhs friends. We have a few couple friends but most aren't married. One if our closest friends dated DH in high school!! Lol. But we all get along great. They just had a baby girl in October so great to talk to. And she's a doctor do awesome advice :)

We usually stay in and about once a month we invite friends over for games night. And once a month go visit someone. Lol. But it's what we like :)
My closest girl friends I've had since highschool and one since we were toddlers. One of my best friends now lives in New Zealand so I don't know when I'll see her again but we Skype when we can. It's hard to find a time that works due to the crazy time difference. But once we're back home I at least will have the chance to see her when she comes for a visit. I was so bummed that I missed her last visit. We had been back home for a visit just the month before. We had tried to coordinate our trips so we could see each other but she was hemming and hawing for so long that we just had to make a decision and we went while DS could still fly for free.
Ugh... guess we can't go tomorrow. I was checking the time and address and realized we aren't allowed to bring Logan with us. Unless we can miraculously get a sitter for 1pm tomorrow it's not happening and we can't get scheduled back in until February.
Darlin that sucks!!! Too bad :(

Starry- my best friend lives a few hours away and I only manage to see her a few times a year :/. It's hard.
My mom just got back to me and is taking him for us so we can go :happydance:
Yay Darlin!! That's exciting :). Can't wait to hear what it's like :)
It was a lot of fun! Hospital was very nice. My only complaint is from 9am-3pm the close down the nursery so baby has to stay in my room :( That was the time I usually slept or showered and things. Plus that's when I will be alone after a long night. I like to keep LO with me in the evenings. DH will still be going to work so he won't be coming by until after 3pm to see us.
That's not so bad Darlin... Here our babies don't have a nursery. Only NICU if needed. All babies are in your room the whole time. And most women go home after 24 hours unless there's a problem. You can even request to go home after 4 hours if all is well :)
Huh, there's actually not a time that you can't send the baby to the nursery here. Maybe because we have larger hospitals? Or better staffed? I don't know but I've been to two different ones and hadn't heard of such a thing. I'm going to appreciate it more now though!
We are delivering at a really good hospital and it's very large. One of the best in the country which shocks me even more. They say they do it because they want you to bond with your baby and learn to properly care for them before going home but idk :shrug: I guess I just see it as not every newborn has the same schedule and you have to find what works for you at first. I wouldn't have batted an eye with DS because I had 24hr help but I won't this time. I also stayed 5 days with him tho after my cs (4nights) so I see it differently. Jus because they say 24hr for a vag and 48hr for a cs that isn't always how it goes.

Our washer just broke :brat: It's going to cost hundreds to fix or we can just buy a new one. either way it's expensive and I am stressed out now. I wanted to do more for baby :( This was the month we were supposed to catch up bills and buy baby things because DH got an extra check.
Sorry to hear about your washer... So frustrating! Ours broke the first week in our house, they always seem to have the worst timing :/

As for nurseries I think the idea here is also about bonding and they really push breast feeding here... You're only in the hospital for a short time, so it's really one day/ night and they are avoiding the shock of a newborn hitting once people are at home. My SIL had a CS and still had the baby in her room the whole time... Luckily her DH was there the whole time to help... You can buzz the nurse to come and help you but it's all in your room.

I wish we had a nursery for a break while recovering from labour! A few hospitals here still have nurseries but they encourage parents to keep the baby in their room for the most part.
how are all you ladies? I know this baby is sticking but it really hasn't hit me yet I guess bc I know at anytime something can happen. I will be 21 weeks on Wednesday. I think once march hits maybe it will put me in baby mode as for now I wont buy anything or think of names.
Hang in there FeLynn. I've only had the one loss and chemical and everyday worry that something could still go wrong. It's tough, but we will get there :). Are you feeling baby move much yet? I have found the daily reminder that he's ok very
Comforting... Although, if he has a quiet day I worry. Lol. I'm aiming for 26 weeks as baby has excellent chances t that point :).
I know what you mean. I get so worried sometimes because I get horrible braxton hicks. Like tonight I decided I wanted to make DH and I a yummy dinner and just being on my feet in the kitchen made them horrendous :( Even sitting and resting in between tasks doesn't curb them much. I had them with DS but not until much later.
Darlin that would be scary!! I wouldn't be able to work in that case :/ on my feet most of the day.
Have to admit that dinner was well worth the discomfort! :haha: I made homemade chicken pot pie topped with homemade rosemary biscuits. It didn't make as much as I thought it would but it was still good and we both have super full bellies. DH is a little disappointed there's not enough leftovers for lunch tho :rofl: The biscuit dough made enough so I could split in half and freeze half. I haven't been able to eat veggies like that this whole pregnancy it was so nice! :D
How is everyone? What does you OH's vacation/time off look like for when LO comes? I know some of the other countries allow paternity leave an things but we don't have that here. DH has to just use his vacation and sick time.

Feeling pretty frustrated right about now. I've been telling DH to figure out his vacation and get it under control for months so we can properly plan everything. He finally did it today when I reminded him for the 100th time. Well he only has 18hrs! The way it accumulates he won't even have a full 30hrs by the time Avery comes so he won't even have a full freaking 40hr work week. I'm so mad. He took all that time off at Christmas and it was so irresponsible. He assured me he had the time so I was ok with it. It completely ruins all our plans. I wanted to take some time together alone once taxes come back without DS but now we can't because he doesn't have the time. Not to mention he will end up using some of that anyway for things like the fetal echo etc. that we have to go to. I was really hoping for a chance to maybe squeeze in some alone time for our 1yr anniversary :(
I hope you feel more confident soon, FeLynn. I've started to feel a little more urgency lately about getting the house in order and buying some supplies. Always takes longer than you think. But I won't be getting a shower since this isn't my first so I can't count on much help there. Whatever isn't a hand-me-down from my own or friends' kids will have to be bought by us.

I want a babymoon too, Darlin65, just don't know if it's realistic. OH is a professor, so he can't take a break from teaching during the week. That leaves weekends, which are more expensive, but my kids have all these activities they need ferrying around to. So it will really be up to whether family can babysit a couple of nights.

If I stay at my job I'll get 12 weeks, only partly paid. Hubby gets a whole semester off for paternity so he could take next fall or the spring afterward. But he won't be able to take any time off at birth, though his schedule is flexible during the times he's not teaching. I actually don't know how we're going to get the kids off to school with a newborn--it's already crazy in the mornings! Already looking forward to summer vacation...
We have paternity here but it's one year between mom & dad. The first 6 weeks must be mom but parents can take the time together. So you could take 6 months each at the same time or any other division so long as the first 6 weeks are mom (they are different then parental leave as they are intended for healing from pregnancy/ birth). We are very lucky. But it's only 60% of your salary. Since I'm taking the full year then doing daycare at home DH is just taking 2 weeks vacation when baby arrives.
I never got maternity with my first because I had to go on bed rest and on worker's compensation and even that ran out before my son was here. Perhaps I could have applied for maternity on my own (I was a little fuzzy on all the rules) but we were also distracted by moving across the country at the time. I think it would have been a logistical nightmare! I'm a SAHM now so it doesn't really matter. DH will probably take a few days off to be with me in the hospital and once my mom comes to help he'll probably go back to work.

My OB appointment is today. Getting really anxious to find out the gender! But we're supposed to have a winter storm today so I really hope the driving conditions are not too bad. We got caught in white-out conditions on a recent drive to the city and that was so stressful! And we don't have winter tires...oi.

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